
  1. three bones of the ankle joine
    • talus
    • tibia
    • fibula
  2. subtalar joine
    • talus
    • calcaneus
  3. where are the sesmoids located
    distal aspect of the first metatarsal
  4. primary medial ligament
    deltoid ligament
  5. mechanism of a syndesmotic ankle sprain
    increased external rotation or forced dorsi flextion
  6. gastrocnemius
    • origin: femoral condyle
    • insersion: posterior aspect of calcaneus
    • action: plantar flexion, weak flexion of the knee
    • Nerve: tibial nerve
  7. Soleus
    • Origin: interoseus membrane
    • Insertion: posterior aspect of calcaneus
    • Action: plantar flextion
    • Nerve: tibial nerve
  8. Posterior tibialis
    • origin: posterior borders of tibia and fibula
    • insertion: base of 2,3,4 metatarsals. 2,3 cunieforms. cuboid
    • action: plantar flexion, inversion
    • nerve: tibial nerve
  9. Anterior talofibular ligament
    prevents anterior movement of the talus
  10. calcaneofibular ligament
    prevents excessive inverson of the calcaneus
  11. anterior tibiofibular ligament
    high angle sprain this ligament is damaged
  12. interoseous membrane
    • fassia
    • holds bone together
    • connects the tibia and fibula and runs the whole length of the leg
  13. posterior talofibular ligament
    prevent posterior displacement of the talus
  14. deltoid ligament
    resistance to eversion of the foot
  15. lateral compartment
    • peroneus breves
    • peroneus longus
    • peroneus artery
    • fibula
    • superficial peroneal nerve
  16. superficial posterior compartment
    • soleus
    • gastrocnemious
    • tibial nerve
  17. anterior compartment
    • deep peronial nerve
    • extensor digitorum longus
    • extensor hallucis longus
    • tibialis anterior
    • anterior tibial artery
  18. deep posterior compartment
    • tibialus posterior
    • posterior tibial artery
    • flexor digitorum longus
    • flexto hollicus longus
  19. lower leg stress syndrom: tissues damages
    • anterior tibialus
    • posterior tibialus
    • fibula
    • tibia
  20. thompson test
    achilles tendon

    squeeze calf and see if foot moves or plantar flexes. if achilles is ruptured it wont move
  21. achilles tendonitus
    • greater risk of rupture
    • tender to touch
  22. medial longitudinal arch
    • bones:
    • calcaneus
    • talus
    • navicular
    • 3 cuniforms
    • 1,2,3 metatarsals

    • supporting tissues:
    • plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
    • posterior tibialus
    • plantar fassia
Card Set
Lower leg and foot.