chap 14.txt

  1. What does a safe environment imply?
    • Implies: Freedom from injury with focus on helping to prevent falls, electrical injuries, fires, burns, and poisoning
    • What implies this?
  2. Each year The joint commission releases what in regards to safety?
    • Each year this organization releases national patient safety goals for health care facilities.
    • Who does?
  3. The national patient safety goals released by TJC is based on what?
    • It is based on evidenced-based practices developed form a review of national databases and assist facilities in maintaining patient safety
    • What is?
  4. What are examples of sentinel events?
    • Examples: medication errors and errors in procedures and treatments that led to death of an individual, and inappropriate application of safety reminder devices
    • Examples of what?
  5. It is important to perform a fall risk assessment when?
    • It is important to perform this upon admission to the unit and whenever there has been a significant change in the patients condition
    • Perform what?
  6. What is the correct technique in the use of the gait belt?
    • 1. apply gait belt securely around pts waist, 2. walk to the side of pt with one are around waist and other on belt and walk on pts weaker side 3. pt support self by leaning on or holding your arm 4. walk with your closes leg just behind pts knee 5. walk with your knees and hips flex.
    • Correct technique for what?
  7. When a pt is wearing a gait belt and you take them to ambulate which side do you walk on?
    • Walk on their weaker side
    • When?
  8. For left handed pts, when you take them to ambulate which side do you walk on?
    • Walk on their left side
    • When?
  9. Sentinel event
    Any unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof
  10. What is the difference between baby�s being burned vs older adults being burned?
    • Baby�s � move pot handle away from the edge so baby cant tip it over
    • adults � help with drinking hot liquids as soup, coffee, or tea
  11. Safety reminder device
    Any of the numerous devices used to immobilize a patient or prat of the patient�s body, such as arms or hands.
  12. Posey
    • Most common type of SRD which is a soft restraint.
    • Name?
  13. Primary reason for SRD�s?
    • Primarily for considerations of patient safety. Also to safeguard the continuity of treatment ( feeding tubes, IV lines), restrict pts movements to protect other pts and staff from harm
    • What is?
  14. What is the reason for a disoriented pt to use SRD�s?
    • Their use prevents pt from wondering and prevents or reduces the risk of the pat falling form a bed, chair, or wheelchair
    • Use of what and for what type of pts?
  15. What are some issues with SRDs?
    Result in increased restlessness, disorientation, agitation, anxiety and a feeling of powerlessness. Disuse of body parts has the potential to increase disability and lead to further patient weakness and unsteadiness. Some pts pull against SRDs which cause skin and circulation problems
  16. Occupational safety and health administration
    • Federal organization that provides guidelines to help reduce safety hazards in the workplace.
    • Name?
  17. What is tried before using SRD�s?
    • Everything is tried before using them especially alternative strategies such as weight-sensitive alarm
    • Before using what?
  18. Weight sensitive alarm
    • Electronic device which is placed under the bed and if the pt tries to get up it will alarm and let the nurse know
    • Name?
  19. Ambularm
    • Monitoring device that fits around the pts leg directly above the knee. When the pt swings a leg over the side of the bed, an alarm sounds from a battery that snaps to the leg band
    • Name?
  20. OBRA states what acceptable reasons for the use of physical restraints?
    • They say it can be used if: all other interventions have been attempted, other disciplines have been consulted for their assistance, supporting documentation has been completed
    • Who says and what can be used?
  21. What is needed before a SRD can be used on a pt?
    • A physicians order must be there before the use of it
    • Before the use of what?
  22. Hazard communication act
    • Part of OSHA which requires hospitals to inform employees about the presence of or potential for harmful exposures and how to reduce the risk of exposure
    • What is?
  23. CDC
    • Centers for disease control and prevention
    • Abbrev?
  24. What are the levels of latex sensitivity?
    • Levels: contact dermatitis, type IV hypersensitivity; and type I hypersensitivity
    • Levels of what?
  25. Latex sensitivity � contact dermatitis
    • A nonallergic response characterized by skin redness and itching
    • Term?
  26. Latex sensitivity � type IV hypersensitivity
    • Cell-mediated allergic reaction to chemicals used in latex processing. Delayed reaction � including redness, itching, and hives � up to 48 hours is possible. Localized swelling, red and itching or runny eyes and nose, and coughing often develop
    • Term?
