-Louis XIII's wife
-Louis XIV's mother
-His dowager and regent
-Spanish Habsburg in descent
Anne of Austria
-Capital of Brandenburg, Prussia
-Site of Hohenzollern dynasty
-French Dynasty
-Henry IV (of Navarre) - 1610
-Louis XIII
-Louis XIV
-Site of Hohenzollern dynasty
-Capital: Berlin, Prussia
-Victim of French Cristian religious intolerance
-He died tortured on the wheel, while still very firmly claiming his innocence. -Voltaire began a campaign to get Calas' sentence overturned.
-On 9 March 1765, Jean Calas was found not guilty.
-Voltaire's most famous literary work
-Fictious satire on philosophical optimism and the human condition
-Famous comptroller-general for Louis XIV
-He achieved a reputation for his work of improving the state of French manufacturing and bringing the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy.
-God as master-artificer or master-mechanic
-Created nature as subject to ration inquiry
-Human virtue should be sought for external reward after death
-Voltaire touted this
-Editor-in-chief of The Encyclopedia (the 1st of its kind)
Denis Diderot
-written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French)
-locates the cause of war, crime, inequality in the institution of private property
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality
-Voltaire's motto:
-"crush the infamous thing"
-refers to abuses to the people by royalty and the clergy that Voltaire saw around him, and the superstition and intolerance that the clergy bred within the people.
ecrasez l’infame
-half-novel, half-education treatise
-characters: the boy and his teacher (Rousseau)
-experiential education
-are there limitations to Rousseau's suggest overhauls of primary education?
-John Locke (scientist - philosopher)
-a book in the human psychology; at birth the mind is a "blank slate" without innate or inborn ideas
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
-general who fough against French to get back at those who snubbed him in France
-Fought in the War of Spanish Succession
Eugene of Savoy
-3rd in Hohenzollern rule (Brandenburg)
-tried to live up to pop
-micro manager Kabinett system
-Ein Plus machen - Make a surplus
-militarization - Tall Fellows
Frederick William I
-"the Great"
-last in line of 4
-sickly as a boy - didn't get along with pop (FWI)
-enlightened, yet a soldier genius
-religious tolerance for all, except Jews
-legal reforms
-bipolar reign: enlightened/"progressive" vs. self-interested/aggressive
Frederick II
-failed aristocratic revolt against the young king
-civil governmental super-agency
-militarization of Prussia
General Directory
-2 branches: Austrian and Spanich
-champions of the Catholic faith
-lots of "possessions," but no common bond between them
-head of Austrian branch = Holy roman Emperor
-Henry of Navarre (first Bourbon)
-converted to Catholicism frmo Protestant (good move)
-Edict of Nantes (tolleration for Huguenots)
Henry VI
-Prussian dynasty
-based in Berlin, Brandenburg
-FW (III) (the Great Elector)
-FII (the Great)
-French Protestants (minority)
-either from hugues Besancon or from Eidgenossen (Confederates)
-French local agents
-part of LXIV's organs of central government
-transferred regularly (not home-steading)
-Bishop Cornelius Jansen
-pitted against the Jesuits and LXIV
-condemned by Pope and LXIV
-the aristocracy/nobility in Brandenburg
-controlled the Prussian Army
-micro managing system of FWI
-all decision came to the king's "kabinett
Kabinett System
-Francois Quesnay
-Physiocrats - dimished governmental interference
laissez faire
-one of FII's (the Great) domestic reforms
-gave loans to large land owners
Land Mortgage Credit Association
-1st Habsburg ruler
-problems with Hungarians
-problems with LXIV
-problems with Ottoman Turks
Leopold I
-father and son
-war ministers under LXIV
Le Tellier
-boy king
-LXIV's pop
-mom (regent): Marie de Medici
-wife: Anne of Austria (Spanish Habsburg)
Louis XIII
-wife of LXIII (Italian)
-mother of LXIV (dowager and regent)
Marie de Medici
-chief rolal minister to LXIV as a young boy
-goals of self-sufficiency and specie-filled treasury
-all about the nation being self-sufficient
-Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu
-The Persian Letters - satire of European customs
-The Spirit of the Laws - Pol Sci indebted to the methodology of natural science
-3rd war of LXIV
-calle King William's War (WoO) in North America
-France vs. League of Augsburg/Grand Alliance
-France receives Alsace
Nine Years’ War
-unlike English singular, French multiple
-regional high courts
-potential origins of French aristocracy/nobility
-land and its produce = best indicators of a country's wealth
-laisser faire, laisser passer
-Jansenist school
-closed by LXIV with Jesuit influence
Port-Royal Abbey
-prominent Physiocrat
-proponent of economics as a social science
-LXIII's chief royal minister
-raison d'etat (do anything for the State)
-disliked the Huguenots
-personally commands the royal army
-book by John Locke
-Pol Sci book that argues for limited monarchical government
-anti-divine right / descending theory
Second Treatise on Government
-second war of FII
-French and Indian War
-FII preemptively invades Saxony
-Prussia (and G.B.) vs. Austrian Habsburgs, France, Russia & others
-Russia (Peter) pulls out, saving Prussia from defeat
Seven Years War
-FII invades without warning
-begins War of Austrian Succession
-King George's War
-Prussia (and France) vs. Austrian Habsburgs and G.B.
-Adam Smith (enlightenment)
-like Physiocrats
-free-market capitalism
-The Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
-LXIV after he struck out on his own (Mazarin dies)
-"the Grand Monarch"
Sun King
-FWI’s tall grenadiers; paraded as a symbol of his strong army
Tall Fellows
-political society requires submission of individual wills to the general will
-an individual may be “forced” to be free
-love of country and civic region should be encouraged
The Social Contract
-Military Engineer under LXIV
-LXIV moved the power and the court here (expanded it)
-FII’s first dance
-he invaded Silesia without warning
-King George’s War
-Prussia and France vs. Austrian Habsburgs and G. B.
War of the Austrian Succession
-LXIV reneges on Spanish succession treaty
-France and Spain vs. Austrian Habsburgs, G. B., Netherlands, Savoy, Prussia, other German states
-Queen Anne’s War
-bloodiest battle: Malplaquet
-Philip – King of Spain
-French and Spanish crowns separate
-split of lands
War of the Spanish Succession
Understand the ascending and descending theories of government in early-modern France, Britain, and Prussia.
- -Britain - ascending
- -France and Prussia - descending
-un roi, une loi, une foi
Understand Louis XIV’s governmental policies as per his “motto.”