Bio Exam 2

  1. Which
    of the following best
    describes the overall reaction in plants during photosynthesis,
    including both light and dark phases?

    A. H20 + C02
    ---) 02
    + Carbohydrate ---) H20 + C02 + Energy
    C. H20
    Carbohydrate ---) 02
    + C02
    + Energy D. 02 +
    Carbohydrate ---) H20 + Energy+ C02

    E. 02 + H20 + Energy
    C02 + Carbohydrate
    A. H20 + C02 + Energy ---) 02 + Carbohydrate
  2. Most plants are
    green because:

    A. green
    light is absorbed

    red and blue light
    are reflected

    all wavelengths of light are absorbed

    D. all wavelengths of light are reflected equally

    E. green light is reflected.
    E. green light is reflected.
  3. The enzyme responsible for fixing carbon in the Calvin cycle
    A. lactate dehydrogengenase

    B. phosphofructokinase


    D. chlorophyll
  4. During the light phase of photosynthesis electron
    flow is best described by:

    A. Photosystem II ---) Photosystem I ---) Water
    ---) NADPH
    B. Water ---) Photosystem II ---) Photosystem I ---) NADPH
    C. Photosystem I ---) Photosystem II ---) NADPH-) Water
    D. Photosystem II ---) Photosystem I ---) NADPH---) Water
    B. Water ---) Photosystem II ---) Photosystem I ---) NADPH
  5. In
    some plants the C4 or CAM' systems have evolved to avoid: A.
    loss ofNADPH

    shortage of oxygen

    shortage of ATP

    shortage of glucose

    E. shortage of C02
    E. shortage of C02
  6. During the light phase of photosynthesis the flow of electrons along the electron transport chain is
    used to:

    A. produce glucose

    B. produce C02

    C. move protons (H+) across
    a membrane to produce ATP D. produce NADP+
    C. move protons (H+) acrossa membrane to produce ATP D. produce NADP+
  7. True or false: In the chloroplast during
    photosynthesis chlorophyll uses captured light energy to excite electrons.

    A. true

    B. false
    A. true
  8. During what stage of the cell cycle does the duplication of chromosomes occur?

    C. S
  9. For a growing
    human cell the cell cycle takes about:
    A. 1 hour
    B. 1 day
    C. 1 week
    B. 1 day
  10. The stage of Mitosis when the nuclear
    membrane breaks down and chromosomes condense is:

    E. Prophase
  11. During cytokinesis the division of the cytoplasm

    A. true
    B. false
    A. true
  12. The
    major difference between
    mitosis and meiosis

    ·· A. during
    meiosis 4 diploid daughter
    cells are produced

    B. during meiosis 4 haploid cells are produced

    C. during
    mitosis 4 haploid cells are produced

    during mitosis 4 diploid daughter
    cells are produced
    B. during meiosis 4 haploid cells are produced
  13. Homologous chromosomes or Homologs pair and recombine:

    A. during the second meiotic

    B. during mitosis

    C. during
    the first meiotic

    D. during all phases of meiosis and mitosis
    C. duringthe first meioticdivision
  14. If Mendel crossed a smooth pea with a wrinkled pea and all the progeny
    were smooth the most accurate interpretation would

    A. smooth
    is dominant

    B. smooth
    is recessive
    A. smoothis dominant
  15. If Mendel crossed
    a homozygous smooth pea with a homozygous wrinkled pea all the progeny would be expected
    to be:

    A. homozygous smooth
    B. homozygous wrinkled
    C. Heterozygous
    C. Heterozygous
  16. True or false: The nucleus of a normal human cell contains 46 chromosomes.

    A. true B. false
    A. true
  17. True or false: In humans XX individuals are usually male and XY individuals are usually female.

    A. true
    B. false
    B. false
  18. Assume that color is a Mendelian
    genetic train in voles. A male gray vole is found.
    When the gray male is mated with a gray female V.. of
    the offspring are brown,% of the offspring are gray.

