CFI ICT101 Test 1

  1. What is the primary role of the Cardiovascular system?
    To maintain Homeostatsis
  2. Fluid contents of the body:
    -) Water
    -) Plasma
    -) Interstital Fluid
    -) Intercellular Fluid
    • -) 60% (45 L) of total body weight
    • -) 7% of total body fluid
    • -) 25% of total body fluid
    • -) 66% of total body fluid
  3. Function of Plasma
    Responsible for the continual process of supplying fresh nutrients and wast disposal
  4. What organs get percentage of blood:
    - Lungs, Right Heart Pump, Left Heart Pump
    - Kidney
    - Gastrointestinal system, spleen
    - Skeletal Muscle
    - Brain
    - Skin, Liver
    - Bone
    - Heart Muscle
    • - 100%
    • - 21%
    • - 21%
    • - 15%
    • - 14%
    • - 6%
    • - 5%
    • - 3%
  5. How does change of radius in a vessel effect and influence resistance?
    If radius is down by 50% then resistance increases 16 times
  6. Explain:
    - Pumping action of the heart
    - Right heart blood flow
    - Left heart blood flow
    - Blood flow through all organs is passive and occurs only because arterial pressure is kept hight than venous pressure

    - Right heart produces energy to move blood through pulmonary vessels

    - Left heart produces energy to move blood through system organs.
  7. Define and explain each:
    - Arteries
    - Aterioles
    - Capillaries
    - Conduit Vessels, thick wall vessels, contain smooth muscle, large amounts of Elastin and collagen fibers, and can stretch 2 times original size

    - Resistance vessels, smaller than arteries, thicker walls w/more smooth muscle and less elastic tissue, muscles may be stimulated by change of diameter of vessel, more numerous than arteries, regulate peripheral blood flow through organs

    - Exchange vessels, smallest of vessels, RBCs must reform to pass through, single layer of endothelium, contain no smooth muscle and have no diameter change, exchange btwn blood and interstial fluid, exchange of fluid volumes between plasma and interstitial space takes place.
  8. Define Action Potential
    A rapid voltage change triggered by contraction that occurs in cell membrane.
  9. Explain:
    - Chronotropic
    - Dromotropic
    - Inotropic
    - Increase or decrease of HR and impacted by concentration of Ca+

    - Affects conduction speed related to AV Node

    - Affects muscles contractility
  10. Explain Sympathetic System
    Increases HR; Adrenergic sympathetic nerve fibers; Influences all portions of heart; releases NE on myoctyes; increases cardiac pumping
  11. Explain Parasympathetic
    Decreases HR; stimulation of vagus nerve; Influences nodal tissue (SA Node); Releases ACH; Increases permeability to K+ and decreases diastolic permeability to Na+
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CFI ICT101 Test 1
First Test