Oral path exam 3-3

  1. changes that affect the oral flora so that organisms that are usually nonpathogenic are able to cause disease
    • opportunistic infection
  2. most common affecting tissues of the oral cavity?
    Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections
  3. Infectious chronic granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  4. when kidneys and liver become involved
    miliary TB
  5. involvement of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes – swelled
  6. -infection caused by a filamentous bacterium Actinomyces israelii
    -formation of abscesses that tend to drain by the formation of sinus tracts
  7. the colonies or organisms appear in the pus as tiny bright yellow grains
    • sulfur granules
    • Actinomycosis
  8. - caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum
    -transmitted by direct contact – sexual, also blood transfusion or transplacental inoculation
  9. firm mass that eventually becomes an ulcer found on tongue and palate
    - a destructive lesion that can perforate the palatal bone
    • gumma
    • (syphilis)
  10. -can be transmitted from infected mother to the fetus by crossing placental barrier
    -causes serious/irreversible damage to the child (facial/dental abnormalities)
    -Hutchinson’s incisors and Mulberry molars
    congenital syphilis
  11. - painful erythematous gingivitis in which there is necrosis of the interdental papillae
    -caused by a fusiform bacillus and spirochete (Borrelia vincentii)
    -gingival painful and erythematous – foul (fetid) odor
    -cratering of interdental papillae
    -Tx: débridement and ABC therapy – tetracycline
    Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative gingivitis
  12. - inflammation of mucosa around the crown of a partially erupted, impacted tooth
    -most common with mand. 3rd molar
    - operculum – soft tissue flap covering partial eruption
    -Tx: débridement, irrigation, ABC use, EXTRACTION
  13. -acute inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
    - most commonly a result of the extension of a PA abscess
    -microscopic exam reveals:
    nonviable bone
    necrotic debris
    acute inflammation
    bacterial colonies in marrow spaces
    Tx: drainage and ABC therapy
    Acute Osteomyelitis
  14. -long standing inflammation of bone
    due to:
    inadequately treated Acute Osteo
    Paget’s Disease
    Sickle cell disease
    Bone irradiation
    -bone is painful and swollen
    -radiographically – diffuse, irregular (RL)
    -when lesion becomes (RO)
    Dx based on biopsy
    Tx: Débridement and ABC Tx
    Some cases require hyperbaric O2
    chronic osteomyelitis
  15. Also called “thrush”Occurs as an overgrowth of the yeast-like fungus
    Most common
    • Candidiasis
    • Candida Albicans
    • fungal Infections
  16. - presents as an erythematous lesion with a white surface that is easily revived by rubbing with a 2x2
    -commonly Tx: NYSTATIN
    fungal infections
  17. -most common type affecting oral mucosa
    -also known as Denture Stomatitis – associated with denture or partial
    • Chronic Atrophic Candidiasis
    • (fungal infection)
  18. white lesion that does not wipe off
    • Chronic Hyperplastic Candidiasis
    • (fungal infection)
  19. -erythema/fissuring at labial commissures
    -nutritional deficiency as well
    • Angular Cheilitis
    • (fungal infection)
  20. -severe form occurring in patients who are severely immunocompromised (HIV)
    -chronic oral and genital mucosal candidiasis
    • Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis
    • (fungal infection)
  21. -histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, and cryptococcosis
    all characterized by 1° involvement of the lungs
    -oral lesions are chronic, non healing ulcers that can resemble Squamous cell
    -Tx: antifungals – amphotericin B or ketoconazole
  22. -rare fungal disease
    -inhabitant organism from soil
    -occurs in diabetic/debilitated patients
    -involves nasal cavity, max. sinus, hard palate
  23. Verruca Vulgaris, Condyloma Acuminatum, Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia:
    • Papillomavirus
    • (viral infections)
  24. 1. papillary oral lesion caused by a papilloma virus
    2. oral lesions are less common than skin lesions
    3. lips are one of the most common intraoral sites
    4. white, papillary, exophytic lesion resembling a papilloma
    -Tx: excision of lesion surgically
    Verruca Vulgaris
  25. 1. a benign papillary lesion that is caused by another papillomavirus
    2. transmitted by sexual contact
    3. more common in anogenital region, transmitted to oral cavity via oral sex
    4. lesions on tongue, buccal mucosa, palate, gingival, and alveolar ridge
    -surgical excision
    Condyloma Acuminatum
  26. 1. characterized by presence of multiple whitish to pink nodules distributed throughout oral mucosa
    2. most common in children
    3. asymptomatic and usually resolve on their own
    Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia
  27. what are the 2 forms of HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTION?
    oral lesions and genital lesions
  28. more contagious in vesicle stage
    can affect fingers – herpetic whitlow
    can also affect the eyes
    Recurrent Herpes Simplex
  29. highly contagious disease causing vesicular/pustular eruptions of the skin/mucous membrane
    • chicken pox
  30. unilateral, painful eruption of vesicles along the distribution of a sensory nerve
    -Adults, Occurs with immunodeficiencies and Hodgkin’s disease and Leukemia
    -Affects branches of Trigeminal – V1, V2 or V3
    Herpes Zoster
  31. named after the town in New York
  32. Vesicles appear on the soft palate
    Fever, malaise, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
    • (coxsackievirus)
  33. Epidemics in children less than 5 years
    Oral lesions with macules or papules on skin of feet, toes, hands and fingers
    Resolves within 2 weeks
    Usually no Tx
  34. Highly contagious disease – for paramyxovirus?
    Small erythematous macules with white necrotic centers?
    • Measles
    • Koplik's spots
  35. Viral infection of parotid gland – paramyxovirus
  36. - Infectious mononucleosis, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and hairy leukoplakia
    -?? sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy, enlarged spleen, malaise, fatigue
    -palatal petechiae
    • Epstein – Barr
    • ?MONO?
  37. -irregular, corrugated, white lesion most commonly occurring on lateral border of the tongue
    -Immunocompromised patients – HIV
    Hairy Leukoplakia
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Oral path exam 3-3
Oral Path exam 3-3