Causes of raised sodium
- water loss
- salt overload
- renal impairment
Causes of raised Potassium
- cell leakage (sepsis, collection artifact)
- renal disease
- adrenal impairment
- acidosis
Causes of raised chloride
- dehydration
- diarrhoea
- renal tubular acidosis
Causes of raised bicarbonate
- respiratory acidosis
- metabolic alkalosis
Causes of raised glucose
- diabetes
- excess steroids
- burns
- hypokalaemia
Causes of raised urea
- renal impairment
- increased protein breakdown
- GI bleeding
- dehydration
Causes of raised total bilirubin
- gilbert syndrome
- hepatitis
- malignancy
- gall stones
Causes of raised conj bilirubin
biliary obstruction
Alk Phos
- liver disease (hepatitis, obstruction, tumour)
- bone disease (fracture, paget's, malignancy)
Causes of raised GGT
- hepatitis
- biliary obstruction
- pancreatitis
- alcohol
Causes of raised ALT
- liver disease
- fatty liver
- haemochromatosis
- alcohol
Causes of raised AST
- liver disease
- myocardial disease
- skeletal muscle disease
Causes of raised LDH
- myocardial disease
- liver disease
- muscle disease
- haemolysis
Causes of raised calcium
- hyperparathyroidism
- malignancy
- Vit D and A excess
- sarcoidosis
Causes of raised phosphate
- haemolysis
- renal impairment
- acidosis
- hypoparathyroidism
Causes of raised total protein
- multiple myeloma
- chronic liver disease
- chronic inflammation
- dehydration
Causes of raised albumin
Causes of raised iron
- oral iron intake
- haemochromatosis
- GI bleeding
Causes of decreased sodium
- water overload (CCF, SIADH)
- salt loss (diuretics, adrenal failure, sweating, renal impairment)
Causes of decreased potassium
- diuretics
- dietary deficiency
- renal tubular disease
- steroids
Causes of decreased chloride
- vomiting
- water overload
- diuretics
- CF
Causes of decreased bicarbonate
- respiratory alkalosis
- metabolic acidosis (renal failure, liver failure, diabetic, diarrhoea)
Causes of decreased urea
- protein deficiency
- diuresis
- pregnancy
Causes of decreased creatinine
chronic muscle loss
Causes of decreased alk phos
- zinc deficiency
- congenital hypophosphataemia
Causes of decreased calcium
- low albumin
- acidosis
- renal disease
- hypoparathyroidism
- vit D deficiency
Causes of decreased phosphate
- low intake
- alcohol
- renal tubular disease
- hyperparathyroidism
Causes of decreased total protein
- malnutrition
- liver disease
- water overload
- nephrotic syndrome
Causes of decreased albumin
- chronic liver disease
- malnutrition
- nephrotic syndrome
- chronic inflammation
- burns
Causes of decreased iron
- poor intake
- chronic disease
- blood loss