  27. Latex sensitivity- type I hypersensitivity
    • A true latex allergy that is possibly life threatening. Rxns are likely based on type of latex protein and degree of individual sensitivity including local and systemic. Symptoms include hives, generalized edema, itching, rash, wheezing, bronchospasm, difficulty breathing, laryngeal edema, diarrhea, nausea, hypotension, tachycardia, and respiratory or cardiac arrest.
    • Term?
  28. Which level of latex sensitivity is said to be a true latex allergy?
    • Type I hypersensitivity is said to be this
    • Said to be what?
  29. Battery
    • Unwelcomed physical contact from another person
    • Term?
  30. Assault
    • Threat or gesture someone causes you to fear being struck
    • Term?
  31. What are the safety measures one should follow when dealing with agitated or aggressive people?
    • One should: stand away from the person, position yourself close to the door, locate panic button, keep hands free, talk in a calm voice, leave as soon as you can and make sure the pt is safe, and notify supervisor or security officer
    • Do this when?
  32. How is hepatiatis B and C transmitted?
    • Both are usually transmitted by contaminated needles
    • What is?
  33. Universal carry
    • Method of removing a patient from a bed to the floor. It is a quick and effective method for removing a pt who is in immediate danger. This technique can be used b anyone regardless of pt size
    • Methods name?
  34. How does mercury enter the body?
    • It enders the body through inhalation and absorption through the skin
    • What does?
  35. What is the mercury spill cleanup procedure?
    • Procedure: 1. evacuate room except for housekeeping 2. ventilate the area. Close interior doors and open any outside windows 3. DO NOT VACUUM SPILL (after mercury is recovered) 4. mop floor with mercury-specific cleanser 5. dispose of collected mercury according to local environmental safety regulations
    • Procedure for what?
  36. OSHA
    • Occupational safety and health administration
    • Abbrev?
  37. Centers for disease control and prevention
    Federal agency that provides facilities and services for the investigation, identification, prevention, and control of disease. Also provide guidelines for working with infectious patients
  38. RACE
    • Rescue patients, sound the Alarm, Confine the fire, and Extinguish or Evacuate
    • Abbrev?
  39. How to operate fire extinguisher?
    PASS: pull the pin to unlock the handle. Aim low at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle. Sweet the unit from side to side
  40. Poisoning
    • Condition or physical state produced by the ingestion, injection, inhalation, or exposure of a toxic substance
    • Term?
  41. What is one of the major causes of death in children under 5 years of age?
  42. Disaster situation
    • Uncontrollable, unexpected, psychologically shocking event that is unique and likely to have a significant impact on a variety of health care facilities.
    • Term?
  43. Codes
    • System of notification to transmitted rapidly
    • Term?
  44. Terrorism
    • Violent or dangerous act used to intimidated or coerce a person or government to further a political or social agenda
    • Term?
  45. Bioterrorism
    • Use of biological agents to create fear and threat
    • Term?
  46. High risk syndromes
    • Groups of signs and symptoms resulting from a common cause or appearing together to present a clinical picture of a disease
    • Term?
  47. Examples of high risk syndromes?
    • Examples: anthrax, botulism, plague, and smallpox
    • Examples of what?
  48. Anthrax
    • A high risk syndrome; acute infectious disease caused by bacillus anthracis, a spore-forming, gram positive bacillus
    • Term?
  49. How are humans infected by anthrax?
    • Humans can be infected through skin contact, ingestion or inhalation
    • What disease?
  50. Botulism
    • A high risk syndrome; caused by clostridium botulinum, an anaerobic gram positive bacillus that produces a potent neurotoxin
    • Term?
  51. What is the most common form of botulism?
    • Foodborne form is the most common form of it
    • Form of what?
  52. Plague
    • A high risk syndrome; an acute bacterial disease caused by the gram negative bacillus Yersina pestis
    • Term?
  53. Smallpox
    • A high risk syndrome; an acute viral illness caused by the variola virus
    • Term?
  54. A single case of what is a public health emergency
    • A single case of smallpox is
    • Is what?
  55. What disease has the potential to cause severe morbidity in a nonimmune population
    • Smallpox has the potential to cause this
    • Cause what?
