Air sac, alveolus
Airway, bronchus
Voice box, larynx
A rounded part, lobe
Throat, pharynx
Phragm/o, Phragmat/o
Pneum/o, Pneumon/o, Pneumat/o
Air, lung
Wall, partition; putrefying
Windpipe, trachea
Respiratory System
Brings oxygen into the bloodstream, through which it is transported to all body cells.
The process of providing cells with oxygen.
Lower Respiratory Tract
The lower portion of the respiratory system, consists of the trachea in the chest, the bronchial tree, which branches extensively throughout the lungs, the tiny air sacs within the lungs known as alveoli, and the lungs themselves.
Pulmonary specialist
Otolaryngologist (ENT)
Disease of the pharynx is treated by a nose and throat specialist.
Cancer specialist
Respiratory Therapist
A person who has received special training in the operation of equipment used to diagnose or treat breathing problems.
A-, an-
Without or absence of
Bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult
Upon, over, above, on top
Excessive, abnormally high, or above
Deficient, abnormally low, or below
Voice box, larynx
Condition of carbon dioxide
Condition of oxygen
Condition of sound or voice
Condition of profuse bleeding, hemorrhage
Sudden involuntary muscle contraction
The absence of carbon dioxide
The absence of oxygen
The inability to breathe or inhale
Abnormal slowing of the breathy rhythm
A narrowing of the airway caused by the contraction of smooth muscles in the walls of the tiny tubes known as bronchioles within the lungs.
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
- A repeated pattern of distressed breathing marked by a gradual increase of deep breathing, followed by shallow breathing, and apnea.
- A sign of nervous dysfunction or congestive heart failure.
They symptom of a hoarse voice.
The symptom of dfficult breathing, usually caused by a respiratory disease or cardiac disorder.
Normal breathing rhythm.
Epistaxis (Rhinorrhagia)
- Nosebleed
- Can be a sign of high blood pressure, a nasal sinus infection, inhalation of a toxi irritant or particle, or a blow to the face.
The symptom of coughing up and spitting out blood.
- Literally means "chest blood"
- It is the pooling of blood within the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs.
Excessive levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Deficient or abnormally low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
- The sign of abnormally deep breathing or an abnormally high rate of breathing.
- Common among patients suffering from the respiratory disease emphysema.
- Also a common symptom of heart failure and anxiety (panic) attacks.
The sign of abnormally rapid breathing is more common among patients experiencing asthma.
Abnormally shallow breathing
A reduced breathing rhythm that fails to meet the body's gas exchange demands.
Abnormally low levels of oxygen in the blood is a sign of a respiratory deficiency.
The sign of abnormally low levels of oxygen throughout the body.
The closure of the glottis, the opening into the larynx, due to muscular contractions of the throat.
The limited ability to breathe when lying down, which becomes relieved when sitting upright.
Refers to a sudden, sharp reoccurrence of symptoms or a convulsion.
- An expectorated (coughed out from the lungs) matter.
- Contains mucuss, inhaled particulates, and sometimes pus or blood.
Rapid breathing
Thoracalgia (Thorcaodynia)
The symptom of pain in the chest region
Upon, over, above, or on top
Bronch/o, Bronchi/o
Coccidioides immitis, organism
Opening into the windpipe
Voice box, larynx
Throat, pharynx
Pneum/o, Pneumon/o
Lung or air
Windpipe, trachea
Little swelling
Expansion or dilation
- pertaining to
- producing, formation, or causing
-ia, -ism, -osis
condition of
- The absence of respiratory ventilation, or suffocation.
- "Condition of without pulse"
- A condition of the lungs that is characterized by widespread narrowing of the bronchioles and formation of mucous plugs.
- Produces the symptoms of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and frequent coughing during an episode, the frequency of which varies with every patient.
Atelectasis (Collapsed Lung)
- The alveoli in the lungs normaly retain a small amount of air even during a forced expiration, which prevents them from collapsing.
- Trauma or disease has disabled this protective mechanism and caused the alveoli to collapse, preventing air from entering.
- An abnormal dilation of the bronchi.
- It is most commonly seen in infants and young children and is relatively rare among adults.
Inflammation of the bronchi.
Bronchogenic Carcinoma
An aggressive form of cancer arising from cells within the bronchi.
Bronchopneumonia (Lobar Pneumonia)
- An acute inflammatory disease involving the bronchioles and the alveoli.
