(book) List how to prepare for a disaster
- Find out what could happen to you
- Create a disaster plan
- Complete checklist: phone numbers, call 911, turn off water, insurance, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, potential hazards, emergency supplies, first aid/ CPR
- Practice and maintain your plan
Define Disaster
A result of a vast ecological breakdown in the relation btwn humans and their environment
List 10 Characteristics of Diasters
- Death
- Govt action required
- Triage
- Notify Family
- Evacuation
- Media
- Security
- Emotion of survivors
- Emotion of responders
- Property damage
List the Equation for the Risk of Disaster
Hazard + Vulnerability - Capacity
List examples of Hazard
Infectious disease, hurricane, chemical spill
List examples of Vulnerability
- How vulnerable is the population to events of disaster?
- Dense population, poverty, environmental damage
List examples of Capacity
Storm-forecasting, construction, emergency response systems
List 2 Major Catagories of Disasters
List 2 types of Natural Disasters
- Sudden impact or acute onset
- Slow or chronic impact
List 2 types of Human-generated Disasters
List Natural Disasters: Sudden Impact
- Geological or climate hazards: hurricanes, tornados, storms, floods, tsunamis, temp extreme, landslides, volcanoes
- Epidemics: food, water, vector-borne dx, communicable dx
List Natural Diasters: Slow/Chronic Impact
- Drought
- Famine
- Environmental degradation
- Chronic exposure to toxic substances
- Pest infestation
List Human-generated Disasters: Unintentional
- Industrial
- Technological
- Transportation accidents
- Fires
- Environmental accidents
List Human-generated Diasters: Intentional
- (mnemonic: B-NICE)
- Biologic: food, water, animals
- Nuclear: device to spread radioactive
- Incendiary: fire
- Chemical: chemical vesicants
- Explosive: bombs
- *more recent- technological
List 6 Major Effects of Disasters
- Morbidity and mortality
- Health care infrastructure
- Environment
- Populations
- Psychological and social stability
- Food and water supplies
List 4 Phases of Disaster Mgt
- Prevention Phase
- Preparedness Phase
- Reaction Phase
- Recovery Phase
Discuss Prevention Phase in Disaster Mgt
- No disaster apparent, planning
- Not prevention of hazard
- Prevent: deaths, effects on health, food & water
- How to protect systems
Discuss Preparedness Phase in Diaster Mgt
- Once disaster is recognized
- How to decrease impact
- Disaster potentially upon us
Discuss Reaction Phase in Disaster Mgt
- Immediately post disaster
- Emergency response itself
- Most tasks- local populations
- Public prepardness
Discuss Recovery Phase in Disaster Mgt
- Post-diaster
- Rehabilitation
List Nsg Prevention Activities for Disaster Mgt
- Identify potential hazards
- Identify vulernablilties
- Strengthen capacity
- Educate professionals (including self) and communities
Discuss Education on Disaster Kits: Food
- Store 3 day water supply, or a week
- Include foods that require: no refrigeration, little preparation, little water
- Include foods: non-perishable, low-sodium, high protein
- Canned veggies- no salt
- Canned fruits
- Snacks and comfort foods
Discuss Education on Disaster Kits: Water
- 1 gal of water per person per day
- Min 3 day supply
- Used for food, drinking, and hygiene
- Rotate water and food q6 months
Discuss Education on Disaster Kits: Meds, General, Special Needs
- Prescription and non-prescription meds
- General: batteries, radio, flashlight, matches, can opener, toiletries
- Special: children entertainment, pet needs
- Store in plastic bins with secure lids and in stable temps
List Nsg Preparedness Activities for Disaster Mgt
- Issue timely warnings
- Implement protective actions
- Undertake emergency management activities
- Evacuate population as needed
List Nsg Reaction Activities for Disaster Mgt
- Implement life-saving action
- Implement public health surveillance
- Evacuate populations as needed
- Restore emergency communications
- Restore emergency transportation
Define Isolation
Keeping away to protect others, not pt
Discuss Reasons to Quarantine
- Isolate entire population
- Protect pop from one another
- Keeping impact under control
List 4 Levels of Quarantine
- No quarantine
- Shelter-in-place: home curfew (limits unnecessary travel)
- Targeted restriction on movements and activites: officials cancel public events, stop transmission
- Compulsory restriction of movements and activites: curfews, state boarders closed, totally immobilize
Discuss START
- Assess respiration, perfusion, and mental status (RPM)
- Correct life-threatening conditions
- Classify and tag
List 4 Classifications in START
- Morgue
- Immediate
- Delayed
- Minor- walking wounded
List Nsg Recovery Activities for Disaster Mgt
- Re-establish health services
- Debrief pop and responders
- Evaluate response
- Restore pre-disaster conditions
- Reconstruct/ repair damage