CH 8 Appendicular Skeleton Lecture

  1. What does the pectoral girdle consist of?
    scapula and clavicle attaching upper limbs to axial skeleton & provides attachment sites for muscles
  2. What kind of bone shape is the clavicle and scapulae?
    • clavicle - long
    • scapulae - flat (with 3 borders)
  3. What makes up the upper limb?
    arm, forearm, and hand
  4. What is the forearm attached by?
    the forearm (from elbow to wrist, radius and ulna) is attached to each other by interosseous membrane
  5. What does the pelvic girdle consists of and attach to?
    2 coxal bones (os coxae) that attach to the axial skeleton by very strong ligaments and bear the bodies weight & have deep joint sockets for the lower limbs.
  6. What is the difference between a true pelvis and a false pelvis?
    • true - inferior to pelvic brim & holds pelvic organs
    • false - refers to the greater pelvis that is superior to pelvic brim & forms part of the abdomen & contains abdominal organs
  7. What does the lower limbs consist of?
    carry the entire weight of the body & includes femur, tibia, fibia, and foot
  8. What is hip dysplasia?
    coimmon birth defect in which the acetabulum is incompletly formed or the ligaments are loose allowing femur to slip out of its socket.
  9. What is a club foot?
    congenital disorder that is caused by heredity or malpositioning of the fetus in the womb. soles of feet point medially and toes point inferiorly.
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CH 8 Appendicular Skeleton Lecture
chapter 7 appendicular skeleton lecture