- Often occurs in a lobe of a lung.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- An obstruction of air flow to and from the lungs is a consequences of several forms of pulmonary disease, including chronic bronchitis, bronchospasm, cystic fibrosis, and emphysema.
- General term for these forms of pulmonary obstruction.
A fungal infection of the upper respiratory tract, which often spreads to the lungs and other organs.
Valley Fever
Caused by inhaling spores of the fungal pathogen.
Coryza (Rhinitis)
- The common cold is caused by a virus that infects the upper respiratory tract causing local inflammation.
- It is usually acute
Croup (Laryngotracheobronchitis)
- A viral infectious disease that is relatively common among infants and young children produces a characteristic hoarse cough with a sound resembling the bark of a dog.
- Cough results from the acute obstruction of the larynx.
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
- A hereditary disease characterized by excess mucus production in the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and elsewhere.
- Literally means "condition of fibrous cysts (bladders)"
- Causes difficulty breathing because of the dense mucus that obstructs the airways.
A chronic lung disease characterized by the symptoms of dyspnea, a chronic cough, formation of a barrel chest due to labored breathing and a gradual deterioration caused by chronic hypoxemia.
- Inflammation of the epiglottis
- Usually caused by a bacterial infection that spreads from the throat to the epiglottis and can be very serious in children due to the danger of airway obstruction.
- Inflammation of the larynx.
- It is characterized by the symptom of dysphonia.
Legionellosis (Legionnaire's Disease)
A form of pneumonia that is caused by the bacterium Legionella Pneumophilia.
Lung Cancer (Adenocarcinoma of the Lung)
- It arises from the soft tissues of the lung.
- Most common cause is chronic exposure to tobacco smoke.
- Inflammation of the nose and pharynx.
- It may be caused by an allergic reaction or bacterial or viral infection.
- An acute infectious disease characterized by inflammatio of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi that produces spasmodic coughing.
- Commonly known as whooping cough because of the noise produced at the end of a cough when the larynx spasms, producing a long inspirational noise.
- Inflammation of the pharynx.
- Commonly called "sore throat"
Pleural Effusion
- Refers to the leakage of fluid.
- Fluid leaks into the pleural cavity.
- It usually occurs as a response by the body or infection of the pleural membranes.
Pleuritis (Pleurisy)
Inflammation of the pleural membranes.
Inflammation of the pleural membranes and the lungs
- Inflammation of the lungs, when caused by the chronic inhalation of fine particles.
- "condition of dusty lungs"
- Inflammation of soft lung tissue (excluding the bronchi) that results in the formation of an exudate (fluid) within alveoli.
- Is caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal pathogens. which trigger the inflammatory response.
An inflammatory condition of the lungs that is independent of a particular cause.
Pulmonary Edema
The accumulation of fluid within the lungs outside the alveoli.
- The abnormal presence of air or gas within the pleural cavity.
- It is caused by penetrating injury to the chest or severe coughing and leads to atelectasis.
Pulmonary Edema
- The accumulation of fluid within the tiny air sacs within the lunds (the alveoli) is a response to infection or injury.
- Most common cause is cardiovascular disease, including congestive heart failure.
- It is often associated with pneumonitis.
Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
- A blockage in the pulmonary circulation by a blood clot.
- It is a complication to an injury or surgery elsewhere in the body.
Pyothorax (Empyema)
The presence of pus in the pleural cavity.
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
A respiratory disease that is characterized by atelectasis.
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (NRDS) (Hyaline Membrane Disease; HMD)
- Affects newborns
- It is caused by insufficient surfactant, a substance produced by alveolar cells that prevents atelectasis.
Adult (or acute) Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Affects adults
- It is caused by severe lung infections or injury
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity.
- One of the clinical terms for the common cold.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- A severe, rapid-onset viral infection resulting in respiratory distress that includes acute lung inflammation, alveolar damage, and atelectasis.
- It is usually caused by the influenza virus and can become fatal.
- Similiar to rhinitis
- An inflammation of the mucous membranes.
- It affects the nasal cavity and also the paranasal sinsuses that are located within the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary bones of the skull.
Inflammation of one or more tonsils
- Inflammation of the trachea.
- It is usually caused by a bacterial infection that travels downward from the larynx.
Inflammation leads to a narrowing of the trachea.
