
  1. what is /bin, /boot/, /dev, /etc, /home
    • bin :- contains binaries or executables
    • boot :- contains files needed by the bootstrap loader; contains the kernel images
    • dev:- reference system devices ( access system devices and resources such as hard disks, mice, printers, consoles, modems)
    • etc:- contains configuration files that the system uses when the computer starts
    • home:- on home partition- used to offer disk space to users.
  2. what is date, cal, who, clear, man, whatis, ls
    • date - displays the system time and date
    • cal - generates a calendar for the current year or for a year specified by the user
    • who - provides a listing of those logged in to the operating system
    • clear - clears the terminal screen, display, or terminal window
    • man - shows information from the online documentation
    • ls - list to display directory contents, -l view, -S to sort by size, -X by extensions, -r in reverse order, -t to sort by time, -a to show hidden files, -i to view the inode
  3. wildcard - a special character that can stand for any other character or , in some cases, a group of character. (*)
  4. what is the sign of the home directory
    what is the command to make sure what shell your are in
    chmod permission
    • ~
    • echo $SHELL
    • chmod +0 is no permissions, 1 is execute, 2 is write, 3 is write and execute, 4 is read, 5 is read and execute, 7 is read, write and execute.
  5. how to connect to a Unix System
    • Through a telnet or ssh connection
    • through a client software on a unix/Linux server/server network
    • as a peer on a peer-to-peer, local area network in which each comptuer has the Unix/Linux operating system isntalled.
    • on a stand-alone pc that has the Unix/Linux operating system installed
    • through a dumb terminal connected to a communications port on a unix/linux host
  6. virtual memory
    swap accomplishes this by providing swap space on a disk and treating it like an extension of memory. called a swap because the system can use it to swap information between disk and Ram
  7. Device Special Files
    devices are managed through the use of these files
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linux review