Bible Interpretation

  1. 7 Principles of Bible Interpretation
    • Be guided by the Holy Spirit
    • Look for the natural sense
    • Take it literally if the text allows it
    • Let Scripture interpret Scripture
    • The Bible is Progressive
    • Check the literal context
    • Check the historical context
  2. Exegesis vs Hermeneutics
    Exegesis = Then & There - original intention

    Hermeneutics = Here & Now - make it applicable
  3. What is a dictionary
    • Information on Bible topics
    • To get the historical context
  4. What is a concordance?
    An alphabetical list of principal words in its immediate context
  5. What is a lexicon?
    An alphabetical list of words that has the same meaning
  6. 5 Challenges of Bible interpreters
    • There is no original text anymore
    • There are more than 1000 copies
    • The medieval text differ significantly from the Septuagint (no doctrinal differences)
    • Decisions on variances has to be made
    • Textual criticism (typo / physical)
  7. Steps to interpret the Bible
    • Read the passage literally
    • Find out the historical context
    • Look at key words
    • Read commentary
  8. Modernism
    Everything can be reasoned objectively
  9. Liberalism
    Rejects much of the Bible as mythology because it can't be known objectively
  10. Fundamentalism
    Takes everything literal
  11. Post-Modernism
    Rejects teh modern assumption that only what is historical and objective is true
  12. Pentacostalism
    • Fundamental & Evangelical
    • Postmodern orientation
    • Emphasis is on experience of an encounter with God
  13. Narrative
    • No key doctrine
    • Lower level --- Middle level --- Top level
    • Illustrations of themes (redemption / sin)
    • Don't report what should have happened
    • A narrative is not always a good example to follow
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Bible Interpretation
Bible Interpretation