Head and Face (7)
- inspect scalp and cranium
- hair
- skin
- facial expression and symmetry (CN VII)
- Facial sensation (CN V)
- TMJ Palpation
- Percuss Maxillary and Frontal Sinuses
Eyes (9)
- Inspect external structures
- conjunctiva
- sclera
- corneas
- Corneal light reflex
- visual fields by confrontation/or acuity (CN II)
- Cover/Uncover Test
- Six position of gaze (CN III, IV, VI)
Ears (6)
- inspect external structure
- test hearing (voice) (CN VIII)
- Rinne Test (CN VIII)
- Weber Test (CN VIII)
- Inspect Canal
- Tympanic membrane
Nose (6)
- Symmetry/Skin
- Patency of nostrils
- Smell (CN I)
- Nasal mucosa
- Septum
- Turbinates
Mouth (9)
- Lips
- Buccal Mucosa
- Gums
- Palate
- Floor of mouth
- teeth
- Tongue (CN XII)
- Posterior pharynx and uvula (CN IX and X)
- Grade tonsils
Neck (9)
- Supple/Skin
- Masses/Tenderness
- Muscle strength and CN XI (shoulders and head resistance)
- Lymph Nodes
- Thyroid gland
- Trachea
- Carotid pulses
- Auscultate carotids
lymph nodes in neck (8)
- Preauricular
- Postauricular
- occipital
- submandibular
- submental
- anterior cervical
- posterior cervical
- supraclavicular
Chest (10)
- Resp unlabored accessory use
- configuration of thoracic cage
- skin (ant. and post)
- turgor
- symmetric expansion
- masses (ant and post)
- tenderness (ant and post)
- Tactile fremitus (ant and post)
- percuss lung fields (ant and post)
- auscultate breath sounds (ant and post)
Heart (7)
- apical pulse location
- Auscultate diaphragm (5 spots)
- S1 S2 RRR
- Gallops
- Rubs
- Ausculate bell (5 spots)
- Murmors
Abdomen (9)
- Contour
- Skin characteristics
- umbilicus/hernia
- bowel sounds
- percussion sounds
- palpation (soft, NT, Non-distended)
- Palpation of: liver, spleen, kidneys)
- Aortic pulsation