- Variety of species
- Emotions in animals and man
- Animals are related and face common issues of adaptation
- led to comparative psych
- Mental evolution
- animal intelligence
- data collection method
- anecdotal/naturally observed
- introspection by analogy
- simple w/ complex
- Disliked Romanes thinking
- law of parsimony
- .... should not interpret behavior in higher mental process, if possible in terms of lower process
Darwin/ social darwinism
- New scientific Psychology
- teacher, gave psychology a point of view
- Stream of consciousness, continuous
- not restricted to introspection/ comparative
- Emotions---see bear--run--afraid
- Reflex arc- activity cannot be broken into parts, must be seen as a whole
- Antireduhonistic- s--> r/s--> r/s-->
- Difference between s and r are functional
- s-r= reflex
- development of adaptive behavior
- begins disorganized----then automatic
- education
- function of consciousness is to improve the adaptive abilities of the organism
- mental activity- biological
- Mind and body?
- not dualistic, distinction is only a convenience
- mind is a mediator
- Mental activity
- occurs as organisms adopt and adjust
- activity is psychophysical
- Methods
- Introspection/objective/experimental/ A&P
Adaptive behavior
Produced by stimulus and continues until motivating conditions are satisfied/stimulus no longer effective
- Physiology, important to psych
- 1. stimulus is not the cause, just part
- 2. no s-r reaction is isolated or discrete
- 3. s-r reaction can be broken in middle/ not unified
Mechanisms and drives
- how things are done--- mechanisms
- why they are done---- drive