Appendicular Skeleton Questions

  1. What is the scapula commonly called and what does it articulate with?
    commonly called shoulder blade

    articulates with clavicle and the humerus
  2. What part of the scapula receives the head of the humerus?
    glenoid cavity (fossa)
  3. What does the acromion process articulate with?
    acromial (lateral) end of the clavicle
  4. What is the clavicle commonly called and its articulations?
    commonly called collarbone

    sternal (medial) end - articulates with clavicular notch of the sternum

    aacromial (lateral) end articulates with acromion process of scapula
  5. What does the head of the humerus articulate with?
    glenoid cavity in the scapula to form the shoulder joint
  6. How does the shoulder joint form?
    head of humerus articulating with glenoid cavity in the scapula
  7. What articulates with the ulna and the radius?
    at the distal end of the humerus, the trochlea (anterior side) articulates with the ulna and the capitulum (anterior side) articulates with the head of the radius. The olecranon fossa (posterior side) of humerus articulates with olecranon process of ulna and coronoid fossa (anterior side) of humerus articulates with coronoid process of ulna
  8. Distal end of the humerus anterior side resembles a hitchhikers hand...Explain
    • *Thumb - medial epicondyle (always points medially)
    • *pointer and index finger (2 fingers adjacent to the thumb) - trochlea (more triangular shape and pointed)
    • *ring and pinky finger (last 2 fingers) - capitulum (curved and not as pointed)
    • * next to the pinky is the lateral epicondyle
    • *depression in middle of the palm - coronoid fossa
    • *the fossa next to the coronoid fossa is the radial fossa
  9. Explain the distal end of the humerus posterior side
    • resembles the other side of the hand with the knucles...
    • thumb - medial epicondyle
    • knuckles - trochlea
    • depression above knuckles - olecranon fossa (deepest depression on the bone
  10. What does the radius and ulna articulate?
    with each other at both their proximal and distal ends
  11. What happens at the proximal end & distal end of the radius and the ulna?
    Prixomal end? the head of the radius pivots on the radial notch of the ulna

    distal end? head of the ulna joins the ulnar notch of the radius.
  12. What does the distal end of the radius articulate with?
    carpel bones in the wrist
  13. What does the olecranon process of the ulna and the coronoid process of the ulna articulate with?
    • olecranon process (anterior side) of ulna hooks into olecranon fossa (posterior side) of humerus
    • coronoid process (anterior side) of ulna hooks into coronoid fossa (anterior side) of humerus
  14. The head of the radius articulates with what?
    capitulum (anterior side) of the humerus
  15. What is the U shaped structure at the proximal end of the ulna called?
    trochlear notch
  16. What is the order of the carpals in the hand starting from the thumb to the pinky?
    • starting from the thumb side of the first row...
    • scaphoid, lunate, triangular (triquetrum), pistiform.

    • second row...
    • trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
  17. What is the deep depression where the head of the femur forms a ball-and-socket joint with the pelvis?
  18. what does the acetabulum articulate with?
    the head of the femur
  19. What does the patella cover at the distal end of the femur?
    patellar surface
  20. What do the medial and lateral condyles articulate with?
    the proximal portion of the tibia to form the knee joint
  21. The anterior surface and the posterior surface of the patella....which side is rough and which is smooth?
    • rough - anterior
    • smooth - posterior
  22. What happens at the proximal surface of the tibia and the distal end of the tibia?
    proximal surface - articulates with distal end of femur to form knee joint

    distal end - inferior articular surface articulates with talus in the foot to form ankle joint
  23. How is the ankle joint formed?
    the inferior articular surface at the distal end of the tibia articulates with the talus in the foot
  24. How is the knee joint formed?
    the proximal surface articulates with the distal end of the femur
  25. How do you distinguish which bone is what in the foot?
    starting from little toe side - big giant bone is calcaneus, nex to it sitting on top is talus, proximal to the cancaneus is the cuboid, next to it is the lateral cuneiform, then intermediate cuneiform, then medial cuneiform (right below big toe). proximal to talus is navicular.
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Appendicular Skeleton Questions
appendicular skeleton questions