Now with AT&T, if you get unlimited txt, what amazing feature do you also get along with it?
B) Unlimited calling to any mobile phone regardless of carrier
Unlimited calling to any mobile phone let's you do what?
C) call any and every cell phone for free
With unlimited txt and calling to any mobile any time, can you still get your rollover minutes?
Of course you can keep those, just another wonderful AT&T advantage
True or False:
Unlimited calling to any mobile only works on 1 phone line.
- False
- It applies to an entire family plan as long as you have unlimited family txt.
With Unlimited Calling to any mobile, will I still get my A-List 5 & 10 numbers?
Of course you will, just another awesome AT&T advantage.
Will the unlimited txting and calling to any mobile cost more than the previous unlimited txting plan?
Nope, same great price for an even better value!
Is this just a promotional offer?
Nope, the unlimited txt and calling to any mobile is not a promotional offer, it's available from now on!