  56. Epidemiologic
    • Distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in populations
    • Term?
  57. Endemic
    • The expected or normal incidence native to or occurring naturally to a specific area or environment
    • Term?
  58. Epidemic
    • Disease that emerges rapidly at an uncharacteristic time or in an unusual pattern
    • Term?
  59. What are the different types of fire extinguishers?
    Type A, B, and C
  60. Type A fire extinguisher
    • Extinguishes For paper wood, or cloth fires
    • What type of fire extinguisher?
  61. Type B fire extinguisher
    • Extinguishes Flammable liquid fires grease and anesthetics
    • What type of fire extinguisher?
  62. Type C fire extinguisher
    • Extinguishes For electrical
    • What type of fire extinguisher?
  63. Halon fire extinguisher
    • Extinguishes For laser accidents
    • What type of fire extinguisher?
  64. What are the syndromes developed if more than 0.75 Gy is absorbed?
    • Hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, cerebrovasuclar and central nervous systems, and skin syndromes occur
    • Why would these occur?
  65. Hematopoietic
    • Occurs depending on how much Gy absorbed Deficiency of white blood cells and platelets, which leads to bleeding, anemia, infections, impaired wound healing, and immunodeficiency
    • Term?
  66. How much radiation is needed for the patient to start having symptoms occur?
    • Pt needs more than 0.75 of it for symptoms to occur
    • For what to occur?
  67. How much radiation needs to be absorbed for the paitent to most likely die?
    8 Gy usually pt will die
  68. How much radiation needs to be absorbed for it to be fatal?
    • Absorption of 30 is always fatal
    • 30 of what?
  69. Gastrointestinal
    • Occurs depending on how much Gy absorbed Loss of mucusoal barrier and cells lining the intestine, which results in fluid and electrolyte loss, vomiting, hematemesis, diarrhea, melena, loss of normal flora, and sepsis
    • Term?
  70. Cerebrovascular and central nervous system
    • Occurs depending on how much Gy absorbed. Cerebral edema, hyperpyrexia, hypotension, confusion and disorientation
    • Term?
  71. Gy
  72. How often does a nurse need to monitor a patient with SRD?
    • Check Every 30 min. check for circulation
    • For what?
  73. How often does a nurse need to release the SRD?
    • Release Every 2 hours and have them exercise that part of the body
    • For what?
  74. External disaster
    • Originates outside the health care facility and results in an influx of casualties brought to the facility
    • Term?
  75. Internal disaster
    • Represents an extraordinary situation that is brought about by evens within the health care facility which has the ability to threaten the safety of pts, visitors, and facility property
    • Term?
  76. Falls associated with older adults can be attributed to:
    • Attributed to: Unsteadiness in gait; age related changes (with sight); and vertigo
    • What is attributed to these?
  77. Majority of patient falls occur during?
    • Majority occur during transfer either to a bedside commode or to a wheelchair
    • What occurs then?
  78. List all chemical terrorism
    • List: pulmonary agents, incapacitating agents, cyanide agents, nerve agents, vesicant agents
    • All are what?
  79. Pulmonary agent
    • Cause SOB, chest tightness and wheezing and in some cases pulmonary edema. Take up to 2 to 24 hours to appear. Fluid in lungs lead to hypovolemia and hypotension. Require mechanical ventilation and supportive care
    • Term?
  80. Incapacitating agents
    • Agents impair rather than kill or seriously injure victims. Decreased organ function, hyperthermia, hallucinations, altered perceptions and erratic behavior
    • Term?
  81. Cyanide agents
    • Either ingested or inhaled. Have severe respiratory distress without cyanosis, pungent odor � death will occur in 5 to 10 min
    • Term?
  82. Nerve agents
    • Cause death in min. symptoms: increased saliva production, chest pressure, rhinorrhea, vomiting, muscle weakness, incontinence, and convulsions. Symptoms will usually appear up to 10 hrs following exposure to a low concentration
    • Term?
  83. Vesicant agents
    • More lethal because sometimes remain in the environment. Affect skin, eyes, and airway and large doses damage the bone marrow. Severe necrosis and sloughing
    • Term?
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chap 14.txt
fund chap 14