Lecture 2 – Jeremiah and Habakkuk Intensive

  1. What is this an aspect of? ______ could have had a relatively comfortable life. He was well connected socially and politically.
    An aspect of Jeremiah’s life and ministry
  2. What is this an aspect of? The message of judgement on Judah and Jerusalem, which Yahweh gave him and which he delivered, cost him dearly in a number of significant ways.
    An aspect of Jeremiah’s life and ministry
  3. What is this an aspect of? ______ was not an “Israel right or wrong” patriot. In fact, he was radically liberal in promoting the idea that Jewish people can keep covenant with Yahweh while submitted to pagan Babylon without the Temple and without Judean government.
    An aspect of Jeremiah’s life and ministry
  4. What is this an aspect of? Yahweh commanded him to remain single, culturally very bizarre, as a sign of spiritual/moral barrenness of Judah. He became a social pariah and suffered imprisonment and torture as a result.
    An aspect of Jeremiah’s life and ministry
  5. What is the theme of Jeremiah?
    The Kingdom of Judah and other nations will end because of sin; but, for Judah/Israel and the nations, a new covenant with a new Davidic king will come (1:7-10).
  6. What is the theme of Habakkuk?
    Why does Yahweh use a wicked nation like Babylon to bring judgment (1:12-13)?
  7. Who’s purpose is this describing? To warn Judah of her syncretism, idolatry, and social injustice.
    One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Jeremiah
  8. Who’s purpose is this describing? To warn the nations about their sins.
    One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Jeremiah
  9. Who’s purpose is this describing? To prophecy about Yahweh’s new covenant for his remnant and the nations.
    One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Jeremiah
  10. Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide a account of the opposition that Jeremiah experienced and Judah’s downfall.
    One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Jeremiah
  11. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that covenant faithfulness is possible under a pagan government (Baylon).
    One of the 6 purposes of the prophet Jeremiah
  12. Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide readers with a biblical worldview/theology concerning God, the universe, humanity, the problem of humanity, the solution to the problem of humanity rituals, and ethics.
    One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
  13. What is this describing? The Talmud states that this prophet reduced all of the Mosaic Law to one commandment: the righteous shall live by his faith. This indicates the significance of this verse was not missed by the rabbinical circles. This became a key concept for Paul (Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11), and later the Reformation.
    The significance of Habakkuk in the history of interpretation.
  14. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that, in spite of dire circumstances, we must live by faith in Yahweh.
    One of the 4 purposes of Habakkuk
  15. Who’s purpose is this describing? To show that Yahweh will judge social evil.
    One of the 4 purposes of Habakkuk
  16. Who’s purpose is this describing? To give the explanation that even though God uses evil people to execute judgement, they will also be judged in the end.
    One of the 4 purposes of Habakkuk
  17. Who’s purpose is this describing? To provide readers with a biblical worldview/theology concerning God, the universe, humanity, the problem of humanity, the solution to the problem of humanity rituals, and ethics.
    One of the purposes of all of the prophets and every book in the bible except not listed for Malachi
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Lecture 2 – Jeremiah and Habakkuk Intensive
Lecture 2 – Jeremiah and Habakkuk, VLI