Lander Western Civ Test 2

  1. -Louis XIII's wife
    -Louis XIV's mother
    -His dowager and regent
    -Spanish Habsburg in descent
    Anne of Austria
  2. -Capital of Brandenburg, Prussia
    -Site of Hohenzollern dynasty
  3. -French Dynasty

    -Henry IV (of Navarre) - 1610
    -Louis XIII
    -Louis XIV
  4. -Site of Hohenzollern dynasty
    -Capital: Berlin, Prussia
  5. -Protestant
    -Victim of French Cristian religious intolerance
    -He died tortured on the wheel, while still very firmly claiming his innocence. -Voltaire began a campaign to get Calas' sentence overturned.
    -On 9 March 1765, Jean Calas was found not guilty.
  6. -Voltaire's most famous literary work
    -Fictious satire on philosophical optimism and the human condition
  7. -Famous comptroller-general for Louis XIV
    -He achieved a reputation for his work of improving the state of French manufacturing and bringing the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy.
  8. -God as master-artificer or master-mechanic
    -Created nature as subject to ration inquiry
    -Human virtue should be sought for external reward after death
    -Voltaire touted this
  9. -Editor-in-chief of The Encyclopedia (the 1st of its kind)
    Denis Diderot
  10. -written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French)
    -locates the cause of war, crime, inequality in the institution of private property
    Discourse on the Origins of Inequality
  11. -Voltaire's motto:
    -"crush the infamous thing"
    -refers to abuses to the people by royalty and the clergy that Voltaire saw around him, and the superstition and intolerance that the clergy bred within the people.
    ecrasez l’infame
  12. -Rousseau
    -half-novel, half-education treatise
    -characters: the boy and his teacher (Rousseau)
    -experiential education
    -are there limitations to Rousseau's suggest overhauls of primary education?
  13. -John Locke (scientist - philosopher)
    -a book in the human psychology; at birth the mind is a "blank slate" without innate or inborn ideas
    An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  14. -general who fough against French to get back at those who snubbed him in France
    -Fought in the War of Spanish Succession
    Eugene of Savoy
  15. -3rd in Hohenzollern rule (Brandenburg)
    -tried to live up to pop
    -micro manager Kabinett system
    -Ein Plus machen - Make a surplus
    -militarization - Tall Fellows
    Frederick William I
  16. -"the Great"
    -last in line of 4
    -sickly as a boy - didn't get along with pop (FWI)
    -enlightened, yet a soldier genius
    -religious tolerance for all, except Jews
    -legal reforms
    -bipolar reign: enlightened/"progressive" vs. self-interested/aggressive
    Frederick II
  17. -slingshot
    -failed aristocratic revolt against the young king
  18. -civil governmental super-agency
    -militarization of Prussia
    General Directory
  19. -2 branches: Austrian and Spanich
    -champions of the Catholic faith
    -lots of "possessions," but no common bond between them
    -head of Austrian branch = Holy roman Emperor
  20. -Henry of Navarre (first Bourbon)
    -converted to Catholicism frmo Protestant (good move)
    -Edict of Nantes (tolleration for Huguenots)
    Henry VI
  21. -Prussian dynasty
    -based in Berlin, Brandenburg
    -FW (III) (the Great Elector)
    -FII (the Great)
  22. -French Protestants (minority)
    -either from hugues Besancon or from Eidgenossen (Confederates)
  23. -French local agents
    -part of LXIV's organs of central government
    -transferred regularly (not home-steading)
  24. -Bishop Cornelius Jansen
    -pitted against the Jesuits and LXIV
    -condemned by Pope and LXIV
  25. -the aristocracy/nobility in Brandenburg
    -controlled the Prussian Army
  26. -micro managing system of FWI
    -all decision came to the king's "kabinett
    Kabinett System
  27. -Francois Quesnay
    -Physiocrats - dimished governmental interference
    laissez faire
  28. -one of FII's (the Great) domestic reforms
    -gave loans to large land owners
    Land Mortgage Credit Association
  29. -1st Habsburg ruler
    -problems with Hungarians
    -problems with LXIV
    -problems with Ottoman Turks
    Leopold I
  30. -father and son
    -war ministers under LXIV
    Le Tellier
  31. -boy king
    -LXIV's pop
    -mom (regent): Marie de Medici
    -wife: Anne of Austria (Spanish Habsburg)
    Louis XIII
  32. -wife of LXIII (Italian)
    -mother of LXIV (dowager and regent)
    Marie de Medici
  33. -chief rolal minister to LXIV as a young boy
  34. -LXIV
    -goals of self-sufficiency and specie-filled treasury
    -all about the nation being self-sufficient
  35. -Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu
    -The Persian Letters - satire of European customs
    -The Spirit of the Laws - Pol Sci indebted to the methodology of natural science
  36. -3rd war of LXIV
    -calle King William's War (WoO) in North America
    -France vs. League of Augsburg/Grand Alliance
    -France receives Alsace
    Nine Years’ War
  37. -unlike English singular, French multiple
    -regional high courts
    -potential origins of French aristocracy/nobility
  38. -anti-mercantilism
    -land and its produce = best indicators of a country's wealth
    -laisser faire, laisser passer
  39. -Jansenist school
    -closed by LXIV with Jesuit influence
    Port-Royal Abbey
  40. -prominent Physiocrat
    -proponent of economics as a social science
  41. -LXIII's chief royal minister
    -raison d'etat (do anything for the State)
    -disliked the Huguenots
    -personally commands the royal army
  42. -book by John Locke
    -Pol Sci book that argues for limited monarchical government
    -anti-divine right / descending theory
    Second Treatise on Government
  43. -second war of FII
    -French and Indian War
    -FII preemptively invades Saxony
    -Prussia (and G.B.) vs. Austrian Habsburgs, France, Russia & others
    -Russia (Peter) pulls out, saving Prussia from defeat
    Seven Years War
  44. -FII invades without warning
    -begins War of Austrian Succession
    -King George's War
    -Prussia (and France) vs. Austrian Habsburgs and G.B.
  45. -Adam Smith (enlightenment)
    -like Physiocrats
    -free-market capitalism
    -The Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  46. -LXIV after he struck out on his own (Mazarin dies)
    -"the Grand Monarch"
    Sun King
  47. -FWI’s tall grenadiers; paraded as a symbol of his strong army
    Tall Fellows
  48. -Rousseau
    -political society requires submission of individual wills to the general will
    -an individual may be “forced” to be free
    -love of country and civic region should be encouraged
    The Social Contract
  49. -Military Engineer under LXIV
  50. -LXIV moved the power and the court here (expanded it)
  51. -FII’s first dance
    -he invaded Silesia without warning
    -King George’s War
    -Prussia and France vs. Austrian Habsburgs and G. B.
    War of the Austrian Succession
  52. -LXIV reneges on Spanish succession treaty
    -France and Spain vs. Austrian Habsburgs, G. B., Netherlands, Savoy, Prussia, other German states
    -Queen Anne’s War
    -bloodiest battle: Malplaquet

    -Philip – King of Spain
    -French and Spanish crowns separate
    -split of lands
    War of the Spanish Succession
  53. Understand the ascending and descending theories of government in early-modern France, Britain, and Prussia.
    • -Britain - ascending
    • -France and Prussia - descending
  54. -un roi, une loi, une foi
    Understand Louis XIV’s governmental policies as per his “motto.”
Card Set
Lander Western Civ Test 2
France-17th Century; The Enlightenment; Prussia & Austria-17th and 18th Centuries