Chapter 15

  1. Fascism
    • -No clearly defined theory or program
    • -Did not seek classless society each class had its place and function
    • -Nationalists
  2. Both
    • -Ruled by dictators
    • -Denied individual rights
    • -State was supreme
  3. Communism
    • -Clearly defined theory and program
    • -Sought classless society
    • -Internationalists
  4. Thoery of Relativity
    Albert Einstein's idea about the interralationships between time and space and between energy and matter
  5. Existentalism
    A philosophy based on the idea that people give meaning to their lives through their choices and actions
  6. Surrealism
    A 20th-century artistic movement that focuses ont he workings of the unconscious mind
  7. Jazz
    A 20th-century style of popular music developed mainly by African-American musicians
  8. Coalition Government
    A government controlled by a temporary alliance of several political parties
  9. Weimar Republic
    The republic that was established in Germany in 1919 and ended in 1933
  10. Great Depression
    The severe economic slump that followed the collapse of the U.S. stock market in 1929
  11. New Deal
    U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt's economic reform program designed to solve the problems created by the Great Depression
  12. Fascism
    A political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, a denial of individual rights, and a dictorial one-party rule
  13. Nazism
    The fascist policies of the National Socialist German Workers' party, based on totalitarianism, a belief in racial superiority, abd state control of industry
  14. Mein Kampf
    "My Struggle"-a book written by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment in 1923-1924, in which he set forth his beliefs and his goals for Germany
  15. Lebensraum
    "livingspace"-the additional territory that, according to Adolf Hitler, Germany needed because it was overcrowded
  16. Appeasement
    The making of concessions to an aggressor in order to avoid war
  17. Axis Powers
    In WWII, the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan, which had formed an alliance in 1936
  18. Isolationism
    A policy of avoiding political or military involvement with other countries
  19. Third Reich
    The third German Empire, established by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s
  20. Munich Conference
    A 1938 meeting of representatives from Britain, France, Italy, and Germany, at which Britain and France agreed to allow Nazi Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia's new borders
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Chapter 15