Tuberculosis (TB)
- Infection of the lungs by bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- "Condition of little swelling"
Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)
A generalized infection of the upper respiratory tract (nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx).
Against or opposite of
Surgical puncture
Surgical removal or excision
recording process
Process of viewing
Surgical creation of an opening
Acid-fast Bacilli Smear (AFD)
- A clinical test performed on sputum to identify the presence of bacteria.
- Is frequently used with chest X-rays to confirm a diagnosis of tuberculosis.
- A pharyngeal tonsil
- "resembling a gland"
In some cases, a chronically inflammed adenoid must be surgically removed to avoid complications including obstruction of the nasopharynx.
A therapeutic drug that inhibits the effects of histamines.
Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
A clinical test on arterial bloo to identify the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
A proedure to remove fluid, air, or foreign bodies with suction.
A procedure that involvs listening to sounds within the body as part of a physical examination, often with the aid of a stethoscope.
- A procedure that uses a bronchodilating agent in an inhaler to reduce bronchial constriction in an effort to open the airway and improve breathing.
- "process of widening the airway"
The X-ray imaging of the bronchi.
Bronchography that produces an X-ray image of the bronchi and uses a contrast medium to highlight the bronchial tree.
The evaluation of the bronchi using a flexible fiber -optic tube mounted with a small lens at one end and attached to an eyepiece and computer monitor at the other end.
Chest CT Scan
- Diagnostic imaging of the chest by a computed tomography (CT) instrument.
- The procedure is used to diagnose respiratory tumors, pleural effusion, pleuritis, and other diseases by providing 3-D images of the thoracic cavity.
Chest X-Ray (CXR) Chest Radiograph
An X-ray image of the thoracic cavity that is used to diagnose tuberculosis, tumors, and other conditions of the lungs.
Ears, Nose, and Throat Specialist (ENT)
A physician specializing in the treatment of upper respiratory tract disease.
Endotracheal Intubation
Insertion of a noncollapsible breathing tube into the trachea through the nose or mouth.
Pertaining to within the trachea
- A drug that breaks up mucus and promotes the coughing reflex to expel the mucus.
- "spit out of the chest"
Incentive Spirometry
- A valuable postoperative breathing therapy.
- it involves the use of a portable spirometer to promote deeper breathing to improve lung expansion after an operation.
- If self self-administered reduces pulmonary complications and helps to correct atelectasis.
- Surgical removal of the larynx.
- It is often required as a treatment for laryngeal cancer and is usually followed by training or insertion of a device to enable the patient to communicate orallly.
- These patients have a permanent tracheostomy.
A diagnostic procedure that uses a modified endoscope, called a laryngoscope, to visually examine the larynx.
A surgical incision into the larynx and trachea is usually performed to provide a secondary opening for inspiration and expiration, allowing air to bypass the upper respiratory tract.
Surgical removal of a single lobe of a lung is sometimes required as a treatment for lung cancer, if the tumor is isolated in one lobe.
Mechanical Ventilation
- A medical treatment to provide supplemental oxygen to patients in respiratory distress.
- It provides assisted breathing using a ventilator, which pushes air into the patient's airway.
- Is often used by a respiratory therapist in a clinical setting or by an emergency medical technician at the site of injury and in transit to a hospital.
A device used to convert a liquid medication to a mist and deliver it to the lungs with the aid of deep inhalation.
The procedure that measures oxygen levels in the blood using an instrument called an oximeter.
Pulse Oximeter
A small, handheld oximeter that provides a digital readout of oxygen levels by noninvasive physical contact with a finger.
Pleurocentesis (Thoracentesis or Thoracocentesis)
- The surgical puncture and aspiration of fluid from the pleural cavity.
- it's a diagnostic procedure
- Surgical removal of a lung.
- It is performed as a radical treatment for lung cancer, in which tumors have progressed throughout one lung.
Pulmonary Angiography
- A diagnostic procedure that evaluates the blood circulation of the lungs.
- In this procedure, X-ray images are taken of the lungs following the injection of a contrast medium into the pulmonary circulation.
- "Recording of blood vessel pertaining to lung"
Pulmonary Function tests
A series of diagnostic tests performed to determine the cause of lung disease by evaluating lung capacity through the use of spirometry .
- A physician specializing in the treatment of diseases affecting the lower respiratory tract, particularly the lungs.
- Pulmonary specialist
- Artificial respiration that is used to restore breathing
- Most common form is cardiopulmonary
Surgical repair of the nose.
