Ace ch 5,6,7

  1. In this stage of learning, the participant makes many mistakes and has highly variable performance
  2. In this stage of learning, the participant has acquired the basic fundamentals or mechanics of the skill
  3. In this stage of learning, the participant can perform without thinking and can detect her own errors
  4. In what domain of learning is the instructor instrumental in helping participants develop positive attitudes toward exercise
  5. This learning domain involves learning the motions or movements
    Motor domain
  6. Domain of human behavior that describes intellectual activities and involves gaining knowledge
    Cognitive domain
  7. A new class participant know they are doing something wrong, but do not know how to improve performance is in what stage of learning?
  8. Class participants are able to detect some errors and the instructor needs to make only occasional corrections is in what stage of learning
  9. In what stage of learning does the participant perform the skill without thinking about it?
  10. If a participant is unable to perform a standing lunge, she would be I'll advised to move on to adding resistance.
    Simple to complex
  11. How long should the warm-up last and what tempo should the music be at
    5 minutes, 120-140 bpm
  12. Pre-aerobic stretch should last how long and tempo of music
    5 minutes, 120-140 bpm
  13. The style of teaching where instructor decides the posture, rhythm, and duration
  14. This style of teaching allows the instructor to teach a skill, then participants do it at their own pace but not all are motivated to achieve maximum potential
    Practice style
  15. Style of teaching uses an observer or a partner to provide feedback
  16. Teaching style where participants provide their own feedback
  17. When the instructor gives multiple levels of performance, it is what style of teaching
  18. Teaching strategy used when taking two counts for each step so the participants can learn the pattern
    Slow to fast
  19. Teaching strategy involving reducing the number of repetitions that make up a pattern
    Repetition reduction
  20. Teaching strategy used when describing body position and proper alignment
  21. Teaching strategy used when breaking down a skill into it's parts, until mastered, then added on
    Part to whole
  22. Teaching strategy where small amounts of complexity are added to simple movements combination to slowly challenge participants
  23. What method of choreography uses movements that are formally arranged and repeated in a predetermined order
    Structured choreography
  24. Method of choreography that is built and sequenced by the instructor during the exercise class
  25. Which choreographic method is useful for introducing new moves and adding variation
  26. What are the 3 stages of learning?
    • Cognitive
    • Associative
    • Autonomous
  27. What are the 3 types of learners?
    • Auditory
    • Visual
    • Kinesthetic
  28. When telling participants how you want them to perform, start with what cues
    • Posture stabilizer muscular cues
    • e.x. eyes, chest, abdominals
  29. After you give postural cues you should
    • Give specific muscle group instruction
    • (contract the shoulder to bring the arm to the side)
  30. What are the 5 teaching styles?
    Command, practice, reciprocal, self-check, inclusion
  31. Teaching style used when immediate participant response
    Command style
  32. Limitations of command style if teaching
    • No individualization
    • Limited interaction
  33. Teaching style where instructor gives instructions, then can move around the room giving feedback
    Practice style
  34. Limitations of practice style of teaching
    • Less class control
    • Some lack self motovation
  35. Teaching style that encourages social interaction, best for fitness assessments
  36. Limitations of reciprocal style
    • Less instructor control
    • Feedback may not be right
  37. Teaching style that incorporates multiple skill levels and fitness within the same activity
  38. Limitations of inclusion style
    Requuires skilled instructor
  39. Teaching style where participants provide their own feedback
  40. Limitations of self-check style
    • Need cards
    • Not common
  41. Participant success depends on what from the instructor
  42. Types of verbal cues
    • Footwork
    • Direction
    • Rhythm
    • Numerical
    • Step name
    • Combinations
  43. What decibel should the music be at to avoid voice injury
    <85 db
  44. Examples of nonverbal positive feedback
    • Smiling
    • Nodding
    • Applause
    • Thumbs up
  45. Examples of negative nonverbal feedback
    • Frowning
    • Shaking head
    • Grimacing
    • Thumbs down
  46. Nonverbal and verbal feedback should be
    • Congruent
    • (doing the same thing)
  47. Verbal feedback should be
    • Informational
    • Positive
    • Based on performance
    • Specific
    • Immediate
  48. Should you give verbal clues in positions of contraction (inhibit abdominal breathing)
    • No
    • e.g. push ups or curl ups
  49. Series of hand and arm visual cues used to indicate direction or number of reps
    Aerobic Q-signs
  50. When should you perform visual cues
    During the preceeding measure to provide participants with enough time to transition from one step to the next
  51. What reaching approach when class designed around the specific needs of the class?
  52. Participant-centered teaching approach requires the instructor to
    Interact, observe, give feedback
  53. The person who teaches this way promotes independence, encouragement, knowledgeable and sets attainable goals
    Participant centered
  54. The teacher using this method promoted dependence, intimidation, unattainable goals
    Teacher centered
  55. Measure of degree of obesity based upon height and weight
  56. Who should not use BMI
    • Athletic or muscular
    • Should not be the sole determination of body composition
  57. Normal BMI is
  58. What measurements can be used in determining body composition and body fat distribution
    Circumference measurements
  59. A cardiorespiratory fitness test designed to estimate VO2max
    Submax bike test
  60. When doing the step test, what is the step height, how long and bpm
    • 12"
    • 3 min
    • 96 bpm
  61. Test that measures force/time
    Muscular endurance
  62. How long is the push up test
    To exertion
  63. How long is the sit up test
    • 1 min
    • (3.5" movement)
  64. To calculate BMI how do you convert weight from pounds to kg
    Divide by 2.2
  65. How do you convert inches to cm
    Multiply 2.54 then divide by 100
  66. Formula to calculate BMI
    Weight (kg)/height (meters squared)
  67. How many push ups would a 20-29 year old male/female need to do for good
  68. How many sit ups would a male/female age 20-29 need for good
  69. Range of motion at a joint
  70. Measurable changes usually take
    4-6 weeks
  71. Follow up assessments should be done
    4-12 weeks after starting
  72. Why do follow up assessments
    • Participant motivation
    • Help with future planning
  73. How long is a class warm up
    5 -10 min
  74. How long is conditioning?
    20-45 min
  75. How long is cool down
    5-10 min
  76. How long is stretching
    7-10 min
  77. Intensity and duration of each class depends on
    General skills and abilities of participants
  78. What is the purpose of warm-up
    Prepares participants for more rigorous activity by raising internal body temp
  79. ACE 3 site caliper for men
    • Thigh
    • Chest
    • Abdominal
  80. ACE 3 site caliper for women
    • Thigh
    • Illiac crest
    • Tricep
  81. Class design should reflect
    Ex sci principles and techniques
  82. Can a warm up reduce the risk of abnormal heart rhythms
  83. What 3 things should a warm up include
    • Specificity
    • Elevate body core temp
    • Dynamic flexibility
  84. What is the best way to elevate the core body temp during warm up
    Start with small isolated movements and progress to larger full body movements
  85. Stretching in the warm up should be what type
  86. Range of motion exercises in warm up should focus on
    Postural muscle groups (ant shoulder, hip flex, low back, hams, calves) or going to be used later in class
Card Set
Ace ch 5,6,7
Ace group fit instructor manual review ch 5-7