Quiz 1 Cardiac

  1. SA node
    normal pacemaker of the heart
  2. AV node
    • regulates impulse transmission to the ventricles
    • delays impluse slightly to allow for atrial contraction
  3. Bundle of His
    continues conduction from SA/AV to ventricles
  4. Perkinje fibers
    terminal branches, innervates all aspects of ventricular tissue
  5. Sinus cardiac conduction
  6. PR interval
    • atrial depolarization
    • delay to the AV node
    • 0.12-0.2 seconds
  7. QRS
    • ventricular depolarization
    • contraction
    • 0.06-0.1 seconds
  8. P wave
    atrial depolarization
  9. T wave
    • ventricular repolarization
    • resting and filling
  10. QT interval
    • ventricular depolarization, then repolarization
    • < 0.44 seconds
  11. Wave form analysis image
  12. Heart rate calculation
    • 300 divided by # of large boxes
    • or
    • 1500 divided by # of small boxes
  13. Rhythm interpretation
    • rate
    • rhythm (reg or irreg)
    • PR interval
    • QRS
    • QT
  14. Normal sinus rhythm
  15. Sinus arrest rhythm
  16. Atrial fibrillation
  17. Atrial flutter
  18. Unifocal PVC
  19. Bigeminal PVC
  20. Coupled PVC
  21. PACs
  22. Wandering pacemaker
  23. Junctional rhythm
  24. First degree AV block
  25. Second degree AV block, Type I
  26. Second degree AV block, Type II
    • has extra nonconducting P waves
  27. Complete/third degree heart block
    • random P waves
    • random QRS complexes
  28. Ventricular tachycardia
  29. Ventricular fibrillation
  30. Ventricular asystole
  31. ECG on-demand pacing
  32. Torsades de pointes
    • prolonged QT interval, followed by polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
    • caused by CNS disease, certain meds, or low electrolytes
    • tx - correct e- imbalance, isoproterenol IV, or use ventricular pacing
  33. Class I antiarrhythmics
    • block sodium channels
    • slow or normalize conduction, depolarization, repolarization
    • e.g. dilantin, lidocaine
  34. Class II antiarrythmics
    • decrease sympathetic activity in SA/AV nodes
    • prolong refractory period
    • treats ST, Afib/flutter
    • e.g. propanolol
  35. Class III antiarrhythmics
    • prolong action potention
    • used in VT, VF, Afib
    • e.g. amiodarone, ibutilide, sotolol
  36. Class IV antiarrythmics
    • calcium channel blockers
    • slow AV node conduction
    • e.g. verapamil
  37. Misc. antiarrhythmics
    • slows AV conduction
    • e.g. adenosine
  38. ST elevation
    • acute MI
    • injury: arterial occlusion with ischemia
  39. ST depression
    ischemia: lack of oxygen to the cardiac tissue
  40. Meds for acute MI
    • ASA
    • Plavix (ADT blockers/theinopyridine antiplatelet)
    • Heparin
    • Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors (eptifibatide, abciximab)
    • Fibrinolytics (Activase - clot busting)
  41. Stroke volume
    the amount of blood ejected with each heartbeat
  42. Cardiac output
    • amount of blood pumped by the ventricles
    • liters per minute
  43. Preload
    degree of stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers at the end of diastole
  44. Contractility
    ability of the cardiac muscle to shorten in response to an electrical impulse
  45. Afterload
    the resistance to ejection of blood from the ventricle
  46. Ejection fraction
    the fraction of end-diastolic volume ejected with each heartbeat
  47. Cardiac index
    • cardiac output adjusted to body size
    • better parameter than cardiac output
  48. Meds to increase BP
    • epinephrine
    • norepinephrine (dysrhythmias, severe HTN, HA)
    • dopamine (caution w/ ischemic heart disease)
  49. Post-op complications for CABG
    • dysrhythmias (AF)
    • pre + post beta blocker therapy
    • heparin for pts in Afib for more than 24 hours
    • ventricular disrhythmias w/ electrolyte imbalances
  50. Cardiac tamponade
    • restriction of heart function due to fluid from pericardial effusion (accumulation of fluid in pericardial sac)
    • decreased venous return, decreased cardiac output
    • falling systolic BP, narrowing pulse pressure, rising venous pressure, SOB, visible neck veins
  51. Cardiomyopathy
    • progressive events that result in impaired cardiac output
    • can lead to heart failure, sudden death, dysrhythmias
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Quiz 1 Cardiac
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