A type of rhinoplasty during which deviation of the nasal septum is corrected to improve breathing.
TB Skin Test (PPD Skin Test or Mantoux Skin Test)
A simple skin test to determin the presence of a tuberculosis infection.
Thoracentesis (Pleurocentesis or Thoracocentesis)
Surgical puncture using a needle and syringe into the thoracic cavity to aspirate pleural fluid for diagnosis or treatment.
- Surgical puncture into the chest cavity, usually for the insertion of a drainage or air tube.
- "Placing a chest tube"
- A surgical incision into the chest wall.
- The procedure is often used to treat pleural effusion by draining the excess fluid from the pleural cavity
Surgical repair of the trachea.
Surgical creation of an opening into the trachea, usually for the insertion of a breathing tube.
Surgical incision into the trachea.
Ventilation-Perfusion Scanning (VPS)
Lung Scan
V/Q Scan
- A diagnostic tool that uses nuclear medicine, or the use of radioactive material., to evaluate pulmonary function.
- It can identify pulmonary embolism and pulmonary edema.
Arterial blood gases
Adult (acute) respiratory distress syndrome
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Hyaline membrane disease
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Purified protein derivative
Respiratory distress syndrome
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
Upper respiratory infection
VPS or V/Q Scan
Ventilation-perfusion scanning
Abdomen, abdominal cavity
Append/o or appendic/o
Blind intestine, cecum
Common bile duct
Twelve, duodenum
Gullet, esophagus
Sweetbread, pancreas
Stretch over, peritoneum
The letter S, sigmoid colon
Digestive System
Converts food into a form the body can use for energy, growth, and repair.
The breakdown of food particles into their small subunits, is the primary function of the digestive system.
Other Important Functions of the Digestive System
- Absorption of nutrients, which occurs across the wall of the small intestine.
- Regulation of sugar levels in the blood, which achieved by endocrine cells of the pancreas and by liver cells
- Conservation of water, which is provided by water absorption across the walls of the small and large intestines.
Digestive Flora
Bacteria in the GI tract
Bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult
Excessive discharge
- The inability to swallow
- "Without eating or swallowing"
- "Inabiltity to swallow"
- An accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity that produces an enlarged abdomen.
- A sign of liver disease, congestive heart failure, or both.
- Infrequent or incomplete bowel movements are characteristics of this condition.
- It is a sign of an intestinal disorder.
- An opposite conditon to constipation, in which frequent discharge of watery fecal material occurs.
- "Excessive discharge through" and may be caused by an improper diet, but it is more commonly a sign of infectino by virus, bacteria, or protozoa.
- A common symptom of digestive difficulty that literally translates to "condition of difficult digestion"
- Commonly called indigestion, it is accompanied by stomach or esophageal pain or discomfort.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- It often accompanies a sore throat, although its chronic form can be a sign of oral or pharyngeal cancer.
- It is used to describe the presence of gas, or air, in the GI tract.
- Gas is expelled through the anus as flatulence
Gastrodynia (Gastralgia)
The symptom of stomach pain.
Vomiting blood
- A sign of liver disease is abnormal enlargement of the liver.
- "abnormally large liver"
- A yellowish-orange coloration of the skin, sclera of the eyes, and deeper tissues.
- It is a sign of liver disease.
- Results from the accumulation of bile pigments in the bloodstream that are normally removed by the liver.
A symptom of dizziness that includes an urge to vomit.
- A backward flow of material in the GI tract, or regurgitation.
- "Back flow"
- Abnormal levels of at in the feces is a sign of digestive malfunction.
- "Excessive discharge of fat"
expansion or dilation
abnormal reduction in number or deficiency
Anorexia Nervosa
- An emotional eating disorder in which the patient avoids food due to a complusion to become thin in appearance.
- "Nervous cause of condition of no appetite"
- It results in extreme weight loss and nutritional deficiencies and can become fatal if left untreated.
Inflammation of the appendix
- A common eating disorder involving repeated gorging with food followed by induced vomiting or laxative abuse.
- "Binging and purging"
Inflammation of the lip.
A general condition of the lip, which often includes splitting of the lips and corners of the mouth, usually resulting from vitamin B deficiency.
- Inflammation of the gallbladder.
- It is usually caused by stones lodged within the gallbladder, which are commonly called gallstones.
