List 3 Therapy Adjuncts
- Psychotherapies: dealing w/ mind
- Somatic therapies: dealing w/ body to get to mind
- Complementary & alternative therapy (CAM)
Discuss Talk Therapy
- provided by a trained mental health professional
- Purpose: to improve mental well-being by decreasing psychological distress, increasing self-awareness & self-esteem, and fostering healthier ways of coping with stress
List Components of Effective Psychotherapy
- Nonverbal communication
- Active listening
- Emotional support
- Establishment of trust
Discuss what Psychotherapy Encompasses
- Unconditional positive regard (thanks to Carl Rogers)
- Positive reinforcement
- Identification of triggers
- Help with problem-solving
Discuss Cognitive Therapy
- Cognition: thought process
- Cognitive distortions: thinking errors
- Perception of self + world+ future = cognitive triad
- Purpose:
- Decrease self-defeating thought patterns
- Decrease self-blame
Disuse Schema
- Core beliefs about self
- Try to understand why they are doing what they are doing
Discuss Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Id of how thoughts lead to feelings/ emotions lead to behavior
- Includes: reconsidering thoughts, change in feelings, change in behavior
List Advantages of CBT
- Time-restricted
- Observable changes in behavior
- Favored by insurance companies
List 3 parts of the Psychotherapy Triangle
- Thoughts
- Feelings and emotions
- Actions and behaviors
Discuss Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- Tx for Boarderline Personality D/o & suicidal
- Purpose: to counteract an invalidating environment and/ or inherent trust issues (abuse or neglect)
- Works on emotional dysregulation
- Uses empathy
- Encourages mindfulness
- Id triggers
Discuss SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, & referral to tx)
- Targets ETOH, tobacco, drug use
- Primary care
- Link to community
List 5 Somatic Therapies
- Phototherapy
Discuss Somatic: Phototherapy
- Fluorescent light
- Seasonal affective disorder
- SE: mania, h/a, eyestrain, nausea, sweating, sedation
Discuss Somatic: EMDR
- To tx sever anxiety, PTSD, abuse, panic attacks
- Move finger in front of face calms the pt, like fish swimming
Discuss Somatic: TMS
- Rapidly changing magnetic field induces a small, electric current to the superficial cortex of the brain
- Stimulates and activates brain cells
- No sedation
- Outpt
Define Neuroplasticity
The ability of neurons and neuronal connections to change
Discuss Somatic: ECT
- Shock tx
- Unilateral
- SE: memory loss, h/a, muscle aches
Discuss ECT requirements
- Pre-tx: CBC, CXR
- Hold anticonvulsant meds
- NPO after midnight
- Like surgery
Discuss Somatic: VNS
- Invasive
- Approved for partial seizures and depression
- Stimulates the left cervical vagus nerve with continual electrical impulses
- Affects the limbic system
- Side effects: headache, hoarseness, dyspnea, voice changes, cough, pharyngitis, ataxia, hypesthesia, &
- risks associated with implantation of device into upper chest
List Biologically Based Practices
- Aromatherapy
- Diet & nutritional supplements
- Herbal Preparations
- Light Therapy
List Cautions with Herbals
- Allergies
- Less regulated
- Blood levels of other meds
- Body chemistry
- Liver damage
- Drug interaction
List Manipulative & Body-Based Practices
- Yoga: memory, anxiety, stress
- Reflexology: areas of feet relate to body
- Massage: pain, stress
Discuss Energy Medicine
- Correct or balance energy
- Acupuncture
- Bioelectromagnetic tx
- Tai-chi