unit 1 spanish verbs

  1. acercarse
    to approach
  2. alcanzar
    to reach
  3. andar
    to walk/ to go
  4. aparecer
    to appear
  5. asustar
    to frighten
  6. dar un paseo
    to take a walk
  7. dejar de
    to stop doing something
  8. destruir
    to destroy
  9. eliminar
    to eliminate
  10. emocionarse
    to excite
  11. entrenarse
    to train
  12. escalar
    to climb
  13. estar orgulloso
    to be proud of
  14. hacer un esfuerzo
    to make an effort
  15. impresionar
    to impress
  16. inscribirse
    to register
  17. obtener
    to obtain
  18. pasarlo bien/mal
    to have a good/bad time
  19. perder el equilibrio
    to lose balance
  20. perderse
    to get lost
  21. refugiarse
    to take refuge
  22. salir campeo'n
    to become the champion
  23. suceder
    to succeed
  24. tener lugar
    to take place
  25. vencer
    to beat, to conquer
Card Set
unit 1 spanish verbs
Unit 1 Spanish Verbs