    When the gray male is mated
    with a brown female Yi of the offspring are brown, Yi are gray. What
    do these matings tell us about the coat color genes?

    gray is dominant and the male is homozygous
    B. gray is dominant and the male is heterozygous
    C. gray is recessive and the male is homozygous
    D. gray is recessive
    and the male is heterozygous
    B. gray is dominant and the male is heterozygous
  19. If 2 carriers for a recessive
    trait mate, what are the chances their child will show the trait?

    B. 25%
  20. Assume that a trait is recessive and sex-linked.
    If the allele is distributed equally
    throughout the

    how would
    we expect the trait to appear?

    A. the trait will be appear more frequently in males

    B. the
    trait will be appear more frequently
    in females

    C. the trait will be appear with equal frequently in both males and females
    A. the trait will be appear more frequently in males
  21. The Griffith experiment that used mice and two strains ofbacteria (smooth and rough) to show transformation demonstrated:

    A. heating
    cells kills them by denaturing
    (destroying) their DNA

    B. heat which kills virulent
    bacteria destroys DNA

    C. heat which kills virulent bacteria
    does not destroy DNA

    D. heat which kills virulent
    bacteria destroys protein

    E. heat which kills virulent bacteria
    does not destroy
    C. heat which kills virulent bacteriadoes not destroy DNA
  22. The most common
    structure for DNA is the double helix, in this structure:

    A. nucleotides are joined by covalent bonds involving phosphate forming a single strand and 2 strands are bound by H bonds
    between purine and pyrimidine bases

    B. nucleotides are joined by H bonds between
    purine and pyrimidine bases

    forming a single strand and 2 strands
    are bound by covalent bonds involving phosphate

    C. nucleotides
    are joined by covalent
    bonds involving purine
    and pyrimidine forming
    a single strand and 2 strands are bound by covalent bonds involving phosphate

    D. nucleotides are
    joined by covalent
    bonds involving phosphate forming a single strand and

    2 strands are bound by covalent bonds between purine
    and pyrimidine bases
    A. nucleotides are joined by covalent bonds involving phosphate forming a single strand and 2 strands are bound by H bondsbetween purine and pyrimidine bases
  23. Given the following
    sequence: 3'- GCATGT -5', which will base pair best with it?

    A. 5'-CGTACA-3'

    B. 5'-TACGTC-3'

    C. 5'-GCATGT-3'
    A. 5'-CGTACA-3'
  24. About how many nucleotide pairs does the human genome contain?

    C. 3.4 billion
  25. True or False: For
    a gene that codes for a protein
    three nucleotides of DNA serve as a template for three nucleotides in the mRNA and these will specify one amino acid in the protein.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  26. The process of duplicating
    the chromosomal DNA is called:

    A. transcription

    B. translation

    C. replication

    D. transformation

    E. transduction
    C. replication
  27. The process of producing
    an RNA molecule from a DNA template
    is called:

    A. transcription

    B. translation

    C. replication

    D. transformation

    E. transduction
    A. transcription
  28. 28. Assume
    that mammalian cells are grown in culture
    in the presence of
    fluorescent nucleotides for several generations so that all of the DNA in all the chromosomes is fluorescent. When these cells
    are examined under a microscope, all of the chromosomes in the nucleus
    glow. If one of these cells is placed in regular media for one generation, what will
    the chromosomes of the two daughter cells look like?

    A. all the chromosomes in both daughters will glow

    B. all the chromosomes in only one of the
    daughters will glow, the other cell will not

    C. only some of the chromosomes in both cells will glow
    A. all the chromosomes in both daughters will glow
  29. True or False:
    During Translation the nucleotide sequence
    in the messenger (mRNA) determines the order of the amino acids in
    the protein. The transfer tRNA brings the amino acids to the ribosome.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  30. True or False: The promoter
    region in prokaryotes is a region of
    DNA where the RNA polymerase binds to start transcription.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  31. True or False: In eukaryotes transcription factors must bind at the promoter region before the polymerase will begin transcription.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  32. True or False: changing the nucleotides sequence of the promoter region may prevent the gene from being transcribed.

    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
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Bio Exam 2
Bio Exam 2