Higher Cognitive Functions

  1. What are the three regions of the brain that seem to be asosciated with higher order functions?
    • 1. Parietal-temporal-occipital area
    • 2. Orbitofrontal area
    • 3. Limbic area
  2. What structures allow communication between the two hemispheres?
    Anterior commissure and corpus callosum
  3. Which hemisphere is usually dominant in:
    a) Handedness
    b) Language
    c) Mathematics
    d) Music
    e) Spatial relations
    f) Faces
    • a) Left
    • b) Left
    • c) Left
    • d) Right
    • e) Right
    • f) Right
  4. Where is the planum temporale?
    Dorsal surface of the temporal lobe (within Wernicke's area)
  5. Impaired function of the planum temporale is throught to be linked to what?
  6. What area functions in language comprehension?
    Wernicke's area
  7. Damage to Wernicke's area causes what?
    Sensory aphasia
  8. A patient presents after a CVA who seems to be attempting to make words, but doesn't understand what you are saying. Where is the problem probably located?
    Wernicke's area
  9. What is caused by a lesion in Broca's area?
    Motor aphasia
  10. What are the parts of Broca's area?
    Pars opercularis and pars triangularis
  11. A patient presents after a CVA fully comprehensive but frustrated because he can't speak to you. Where is the lesion probably located?
    Broca's area
  12. A lesion in the superior longitudinal fasciculus causes what?
    Conductive aphasia
  13. What is the function of the superior longitudinal fasciculus?
    Interconnects Wernicke's and Broca's area
  14. What is conduction aphasia?
    Lesion in the superior longitudinal fasciculus that presents with mild problems with comprehension and ability to speak conversationally, but cannot repeat phrases or words
  15. What is stereognosis?
    The ability to recognize an object by touching it
  16. Contralateral neglect is caused by a lesion in what region?
    Parietal lobe
  17. What important functions is the prefrontal cortex involved in?
    Concentration, abstract reasoning, spontaneity, a capacity to do things for a delayed reward, and living within social norm
  18. What are the clinical signs of schizophrenia?
    Delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking and language
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Higher Cognitive Functions
FNS Lecture #38 - Higher Cognitive Functions