Chapter 7

  1. Idiographic Research
    Studies the individual
  2. Nomothetic Research
    Studies a group of individuals
  3. Personality
    is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unqiue adjustments to his environment.
  4. Dynamic Organization
    Personality is always changing within the individual
  5. Psychological Systems
    mind and body are intertwined and determines behavior
  6. Criteria for an Adequate theory of Personality
    • 1. Views personality as constructed within the person
    • 2. Views the person as filled with variables that contributeto his or her actions
    • 3. Seek motvies for behavior in the present
    • 4. Employ units of measure capable of living synthesis
    • 5. Adequately accounts for self-awareness
  7. Trait
    a neuropsychic structure having the capacity to render many stimuli functionally equivalent, and to initate and guide equivalent (meaningfully consistent) forms of adaptive and expressive behavior.
  8. Functionally Equivalent
    while stimuli may be different, can be interpreted as having the same interpretation.
  9. Habits
    individual trends that occur consistently
  10. Cardinal Dispositions
    The broadest trait that an individual can have. Is influnentail of everything that you do. However, not everyone has a cardinal disposition.

    ex. Someone who is highly religious such as Mother Theresea.
  11. Central Disposition
    • Everyone has
    • 5 to 10 central dispositions that will summarize a persons major behavior.

    ex. introversion
  12. Secondary Dispositions
    Tends to be more specific, however is more broad than habits or attitudes.
  13. Proprium
    • All the facts about a person that make him or her unique.
    • The organizing principle of personality
    • Develops (evolves) over time
  14. Developmental Stages
    • 1. Sense of bodily me
    • 2. Sense of self-identity
    • 3. Sense of self-esteem
    • 4. Sense of self-extension
    • 5. Emergernce of self-image
    • 6. Emergence od self as rational coper
    • 7. Emergence of propriate striving
    • 8. Emergence of self as knower
  15. The Must Conscience
    Based on what parents and culture says is right or wrong. Emerges during childhood.
  16. Drive Induction
    • Striving for more, better, have a need to master tasks
    • ex. learning to read
  17. Ought Conscience
    Tied to a person's proprium that is based on internal values and beliefs in order to maintain a positive self image.
  18. Criteria for an Adequate Theory of Motivation
    • 1. Must recognize the contemporary nature of motives
    • 2. Must allo wor the existence of several types of motives.
    • 3. Must recognize the importance of cognitive processes
    • 4. Must recognize that each persons pattern of motivation is unique
  19. Functional Autonomy
    Any acquired system of motivation in shich the tensions involved are not of the same kind as the antecedent tensions from which the acquired system developed.
  20. 2 types of functional autonomy
    • 1. perseverative functional autonomy- repitious acts that used to serve a purpose, but no longer do.
    • 2. propriate functional autonomy- doing something because it is consistent with a persons proprium. (doing something because it is consistent with who they are as a person)
  21. Propriate Functional Autonomy
    • 1. Principle of organizing energy level
    • 2. Principle of mastery and competence
    • 3. Principle of propriate patterning
  22. The Healthy, Mature Adult
    • 1. Capactiy for self-extension
    • 2. Capacity for warm human interactions
    • 3. Demonstrate emotional security and self acceptance
    • 4. Demonstrate of realistic perceptions
    • 5. Demonstration of self-objectification
    • 6. Demonstration of unifying philosophy of life
  23. Goal of Therapy
    Is to help the erson live in accordance with his or her proprium.
  24. Extrinsic Religion
    Suerficial religion that is participated in for entirely selfish, pragmatic reasons.
  25. Intrinsic Religion
    religion that seeks a higher meaning and purpose in life.
  26. Love
    The therapeutic change agent
  27. Religious Orientation Scale (ROS)
    To measure how much someone was intrinsically vs. extrinsically religious. Also determines how prejudiced a person is.
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Review for Exam 2