Inflammation of the common bile duct.
A generalized condition of stones lodged within the gallbladder or bile ducts.
- A chronic, progressive liver disease characterized by the gradual loss of liver cells and their replacement by fat and other forms of connective tissue.
- "Condition of orange"
- Inflammation of the colon
- Often includes excessive peristalitc contractions, mucus prodution, and cramping pain.
Ulcerative Colitis
Chronic bleeding of the colon wall, forms bloddy diarrhea.
Colorectal Cancer
- Cancer of the colon often includes cancer of the rectum.
- Life-threatening disease.
An abnormal mass of tissue that projects from the wall of the organ into the interior like a mushroom, to become an aggressive, metastatic tumor.
Crohn's Disease (Regional Ileitis, Regional Enteritis)
- A chronic inflammation of any part of the GI tract, most commonly the ileum of the small intestine, that involves ulcerations, scar tissue formation, and thickening adhesions of the organ wall.
- Believed to be an inherited condition
- It is a form of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, IBD
The presence of diverticula is often without symptoms or with mild bowel discomfort
Duodenal Ulcer
An ulcer, or erosion, in the wall of the duodenum of the small intesting.
- An acute inflammation of the GI tract that is caused by bacteria, protozoa, or chemical irritants.
- Characterized by severe diarrhea and can become a life-threatening disease by causing dehydration.
Inflammation of the small or large intestine.
- Inflammation of the esophagus
- It is often caused by acid refulx from the stomach, which burns the esophageal lining to produce the inflammation.
Chronic esophagitis may lead to a morbid softening of the esophageal wall.
Food-Borne Illness
Ingestion of food contaminated with harmful bacteria can cause symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, even in otherwise healthy peopel, but in the very young, elderly, and immunosuppressed it can become life threatening.
The life-threatening disease caused by clostridium botulinum.
Abnormal stretching, or dilation of the stomach.
An abnormal enlargement of the stomach
Gastric Cancer
- Stomach cancer
- An aggressive, metastatic cancer arising from cells lining the stomach.
Gastric Ulcer
- An ulcer, or erosion, in the wall of the stomach.
- It is often caused by an imbalance between the secretion of the protective mucous layer and the secreation of hydrochlorix acid in the stomach, which is often the result of infectio nby the bacterium Helicobactor pylori.
Inflammation of the stomach.
Inflammation of the small intestine and stomach.
If the first segment of the small intestine, the duodenum .
Inflammation of the stomach, small intestine, and colon all at once.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
A recurring backflow, or reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
The softening of the stomach wall may occur during advanced stages of stomach cancer and other chronic diseases of the stomach.
Infection by the intestinal protozoa Giardia intestinalis or Giardia lamblia produces symptoms of diarrhea, cramps, nausea, and vomiting. The disease is usually contracted by drinking contaminated water.
Inflammation of the gums, or gingiva. It is usually caused by chronic bacterial activity at the junction of the teeth and gums.
An inflammation of the tongue often caused by exposure to allergens, toxic substances, or extreme heat or cold.
Any disease of the tongue.
A varicose, or swollen, condition of the veins in the anus produces painful swellings that may break open and bleed. "Resembling leakage of blood"
A viral-induced inflammation of the liver.
Hepatoma; Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
A tumor arising from cells within the liver.
Hiatal Hernia
- Protrusion of the cardiac portion of the stomach through the hiatus of the diaphragm to enter the thoracic cavity.
- It causes the symptom of heartburn that results from the movement of stomach acids into the esophagus.
Inguinal Hernia
- A type of digestive system hernia
- A protrusion of a small intestinal segment through the abdominal wall in the inguinal region.
Direct Inguinal Hernia
Occurs in males and is a protrusion into the scrotal cavity.
Umbilical Hernia
Occurs when a small intestinal segment enters through a tear in the membrane covering the abdominal wall at the umbilical (navel) region.
Strangulated Hernia
Requires medical intervention to avoid loss of the affected organ.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- A general term that includes the conditions ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
- A syndrome affecting different patients in different ways.
- It includes a wide specttrum of conditions and symptoms that range from chronic diarrhea and enteritis to ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease.
Infolding of a segment of the small intestine within another segment and results in a reduction of intestinal motility.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- A chronic disease characterized by periodic disturbances of large intestinal (bowel) function without clear physical damage.
