Lecture 3 – Ezekiel and Obadiah Intensive

  1. What is the theme of Ezekial?
    Ezekiel speaks judgment to disobedient Jewish exiles and calls them to faithfulness in order to once again enjoy the blessings of life in Lord Yahweh‟s restored Kingdom (33:11; 36:10-11).
  2. What is the theme of Obadiah?
    In the coming day of judgment Edom will be punished for its role in Israel‟s destruction and Yahweh‟s kingdom will be established over the nations surrounding Israel (1:9, 21)
  3. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show the supremacy, power, and beauty of Yawheh.
    One of the 5 purposes of the book of Ezekiel
  4. Who’s purpose is this describing? To give reasons for Yahweh’s judgement on Israel and the nations.
    One of the 5 purposes of the book of Ezekiel
  5. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show the grace, mercy, compassion, and relational nature of Yahweh toward his unfaithful people and the nations.
    One of the 5 purposes of the book of Ezekiel
  6. Who’s purpose is this describing? To give vision of the future glory of God’s Kingdom.
    One of the 5 purposes of the book of Ezekiel
  7. Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide readers with a biblical worldview/theology concerning God, the universe, humanity, the problem of humanity, the solution to the problem or humanity, rituals, and ethics.
    One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
  8. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Yahweh has not abandoned Judah/Israel.
    One of the 4 purposes of the book of Obadiah
  9. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Edom will be punished for its injustice committed against Judah.
    One of the 4 purposes of the book of Obadiah
  10. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that on the day of Yahweh his kingdom will rule over Edom and the nations neighboring Judah/Israel.
    One of the 4 purposes of the book of Obadiah
  11. Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide the readers with a biblical worldview concerning God, Universe, Humanity, the Problem of Humanity, the Solutions to the Problem of Humanity, Rituals, and Ethics.
    One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
  12. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? He had an exalted and lofty understanding of the holiness of King Yahweh 21.1.1 There is an intensity and power in the way Yahweh reveals himself in Ezekiel (1:6-28).
    The prophet Ezekiel
  13. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? Has a long series of strange prophetic experiences with Yahweh. Amazing visions (1:1-28; 37:1-14) and Unusual instructions including: Eat the scroll (3:1), Build model siege works against a brick (4:1-3). and Lying on the side for 390 and 40 days respectively (4:4-6)
    The prophet Ezekiel
  14. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? ______ gives us a sustained look at the grace, mercy, compassion and relational nature of Yahweh (48:35; cf. 11:20; 14:11; 36:23, 27-28)
    The prophet Ezekiel
  15. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? ______gives unique emphasis to the role of the Spirit of Yahweh: the Spirit leads, the Spirit enters into ___, leading and guiding, the Spirit transports _____, the Spirit speaks to _____, and the Spirit gives life.
    The prophet Ezekiel
  16. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? ____ is unique in his emphasis on individual responsibility.
    The prophet Ezekiel
  17. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? Eschatological Kingdom of Yahweh. 21.6.1 Land will be restored to a faithful covenant keeping Israel (37:20-23). Spirit poured out on Israel when they are restored (39:25-29), The Metaphorical David shall rule (34:23) ______ is unique in the extended description of Yahweh’s eschatological Temple/Palace (40-48) , The metaphorical river of life (47:2-12; cf. Rev. 22:1-3)
    The prophet Ezekiel
  18. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? Ethics and Civil Society: Ethics in relating to the marginalized, Sexual ethics, Financial ethics.
    The prophet Ezekiel
  19. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? The universal rule of Yahweh over all nations.
    The prophet Obadiah
  20. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? The outworking of the Abrahamic covenant.
    The prophet Obadiah
  21. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? Judgement of Yahweh on the nations.
    The prophet Obadiah
  22. What Prophet’s Content/Worldview/Theology is this an aspect of? The Kingship of Yahweh.
    The prophet Obadiah
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Lecture 3 – Ezekiel and Obadiah Intensive
Lecture 3 – Ezekiel and Obadiah Intensive, VLI