What is Worship
- Putting God first
- Acknowledging God for who He is; what He has done and for what He will do (Psalm 145v3)
- Public & Private
- From the hearth (Joel 2v13)
Why do we Worship
- We are created to worship (Revelation 21v3)
- God commands us to worship (Deuteronomy 6v5)
- It’s our (natural) response to God (1 John 4v19)
- To encounter God (Psalm 22v3)
- To bring God pleasure (Psalm 147v11)
- It brings deliverance (1Samuel 16v23)
- It brings victory (2 Chronicles 20v21-22)
- It changes us (1 John 3v2)
How to Worship
- It’s a lifestyle (1 Corinthians 6v18-20)
- Spending time with him
- Through music and your words
- Be creative (Psalm 19v1)
6 Words for Worship in the Psalms
- Halal To boast.
- Yadah Stretch out hands
- Tehillah Celebtrate extravaganly
- Towdah To wave hands
- Zamar To write music
- Barak To salute / to kneel
- 1 = The Court --- place of separation
- 2 = Holiest of Holy --- Our personal space with God
- 3 = Ark of Covenant --- Symbol of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit (tablets, manna, anmd Aaron's rod)
- 4 = Golden Altar of Incence --- Prayer (Rev.8v3-4)
- 5 = Holy Place --- Gold - sumbol of purity (Ex. 37)
- 6 = Table of Showbread --- Bread of Life (Jn 6v35)
- 7 = Golden Candlestick --- HS (Rev 1v12)
- 8 = Brazen Laver --- blood cleanses (Eph. 5v26)
- 9 = Brazen Altar --- dealing with Sin (Hbrews 10v22)