Emergency procedures SAAB 340

  1. EFATO flap 0
    • PF: Before V1 either pilot can call failure, if the FO calls it the Captain will call stop or go.
    • At the V1 call the takeoff will continue climbing at V2. In the event of a malfunction I will call: "positive rate, gear up"

    • PNF: I will check positive rate of climb. Select gear up, set CTOT to rated power and select both FD's on.
    • If max power is not achieved on the good engine, I will advance the power levers to set max power.
    • Responding "Selected, Max power set, 1/2 bank on"
    • I will continue to monitor engine gauges.
    • Confirming that the prop has autocoarsened by checking that the prop gearbox oil pressure is below the green arc and correct CWP indications are displayed"

    PF: I will check ball is centred and call "YD on"

    • PNF: I will confirm ball is centred select YD on and call "Selected"
    • On reaching the acceleration altitude if flaps are at 0, I will call "Flap at sero, Enroute ..."

    PF: I will accelerate to enroute and then (if AP is available) call "AP on"

    PNF: I will confirm HDG, IAS and 1/2 bank mode and select AP on responding "AP on, HDG, IAS, 1/2 bank on"

    PF: "Identify the failure"

    PNF: I will check the engine gauges and call "L or R engine failure"

    PF: I will respond " Confirmed, engine failure memory items"

    PNF: we will action the memory items

    PF: performance, circuit breakers, ECCL

    • (once above MSA/MMA/LSA in icing conditions accelerate to enroute+10)
    • (WT AP can only be engaged above MSA/MMA/LSA when enroute+10 reached)
  2. EFATO negative autocoarsen
    PF: Before V1 either pilot can call failure, if the FO calls it the Captain will call stop or go. At the V1 call the takeoff will continue climbing at V2. In the event of a malfunction I will call: "positive rate, gear up"

    • PNF: I will check positive rate of climb. Select gear up, set CTOT to rated power and select both FD's on.If max power is not achieved on the good engine, I will advance the power levers to set max power.Responding "Selected, Max power set, 1/2 bank on"I will continue to monitor engine gauges.Confirming
    • that the prop has autocoarsened by checking that the prop gearbox oil
    • pressure is below the green arc and correct CWP indications are
    • displayed"

    PF: I will check ball is centred and call "YD on"

    • PNF: I will confirm ball is centred select YD on and call "Selected"
    • If autocoarsen has not occurred, either pilot may call "Negative Autocoarsen"

    PF: "I will respond "Confirmed, engine failure memory items"

    PNF: We will action the memory items

    and rest as the same as EFATO
  3. EFATO flap 15
    • PF: Before V1 either pilot can call failure, if the FO calls it the
    • Captain will call stop or go. At the V1 call the takeoff will continue
    • climbing at V2. In the event of a malfunction I will call: "positive
    • rate, gear up"

    • PNF: I will check positive rate of climb. Select gear up, set CTOT to rated power and select both FD's on.
    • If max power is not achieved on the good engine, I will advance the power levers to set max power.
    • Responding "Selected, Max power set, 1/2 bank on"
    • I will continue to monitor engine gauges.
    • Confirming that the prop has autocoarsened by checking that the prop
    • gearbox oil pressure is below the green arc and correct CWP indications
    • are displayed"

    PF: I will check ball is centred and call "YD on"

    • PNF: I will confirm ball is centred select YD on and call "Selected"
    • On reaching the acceleration altitude if flaps are at 15, I will call "Flap zero ... (flap up speed)"

    • PF: If long acceleration altitude i will lower the pitch and call "ALT" and accelerate to enroute
    • Passing the flap up speed i will call "Flap zero"

    PNF: I will select flap zero and respond "Selected, enroute ..." and when flap at zero call "Flap at zero"

    PF: If ALT was selected, at enroute i will call "IAS"

    PNF: I will select IAS and call "IAS"

    PF: (if AP is available) call "AP on"

    • PNF: I will confirm HDG, IAS and 1/2 bank
    • mode and select AP on responding "AP on, HDG, IAS, 1/2 bank on"

    PF: "Identify the failure"

    • PNF: I will check the engine gauges and call "L or
    • R engine failure"PF: I will respond " Confirmed, engine failure memory
    • items"

    PNF: we will action the memory items

    PF: performance, circuit breakers, ECCL

    • (once above MSA/MMA/LSA in icing conditions accelerate to enroute+10)
    • (WT AP can only be engaged above MSA/MMA/LSA when enroute+10 reached)
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Emergency procedures SAAB 340
Emergency procedures SAAB 340