
  1. A shoe which is too stiff at the metatarsophalageal joints can hinder...
    The energy savings of the EHL/Close Pack/ Att interplay

    • The muscles which function during the magic moment
    • Toe strength
    • Gastrocnemeus function
  2. Which of the following is false:
    • A) The weight of the shoe affects the hip abductors
    • B) The ability of the shoe to absorb shock affects the hip abductors
    • C) The hip abductors bring the heel in for a landing
    • D) The hip abductors help the opposite swing leg clear the ground
    • E) None of the above
  3. Which of the following is false...
    • a) The gastrocnemeus initiates heel off
    • b) The ehl is the main muscle responsible for ankle dorsiflexion at initial swing.
    • c) The soleus locks the ankle at 90degrees
    • d) the hamstrings fire at late swing deceleration phase
  4. Which features would lead to ankle instability
    Frontal plane uncoupling in a running shoe
  5. Which of the following statements is true:

    A) the leg is the are between the ankle and the knee
  6. Which of the following statements is true:

    E) The frontal plane divides anterior and posterior
  7. Which of the following statements is true?

    B) a muscle contraction can involve lengthening of the origin-insertion distance
  8. Origin: Leg insertion; plantar aspect of the hallux distal phalanx
    FHL - Flexor hallucis longus
  9. orgin: Hell- Insertion; plantar aspect of the proximal phalanges 2, 3,4,5
    FDB Flexor digitorum Brevis
  10. Origin: Tibia- Insertion; Dorsal aspect of Hallux distal phalanx
    EHL Extensor Haluccis longus
  11. Origin: Midtarsal Joint - Insertion dorsal aspect of phalanges 2,3,4,5
    EDB Extensor digitorum brevis
  12. Hinge Joint
    • First metatarso-phalangeal joint
    • Ankle joint
  13. Gliding Joint
    • Subtalar Joint
    • Midtarsal Joint
  14. Ball and Socket joint
    Hip Joint
  15. Ligament
    String that connects bone to bone
  16. Tendon
    Connects muscle to bone
  17. Dorsiflexion
  18. plantarflexion
  19. dorsal aspect of the foot
  20. Plantar aspect of the foot
  21. Distal
  22. Proximal
  23. Which of the following is not a function of the snug heel counter?

    D) Prevent sagital plane uncoupling
  24. Heel bone
  25. Medial bone of the leg
  26. Lateral bone of the leg
  27. Ankle bone
  28. Long bones which meet the toes
  29. Toe bones
  30. Bone at the keystone of the medial arch
  31. Bone at the keystone of the lateral arch
  32. Three small bones at the midtarsal joint
  33. Most tightly locked metatarsal
    second metatarsal
  34. Most loosely locked metatarsal
    first metatarsal
  35. Styloid process
    Fifth metatarsals
  36. Forms a joint with cuboid
    Fourth and fifth metatarsal
  37. Tailor's bunion
    Fifth metatarsal
  38. sesamoids
    First Metatarsal
  39. When the subtalar joint and foot are pronated the heel is
  40. What are the three types of internal lasts
    • Board Last
    • Slip Last
    • Combination last
    • Strobel Last
  41. Slip Last Advantages/Disadvantages
    Flexibility, lightweight/less stability
  42. Board Last Advantages/Disadvantages
    Stability/Reduced performance, Weight
  43. Combination last Advantages/Disadvantages
    advantages of slip board with fewer disadvantages
  44. Strobel Last Advantages/Disadvantages
    Board Lasted rearfoot, Slip lasted forefoot, covered with stitched on soft cloth
  45. The first toe should dorsiflex
    65 degrees
  46. What is the name of the most commonly sprained ligament in the ankle?
    anterior talofibular ligament
  47. True/false
    Stiff soled running and walking shoes weaken the toes
  48. Which of the two muscles send their tendons down to the midfoot to lock the midtarsal joint at heel off?
    posterior tibial and peroneous longus
  49. The most common shin splint muscle is the
    anterior tibial
  50. True/False
    the gastrocnemius and soleus share the same tendon
  51. name three kinds of construction lasts for running and other shoes
    Curved, Semi-curved, Straight
  52. At least nine features which inhibit foot pronation in the modern running shoe were discussed. Name five of these features.
    Rigid heel counter; internal last; inside sockliner; foxing; sockliner; overlays/ lacing; construction last; dual density midsole/ Shank stability; varus pitched heel
  53. T/F
    If a muscle starts a motion it cannot slow down or stop the same motion.
  54. Each gait cycle begins with
    Heel strike
  55. The three basic parts of a gait cycle stance phase are
    • Heel Contact
    • Midstance
    • Puch Off
  56. The difference between running and walking is that walking has a
    Double support phase and running doesn't have a double support phase
  57. Concentric contraction
    • Motor
    • Origin Insertion distance shortens
    • Ankle dorsiflexors just after heel strike
  58. Eccentric contraction
    • Shock absorber
    • Origin insertion distance lengthens
    • Ankle dorsiflexors just after heel strike
  59. Fires at heel contact
    Peroneous brevis
  60. Fires at heel off
    Peroneous longus
  61. Stabilizes lateral ankle
    peroneous longus and peroneous brevis
  62. In late stance the main force extending the knee is
  63. Knee flexion at heel off is initiated by
  64. The determinants of gait are small motions which take place within the gait cycle whose chief advantage is to
    Save energy by decreasing the distance the body weight has to be lifted
  65. When one gait determinant is restricted
    The other determinants take over leading to compensatory injury
  66. The gait determinants take place in
    Sagital, frontal and transverse planes
  67. Running is divided into two main phases called
    Contact phase and aerial or flight swing phase
  68. Which of the following is false?

    E) none of the above are false
  69. Which of the following is true about running impact force?

    C) 2 times body weight at heel contact, 3 times body weight at midstance
  70. The base of gait is the distance between the support or stance phase feet. Which of the following statements is true?

    C) Running has a narrower base of gait than walking, this is called runners varis required for balance and energy conservation
Card Set
Midterm review