neuro test 1 tricks.txt

  1. What A provides blood to the olive of the medulla?
    Vertebral A
  2. What A provides blood to the pyramid?
    Anterior Spinal A
  3. What A provides the inferior cerebellar peduncle?
  4. What A provides the gracile and cuneate fasciculus?
    Posterior spinal A
  5. What fibers form the medial lemniscus?
    Internal Arcuate fibers from the fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus
  6. What are the three descending tracts of the caudal medulla?
    • Medial Longitudinal fasciculus
    • pyramids
    • spinal trigeminal tracts
  7. What body appears in the mid-medulla to separate it from caudal medulla?
    • Restiform Body
    • Medial and Inferior vestibular nuclei
  8. What nucleus takes place of the dorsal motor nerve of vagus in the rostral medulla?
    Inferior salivatory nuclei
  9. After the caudal medulla, what A is no longer present?
    Posterior Spinal A off of PICA (PICA now picks up its areas)
  10. In what area of the medulla (Caudal, Mid, or Rostral) can you find the gracile fasciculus and the cuneate fasciculus?
  11. What regions of the medulla can you find the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei?
    Mid and Rostral
  12. Where does the Cochlear nuclei appear?
    Rostral Medulla
  13. What A feeds the cochlear nuclei?
  14. What CN are associated with the Pons?
    V, VI, VII
  15. What CN are associated with the medulla?
    VIII, IX, X, XI, XII
  16. What three A supply the middle cerebellar peduncle?
    SCA, AICA, Circumferential branches off of Basilar A
  17. When does the inferior vestibular nuclei disappear?
    Caudal Pons
  18. What vestibular nucleir are present in the caudal pons?
    Medial, lateral and superior
  19. When do the mesencephalic tract and the locus ceruleus begin to appear?
    Mid Pons
  20. Where do the trigeminal motor and principal sensory nuclei appear?
    Mid Pons
  21. What nuclei are no longer present in the mid pons?
    Facial and abducens
  22. What CN are associated with the midbrain?
    III, IV
  23. Where does the trochlear nucleus appear?
    Intercollicular level of the caudal midbrain
  24. Where does the Red Nucleus appear?
    Rostral Midbrain
  25. Where does the occulomotor and Edinger-Westphal nuclei appear?
    Rostral Midbrain
  26. Where do the pretectal nuclei appear?
    Midbrain/diencephalon junction below the superior colliculus
  27. Where do climbing fibers originate?
    Inferior olivary nuclei
  28. How many purkinje cells can one climbing fiber synapse?
    1 : 1 ratio
  29. how do climbing fibers enter the cerebellum?
  30. How do mossy fibers enter the cerebellum?
  31. How many granular cells can one mossy fiber synapse?
  32. Where is the accessory nucleus found? What is its function?
    • Cervical Spinal Cord
    • SE, CN XI, SCM and Trapezius
  33. What CNs are associated with the Spinal Trigeminal Nerve?
    V, VII, IX, X
  34. What CNs are associated with the Nucleus Ambiguous?
    IX, X, XI
  35. What does the Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus do?
    Pain and temperature sense to face
  36. What Nucleus performs discriminative touch and conscious proprioception of the face?
    Spinal Trigeminal Principal sensory nucleus
  37. What four arteries give off segmental arteries?
    • Vertebral A
    • Anterior Cervical A
    • Posterior intercostal A
    • Lumbar A
  38. What are the branches of the Vertebral Segmental Arteries?
    Posterior and Anterior spinal medullary arteries
  39. What are the five ascending tracts of the spinal cord?
    • Fasciculus gracilis
    • Fasciculus cuneatus
    • Post. spinocerebellar
    • Ant. Spinocerebellar
    • Anterolateral system
  40. Where is the mesencephalic tract located?
    Mid Pons and Midbrain
  41. Where is the Nucleus Ambiguous located?
  42. Where does the central tegmental tract appear?
    Caudal Pons
  43. What five areas of the cerebellum does the SCA enter?
    • MCP
    • SCP
    • Superior hemisphere
    • Superior vermis
    • All 4 nuclei (Fastigial, globus, emboliform, dentate)
  44. What four areas does the AICA enter in the cerebellum?
    • MCP
    • Flocculus
    • Inferior hemisphere
    • dentate nucleus
  45. What four areas of the cerebellum does the PICA enter?
    • Inferior Vermis
    • Nodulus
    • Tonsil
    • ICP
  46. In what part of the cerebellum do fibers from the Purkinje Fibers exit?
    ICP, SCP
  47. What thalamic nucleus is associated with Brodeman areas 1,2,3 somatosensory?
    VPL, VPM
  48. What thalamic nucleus is associated with Brodeman area 4 Motor?
    Ventral Lateral
  49. What thalamic nucleus is associated with Brodeman area 17 visual?
    Lateral Geniculate
  50. What thalamic nucleus is associated with Brodeman area 41 Auditory?
    Medial Geniculate
  51. What artery do the thalamoperforating and thalamogeniculate Arteries branch from?
    Posterior cerebral A
  52. What what level does the Lateral lemniscus stop appearing?
    Rostral Midbrain
  53. Where is the nucleus ambiguous located?
  54. Where does the Spinal Trigeminal tract end?
  55. Where is the solitary tract and nucleus found?
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neuro test 1 tricks.txt
neuro test 1 tricks