Heart Anatomy S1M3

  1. Where does the heart development arise from
    Cardiogenic area, anterior to the buccopharyngeal membrane and neural tube
  2. The outer lining of the heart is called
    Epicardium (visceral cardium)
  3. The inner lining of the heart is called
  4. The anterior side of the heart is formed mainly by
    Right ventricle
  5. The inferior of the heart (diaphramatic) is formed mainly by
    The left ventricle and partly the right ventricle
  6. The right pulmonary surface of the heart is formed mainly by
    The right atrium
  7. The left pulmonary surface of the heart is formed mainly by
    The left ventricle
  8. Where is the apex of the heart in respect to the ribs
    It is located at the left 5th intercostal space at the mid clavicular line
  9. The sounds of the mitral valve are best heard where
    The apex of the heart
  10. The base of the heart is formed by
    Mainly the left atrium with a lesser contribution from the right atrium
  11. The Base of the heart is separated from the vertebral bodies T6-T9 by
    The pericardium, oblique pericardial sinus, esophagus, and aorta.
  12. The base of the heart extends superiorly and inferiorly until what structures
    • The bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk
    • Coronary groove
  13. What are all of the vessels that feed the base of the heart
    • Four pulmonary veins
    • Superior and inferior vena cavae
  14. The right border of the heart consists of
    Right atrium and extends between the Superior and inferior vena cavae
  15. The left border of the heart consists of
    Mainly the left ventricle and slightly by the left auricle
  16. The inferior border of the heart is formed by
    The right ventricle and slightly by the left ventricle
  17. The superior border of the heart is formed by
    The right and left atria and auricles
  18. What is the surface marker for the superior border of the heart
    2nd left intercostal space to the 3rd right costal cartilage
  19. What is the surface marker for right border of the heart
    3rd right costal cartilage to the 6th right costal cartilage
  20. Where is the left border of the heart in respect to the ribs
    2nd left cartilage cartilage to the 5th left intrcostal space in the midclavicular line
  21. Where is the inferior border of the heart found in respect to the ribs
    Sixth right costal cartilage to the 5th left intercostal space mid clavicular line
  22. Where do you listen for the pulmonary valve
    Over the medial end of the left 2nd intercostal space
  23. Where would you listen for the Aortic valve
    Over the medial end of the right 2nd intercostal space
  24. Where would you listen for the Tricuspid valve
    Just to the left of the lower part of the sternum near the 5th intercostal space
  25. Where would you listen for the mitral valve
    Over the apex of the heart in the 5th intercostal space at the midclavicular line
  26. The right atrium is located where in respect to the ribs
    The level of the 3rd costal cartilage
  27. Where is the inferior vena cavae in respect to the ribs
    5th costal cartilage
  28. What is anterior to the interior of the right atrium
    Rough muscular pectinate muscles
  29. The interatrial surface of the right atrium septum contains what
    Fossa ovalis
  30. Superior to the interior of the right ventricle is
    The conus arteriosus (infundibulum) leading to the pulmonary trunk
  31. What does the supraventricular crest separate
    The rough part of the heart from the smooth part in the right ventricle
  32. Tricuspid valve and aortic valve attach to papillary muscles via
    Chordae tendineae
  33. The interventricular septum has what two parts to it
    A membranous and a muscular
  34. Pulmonary veins have no
  35. The superior part of the left atrium projects as
    The left auricle
  36. The walls of the left auricle contain
    Pectinate muscles
  37. What is the floor of the fossa ovalis
    Interatrial septum
  38. What is the inside of the left ventricle and right covered with
    A mesh of trabaculae carnae
  39. Dextrocardia
    • During development of the heart, the heart tube bends to the left instead of to the normal right
    • This makes the heart and vessels reversed
  40. Dextrocardia is often associated with what other condition
    Situs inversus (transportation of viscera such as liver)
  41. Ectopia Cordis
    The heart is in an abnormal location. Death follows the first two days unless the heart defect is not severe.
  42. What is the annular ring of a heart valve
    Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the valve and cusp
  43. Where is the pulmonary valve in respect to the ribs
    Medial aspect of the 3rd costal cartilage on the left side
  44. Where is the aortic valve in respect to the ribs
    Medial aspect of the 3rd left intercostal space behind the left side of the sternum
  45. Where is the tricuspid valve in respect to the ribs
    Medial aspect of the right 5th costal ridge behind the right side of the sternum
  46. Where is the mitral valve in respect to the ribs
    In the medial 3rd left intercostal space
  47. Valvular heart disease
    Produces either stenosis or inability of the valve to close completely resulting in turbulence
  48. What are eddies
    Small whirlpools if blood in a bad valve that produces vibrations known as murmurs
  49. What is the fibrous skeleton of the heart
    Four fibrous rings that encircle the valves as well as help in the structure of the interatrial, interventricular, and atrioventricular septa
  50. Damage to the fibrous skeleton of the heart can caused by what conditions
    • Marfan syndrome
    • Endocarditis
  51. What is valvular stenosis
    Fusion of thickening valves
  52. Valvular Atresia
    • Complete fusion of valves
    • In the aorta, patent ductus arteriosus delivers blood to the aorta
    • In the pulmonary valves, Ductus arteriosus is the only access to the pulmonary circulation
  53. Persistent Truncus Arteriosis
    • Conotruncal ridges fail to fuse and fail to descend toward the ventricle
    • Pulmonary artery arises from the truncus arteriosis
  54. Tetralogy of fallot
    • Narrow right ventricular outflow region
    • Defect of interventricular septum
    • Overriding aorta arising directly above the septal defect
    • Hypertrophy of the right ventricular wall
  55. Cor triloculare biventriculare
    The most serious atrial septal defect with a complete absence of the atrial septum
  56. Tricuspid Atresia
    • Obliteration of the right atrioventricular orifice
    • Patent oval foramen
    • Ventricular septal defects
    • Underdeveloped right ventricle
    • Left ventricular hypertrophy
  57. What are the three Ventricular septal defects
    • 1. Defect of the membranous part of the interventricular septum (Mixed blood in the pulmonary trunk)
    • 2. Defect of the muscular part of the intermuscular septum (Multiple defects = swiss cheese)
    • 3. Absence of interventricular septum (Results in single or common ventricle)
  58. What does the right coronary artery feed
    • Right atrium
    • Right ventricle
    • Part of left ventricle
    • SA/AV nodes
    • Posterior third of the the IV septum
  59. What does the left coronary artery feed
    • Left atrium
    • Left ventricle
    • Part of right ventricle
    • Anterior 2/3 of IV septum
  60. Lympth from the right atrium and ventricle drains where
    Left venous junction, and the left side does the opposite
  61. Atrial repolarization occurs when
    During ventricular depolarization
  62. Cardiac tamponade
    Excessive pericardial effusion into the pericardial cavity, compromising the volume of the sac not allowing the heart to expand.
  63. Hemopericardium
    Blood in the pericardial cavity
Card Set
Heart Anatomy S1M3