Gender Comm

  1. What is the role of information in choice?
    Most of the time, people shoose people they know the most about. The source of that information is COMMUNICATION.

    Initiating relationships depends more on the information gathered through communication process than on any other factor -- even physical appearance.
  2. What are the 7 Relationship Roadblocks?
    • 1. High expectations
    • 2. This should be easy
    • 3. Fear of failure
    • 4. If I relax, good relationships will FIND me.
    • 5. The Bozo Pill
    • 6. It's got to happen now!
    • 7. Giving up too much, just to have a dating relationship
  3. Roadblock 1: High Expectations
    Setting unrealistically high expectations for others and our relationships -- setting ourselves up for failure.
  4. Roadblock 2: This should be easy
    Effective communication isn't easy and the more you have riding on the success ofyour relationship, the more difficult comm seems to be.
  5. Roadblock 3: Fear of Failure
    Failure is part of the relational process, however painful it might be. Even though it's cliche, we do learn from failure.
  6. Roadblock 4: If I just relax, a Good relationship will find me
    Don't merely wait and expect friendship or romance to find you. Poactive, balanced approach of introspection, planning, patience, communication skill development, and maybe a bit of faith is likely to generate better results than just waiting for something to happen.
  7. Roadblock 5: The Bozo Pill
    Becoming tongue-tied while talking to someone attractive make things go from bad to worse. With a better understanding of gender comm and more practice to develop your relational skills, Bozo moments will be fewer.
  8. Roadblock 6: It's got to happen now!
    Wanting too much too soon (and soemtimes getting it) can be a big problem. Not taking adequate time to nurture a relationship can sabotage a potentially wonderful relationship before it has had its chance.
  9. Roadblock 7: Giving up too much just to have a dating relationship
    Being too willing to compromise one's self sexually or in other ways in order to get a dating relationship started....

    No one should bend to pressure or be motivated by the desire to impress another person or to achieve some form of social status by doing thing we really don't want to do.
  10. Prospecting for relationships in Cyberspace: not being seen
    Internet vastly increased opportunities for relationship development and has impacted user's general understanding of romantic relationships.
  11. What is the major advantage of Cyber-relating?
    It lessens the importance of physical appearance in relationship initiation.
  12. What is the most interesting aspect of Internet communication?
    The possibility for identity alteration and gender bending -- it's possible for people to take on totally different identities online.

    Internet relationships can be just as meaningful and significant as in-person relationships.
  13. Attraction
    Motivational state that causes someone to think, feel, and behave in a positive manner toward antoher person
  14. Sexual Attraction
    Feeling drawn to antoher person because you want to have sexual contact with him or her
  15. Interpersonal Attraction
    The degree to which you desire to form and possibly maintain an interpersonal relationship with another person
  16. Proximity
    Space (territory) around you; physical and psychological distance between you and others
  17. Communication distance
    Number of members within a communication network that potential partners have to go through to reach each other
  18. Matching Hypothesis
    Tendency to form relationships, particularly romantic relationships, with person youfeel are simliar in physical attracticeness to you.
  19. Similarity
    Tendency to be more interested in someone whose upbringing, attitudes, beliefs, and values are more similar to yours than different
  20. Uncertainty reduction
    People's responses to low predictability and high uncertainty about other people and circumstances.
  21. Passive Strategy
    Uncertainty reduction strategy of gaining information by observing people, but not directly communicating
  22. Active Strategy
    Uncertainty reduction strategy that involves a third party or toher indirect means of gaining information
  23. Interactive Strategy
    Uncertainty reduction strategy that engages the interested party directly in communication, either one-on-one or in a group, to gain more information
  24. Conversation starters
    Use of opening lines or questions to get a conversation off the ground
  25. What makes a good conversationalist?
    Having the ability to ask great questions -- by listening intently to speaker to respond appropriately showing you are really listening and interested.
  26. Flirting
    Means of showing attraction to and interest in another person

    --People also flirt b/c it's innocent fun, to make 3rd party jealous, to develope social skills, or trying to persuade someone to do something for them.
  27. What are the three ways we communicate interest?
    • 1 Conversation starters
    • 2 Asking questions
    • 3 Flirting
  28. Communicative Competence
    How effectively and appropriately one communicates
  29. Self-disclosure
    Voluntarily providing information to others that they would not learn if you did not tell them
  30. Empathy
    Understanding and feeling what another person is feeling
  31. Perspective-talking
    Dimension of empathy involving the cognitive ability to adopt the viewpoint of another person
  32. Emotional Contagion
    Dimension of empathy which occurs when one person experiences an emotional response parallel to that of another person
  33. Empathetic Concern
    Dimension of empathy involving a sympathetic and altruistic concern for another person
  34. Listening
    45% of Comm is listening

    Effective listening and appropriate responding are critical skills in relationship development and success.
  35. Back-channel cues
    Vocalizations such as "uh-huh" and "yeah," which indicate listening and can reinforce and draw out more information from speaker
  36. Visual dominance ratio
    The amount of eye contact one makes while speaking versus while listening
  37. NV Comm
    Messages exchanged without words
  38. Nonverbal Expressiveness
    NV comm you give off to others, knowingly or unknowingly
  39. NV sensitivity
    Ability to detect and accurately interpret NV cues of others
  40. Relationship stability
    Comfort in the familiar
  41. Relationship movement
    Change comes from a person feels relationship is lacking in some respect, or no longer meets their needs
  42. Friendship
    Liking and wishing to do well by someone else wnad believing those feelings and good intentions are reciprocated.

    Friendship affirms and validates in a more distinctie way than even the most positive romantic or blood tie
  43. Friendshifts
    The ways friendships change as person go from one life stage to antoher.
  44. INSERT CH6
  45. Significant other
    Term that emerged in the 1970s to describe a relational partner
  46. Relational Partner
    Preferred term for someone involved in a romantic, nonmarried relationship
  47. Romantic relationship
    Nonmartial relationship that may range from dating to a more long-term, committed relationship which may or may not include sexual activity
  48. Monogamous Relationship
    Romantic relatiosnhip in which the partners only date one another and not others; may also imply a sexual relationship in which partners are only involved sexually with each other
  50. Relationship tension
    Issues that arise within romantic relationships that need negotiation
  51. Autonomy
    Need for independence and time alone from one's partner
  52. Connection
    Need for affiliation and assoication with one's romantic partner, which often involves time spent together
  53. Power
    Power OVER, instead of power TO, in which one partner exerts contol or influence over the other
  54. Empowerment
    Power TO, versus power OVER; mutual control or shared influence within a relationship
  55. Egalitarian relationship
    Romantic relationship or marriage in which parters have equal power and authority and share responsibilities equally, without regard for sex roles, income levels, job demands and so on
Card Set
Gender Comm
Quiz 2