Unit 8

  1. animosity
    • strong dislike
    • bitter hostility
    • enmity
    • rancor
    • antipathy
  2. Apathy
    • a lack of feeling
    • indifference
    • disinterest
    • detachment
    • not concerned
  3. Apprehensive
    • fearful
    • anxious
    • worried about future
    • fretful
    • jittery
  4. Commend
    • to praise
    • express approval
    • applaud
    • entrust
  5. Compatible
    • able to get along
    • harmonious
    • in agreement
    • like-minded
  6. Condolence
    • an expression of sympathy
    • commiseration
    • solace
  7. Consecrate
    • to make sacret
    • hallow
    • to set apart for a special purpose
    • devote
    • dedicate
    • sanctify
  8. Decrepit
    • old
    • feeble
    • worn out
    • ruined
    • infirm
    • broken-down
    • rickety
    • dilapidated
  9. Deride
    • to ridicule
    • mock
    • scorn
    • disparage
    • jeer at
  10. Ingenuous
    • innocent
    • simple
    • frank
    • sincere
    • naive
    • artless
    • guileless
    • candid
  11. Multifarious
    • having great variety
    • numerous
    • diverse
    • varied
    • manifold
    • heterogeneous
  12. Obsolete
    • out of date
    • no longer in use
    • outmoded
    • antiquated
    • passe
  13. omnivorous
    • eating everything
    • all devouring
    • voracious
  14. parsimonious
    • stingy
    • miserly
    • meager
    • poor
    • small
    • frugal
    • niggardly
    • penny-pinching
    • cheap
  15. Quandary
    • a state of perplexity
    • doubt
    • confusion
    • dilemma
    • predicament
  16. Recalcitrant
    • stubbornly disobedient
    • resisting authority
    • unruly
    • obstinate
    • contrary
    • ornery
  17. Reprisal
    • an injury done in return for injury
    • retaliation
    • revenge
    • retribution
  18. Revel
    • to take great pleasure in
    • a wild celebration
    • relish
    • savor
    • bask in
    • carouse
  19. Stultify
    • to make ineffective or useless
    • cripple
    • to have a dulling effect on
    • smother
    • stifle
    • neutralize
    • negate
  20. Suave
    • smoothly agreeable
    • polite
    • pleasing to the senses
    • sophisticated
    • urbane
    • polished
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Unit 8