- Episodes include abdominal pain caused by intestinal muscle spasms and flatus, and are often associated with fluctuations between diarrhea and constipation.
Lactose Intolerance
A lack of this enzyme results in the uncomfortable symptoms of flatus and diarrhea when dairy foods are consumed.
Malabsorption Syndrome
- A disorder that is characterized by difficulty absorbing one or more nutrients.
- It can have severe consequences, depending on the nutrients that cannot be absorbed.
An example of malabsorption syndrome is the inability to absorb fat molecules, resulting in a life-threatening disease.
Inflammation of the pancreas.
Inflammation of one or both parotid glands.
Peptic Ulcer
An erosion into the inner wall of an organ along the GI tract.
Inflammation of the extensive membrane that lines the inner wall of the abdominpelvic cavity and covers most of its organs.
- The presence of many polyps.
- Condition of polyps
- Usually occurs in the colon or rectum of the large intestine, where it increases the risk for colorectal cancer.
Any abnormal mass of tissue that projects inward from the wall of a hollow organ.
Inflammation of the anus, and usually the rectum as well.
A drooping, or prolapse, of the rectum.
A severe twisting of the intestine that leads to obstruction.
A solution or substance with a pH less than 7
Surgical puncture
pertaining to vomiting
pertaining to a sudden, involuntary contraction
A surgical puncture through the abdominal wall to remove fluid.
An agent that reduces the acidity of the stomach cavity.
- A drug that prevents or stops the vomiting relfect.
- "pertaining to against vomiting"
A drug that reduces peristalsis activity in the GI tract, which arrests the muscular spasms involved in diarrhea.
May also be used to treat the symptoms of diarrhea, but usually by increasing water absoprtion in the colon while decreasing spasms.
The surgical removal of the appendix.
An agent that stimulates strong waves of peristalsis of the colon
An agent that causes mild waves of peristalsis.
The procedure of suturing a lip
The surgical removal of the gallbladder
The procedure of producing an X-ray image of the gallbladder
The X-ray image of the gallbladder
The surgery that involves the removal of one or more obstructive gallstones from the common bile duct.
Cleft Palate
A congenital defect in which the bones supporting the roof of the mouth, or hard palate, fail to fuse during fetal development, leaving a space between the oral cavity and nasal cavity
Surgical removal of a segment of the colon.
Surgical creation of an opening performed on the colon. The new opening is referred as a stoma.
Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
A clinical lab test performed to detect blood in the feces.
Surgical removal of part of the stomach or, in extreme cases, the entire organ.
Gastric Lavage
- A cleansing procedure in which the stomach is irrigated with a prescribed solution.
- Performed after ingestion of a toxic substance or drug overdose or to remove irritants before after surgery.
Colonic Irrigation
An irrigation procedure may be performed on the colon to remove unwanted substances.
The process of feeding a patient through a tube inserted into the nose that extends through the esophagus to enter the stomach.
GI Endoscopy
Visual examination of the GI tract that is made possible by the use of an endoscope.
Which examines the esophagus
Which views the stomach
Examines the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
Which examines the abdominal cavity.
GI Series
A common term applied to several diagnostic techniques that provie radiographic examinationof the GI tract.
Barium Enema (BE)
The admintration of barium sulfate into the color or rectum for a lower GI series (LGI) of X-rays.
Surgical removal of diseased tissue in the gums, or gingiva.
An injury that involves a severe bite through the tongue often requires surgery to close the wound with sutures.
Surgical removal of hemorrhoids
- A surgical creation of an opening through the abdominal wall and into the ileum of the small intestine.
- Is performed to establish an alternative anus for the passage of feces, usually following a radical colectomy in which the entire colon.
The surgical procedure that involves an incision through the abdominal wall, often from the based of the sternum to the pubic bone.
The surgical removal of polyps
Surgical repair of the pylorus region of the stomach, which may include repair of the pyloric valve.
Stool Culture and Sensitivity (SCS)
- A test that may be performed if a pathogen is a suspected cause of a disease that affects the GI tract.
- includes obtaining stool (fecal) samples, using the sample to grow microorganism in culture, and identifying the microogranisms to determine which antibiotics will effectively kill the pathogens.
The surgical dissection of branches of the vagus nerve may be performed in an effort to reduce gastric juice secretion as a treatment for chronic gastric ulcers.
Fecal Occult Blood Test
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
inflammatory bowel disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Stool Cultures and sensitivity