What is the theme of Haggai?
The Remnant in Jerusalem become unclean and withhold finances for rebuilding the temple, but Yahweh gives them his Spirit when they repent, and gives special prominence to Zerubbabel as his representative (1:4; 2:4).
What is the theme of Zechariah?
Yahweh desires to restore and cleanse Jerusalem and restore his temple/palace to a status in which he reigns from it over all nations; but the exiles must repent of their evil ways (1:3).
What is the theme of Joel?
Yahweh will judge his people and then restore Jerusalem with salvation and prophetic power universally for all who call on him (2:1, 28-32).
What is the theme of Malachi?
The returned Jewish remnant has become unfaithful once again and will experience judgment, but those remaining faithful will become Yahweh‟s treasured possession (4:1-3).
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that material blessing is tied to generosity in funding the worship of Yahweh.
One of the 6 purposes of the book of Haggai
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show the mercy and forgiveness of Yahweh towards the remnant who repent.
One of the 6 purposes of the book of Haggai
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show the blessing, empowering and protection of Yahweh’s presence through his Spirit.
One of the 6 purposes of the book of Haggai
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that nations will have a role in the rebuilding of the Temple.
One of the 6 purposes of the book of Haggai
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that, on the eschatological day of Yahweh, all hostile nations will be destroyed and Zerubbabel will be Yahweh‟s chosen representative in his restored Kingdom.
One of the 6 purposes of the book of Haggai
Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide the readers with a biblical worldview/theology concerning God, the universe, humanity, the problem of humanity, the solution to the problem of humanity, rituals, and ethics.
One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that repentance is necessary to enjoy the blessing of the Lord.
One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Zechariah
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Yahweh will restore the Temple, Jerusalem and Israel and that he will be king.
One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Zechariah
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that all nations will be a part of the restoration of Israel.
One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Zechariah
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that the king of Israel with be a priestly king.
One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Zechariah
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that repentance includes taking care of the poor and weak in society.
One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Zechariah
Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide the readers with a biblical worldview/theology concerning God, the universe, humanity, the problem of humanity, the solution to the problem of humanity, rituals, and ethics.
One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Yahweh will judge sin in his people.
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Joel
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Yahweh will restore his people
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Joel
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Yahweh will pour out a prophetic spirit on all people.
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Joel
Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide readers with a biblical worldview/theology concerning God, the universe, humanity, the problem of humanity, the solution to the problem of humanity rituals, and ethics.
One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that the punishment of the exile has not resulted in a faithful national Israel.
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Malachi
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show the importance of proper teaching, proper marriage, and honoring God with our wealth.
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Malachi
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that all nations will worship Yahweh.
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Malachi
Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that another day of judgement will come for Judah.
One of the 4 purposes of the book of Malachi