
  1. Male germ cells are called?
  2. Which endocrine gland stimulates the testes to produce germ cells?
    anterior lobe of pituitary
  3. the testes produce germ cells and secrete the male hormone?
  4. the final maturation of the sperm occurs in the?
  5. A muscular tube connecting the epididymis and that is part of the spermatic cord is the ?
    vas deferens
  6. The _______ and the vas deferens form the ejaculatory duct.
    seminal vesicle
  7. This structure lies on the posterior aspect of the base of the bladder and also secretes a thick liquid consisting of fructose. This structure is known as?
    seminal vesicels
  8. Menarche refers to the onset of ________ in females.
  9. Ova begin to grow and develop to a mature ovum; this process of expelling the mature ovum is known as?
  10. The corpus luteum continues to grow after the ovum has been released and secretes ______.
  11. The ovum travels from the ovary to the uterus via the?
    fallopian tubes
  12. Implantation of the fertilized ovum outside of the uterus is called?
    eptopic pregnancy
  13. The mentrual phase of the cycle is a result of what three products?
    • blood
    • mucus
    • sloughed endometrium
  14. Natural termination of the reproductive process is?
  15. In the second stage of syphilis, a ______ rash affects any part of the body.
  16. ______ can cause septic arthritis.
  17. To best delineate the prostate, seminal vesicles, and surrounding organs for accurate staging of carcinoma of the prostate gland, ____ is the modality of choice.
  18. Inflammation of the pair (or one) of the long tightly coiled ducts that carry sperm from the seminiferous tubules of the testes to the vas deferens is called?
  19. On ultrasound, a testicular tumor that has a uniform hypoechoic mass appearance without calcification or cystic areas is known as a?
  20. Spread os infection into the fallopian tubes from the pelvis is caused by?
    PID- pelvic inflammatory disease
  21. Often multiple benign smooth muscle tumors of the uterus, called ___________, are stimulated by estrogen.
    uterine fibroids
  22. Post menopausal bleeding is a symptom of _______ carcinoma, which is the predominant neoplasm of the uterine body.
  23. A _________ examination has permitted early detection of cervical carcinomas.
    PAP smear
  24. As a result of a pelvic inflammatory disease, the fallopian tubes may be obstructed, causing ______ or _______.
    • infertility
    • eptopic pregnancy
  25. Lipd material within a lesion with relative radiolucency that has a characteristic of calcification is a __________.
    dermoid cyst
  26. A tumor mass with clustered calcification in the mammory gland is indicitive of?
    breast cancer
  27. Gonaotropic hormones of the _________ stimulate development of sperm and secretion of testosterone.
    anterior pituitary
  28. Final maturation of sperm occurs in the __________.
  29. BPH?
    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (benign enlargement of the prostate)
  30. 1 in ___ men will contract prostate cancer.
  31. Skeletal mets occur in ___% of people with prostate cancer.
  32. What is cryptorchidism?
    failure of testis to descent from abdominal cavity to scrotum.
  33. Orchiopexy vs orchiectomy?
    • Orchiopexy is surgical fixation of testis in scrotum (if under 10yrs old)
    • Orchiectomy is removal of testies (if over 10)
  34. Differentiation of testicular torsion from epididymitis?
    • US Doppler- see blood flow (arteriole pulsation)
    • Low pulsation= torsion
    • High pulsation= epididymitis
  35. Testicular tumors are the most common neoplasm between _______ years in males.
    20-35 yrs old
  36. Two main types of testicular tumors?
    • seminoma- slow growing
    • teritoma (non-seminoma)- highly malignant
  37. Breasts are considered ________ reproductive organs.
  38. Bicornate uterus?
    Paired uterin tubes extending to the fallopian tubes
  39. Uterine didelphys?
    Duplicate uterus, cervix, and vagina
  40. Path? Causes- clamydia, gonorrhea, viral/fungal, bacterial infection following childbirth- What happens: reproductive oragans become inflammed.
    PID, pelvic inflammatory disease
  41. Ovarian cysts: Follicular and Corpus luteum. Which is the most common oviarian neoplasm?
    Corpus luteum
  42. Benign, germ cells tumor consisting of hair, skin, teeth, fatty elements.
    Dermoid cyst (teritoma), account for 15% of ovarian tumors
  43. Benign overgrowth of uterine smooth muscle, very common, stimulated by estrogen, can cause bleeding between periods, excessive bleeding and pressure to surrounding organs.
    uterine fibroids (leiomyoma)
  44. Endometrial carcinoma usually occurs in ______ women, especially those with no _______.
    • postmenopausal
    • children
  45. Endometrial tissue of uterus lining becomes embedded elsewhere in the pelvis?
  46. HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) is a major risk factor with what pathology? PAP smears also allow early ditection.
    Cervical carcinoma
  47. _______ women and ______ men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.
    • 175,00 women
    • 900 men
  48. Breast cancer is most often found in the ____________ of the breast.
    upper outer quadrant
  49. Caffeine may be contributory to development of __________ disease.
    fibrocystic breast
  50. Polyhydramnios?
    excess amount of amniotic fluid
  51. Oligohydramnios?
    too little amount of anmiotic fluid
  52. More than 1/2 of PTs with ectopic pregnancy have a history of _______.
  53. What pathology gives a false pregnancy indication, and is a benign tumor of placental tissue?
    Hydatidiform mole (molar pregnancy)
  54. What pathology gives a false pregnancy indication that is highly malignant tumor of placental tissue?
  55. The frequent malignant __________ is a primary tumor that develops from the chorionic portion of the products of conception.
  56. Muscular tube passing through the inguinal canal?
    vas deferens
  57. What secretes a thick fluid of fructose in the male?
    seminal vesicle
  58. Arises from a primitive germ cell and consists of many tissue types?
    teritoma (dermoid cyst)
  59. A benign smooth muscle tumor.
    uterine fibroid
  60. Caused by spirochete Treponema pallidum?
  61. _____ causes an inability to empty the bladder completely.
    BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia
  62. Ectopic testis?
  63. Follicular and corpus luteum are examples of?
    Oviarian cysts
  64. Most common and widely spread venereal disease?
  65. Neoplasm of the uterine body and most common invasive neoplasm.
    Endometrial carcinoma
  66. Tumor related to chronic irritation, infection and poor hygiene.
    cervical cancer
  67. The testis normally migrate through the ______ into the scrotal sac.
    inguinal canal
  68. A reflux of endometrial fragments backward through the fallopian tubes during menstation resulting in an implantation in the pelvis is?
  69. A benign breast disease demonstarting various sized cysts throughout the breats

    A. fibrocystic disease
  70. The most common calcified lesion in the female genital tract is a ?
  71. Poor hyfiene, chronic irritation, and infection appear to be related to the development of?
    cervical cancer
  72. The lack of a female chromosome causing an abnormal fertilization is known as a?
    hydatidiform mole
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