CHFD 3920 Exam 2

  1. Conduct Disorder
    Repeatedly violating the basic rights of others or major societal rules or norms
  2. Delinquency offenses
    Acts that involve destruction or theft of property, violent crimes, or possession or sale of illegal drugs
  3. Differentiation
    The degree to which the family's patterns of interaction promote a sense of intimacy while tolerating the individuality of its members
  4. Emotional Dependence
    The excessive need for approval, closeness, and emotional support
  5. Emotional Reactivity
    The degree of conflictual feelings, including excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, resentment, and anger, toward one's parents or significant others
  6. Functional Autonomy
    The ability to manage and direct one's own personal affairs without help from family members
  7. Individuation
    A developmental process through which one comes to see oneself as separate and distinct from others within one's relational (family, social, cultural) context. The degree to which individuation has occurred is the degree to which the person no longer experiences himself or herself as fusing with others in a personal relationships
  8. Intimacy
    The capacity to establish close, familiar, personally discolsing, and usually loving or affectionate relationships with others
  9. Oppositional defiance disorder
    A pattern of negativistic, hostile, or difiant beahvior
  10. Pseudo- individuation
    Efforts of an individual to separate from the family of origin that appear to have been sucessful but in actuality leave him or her dependent on the family
  11. Psychological autonomy
    The achievement of a sense of personal control over one's life while remaining free to act without worrying about what one's family will say or think about one's choice
  12. Status offense
    Acts committed by a young person that would not be considered offenses if committed by an adult( alcohol possession)
  13. Tolerance for individuality
    The degree to which patterns of interaction in the family are enmeshing and interfere with the abilites of individuals to express their needs for autonomy and individuality
  14. Tolerance for intimacy
    The degree to which patterns of interaction in the family communicate respect, regard, and concern for individual family members and needs for support, responsiveness, and mutual-relatedness are met
  15. Anxious- Ambivalent attachment style
    Adults with an anxious-ambivalent attachment sytle view others in a relationship as unreliable and unable to commit. They also see their relationship as having less interdependence, trust, and satisfaction when compared to securely attached individuals
  16. Avoidant attachment sytle
    Adults with an avoidant attachment style tend to view relationships as less satisfying and intimate compared to securely attached individuals. They are also less trusting of others and tend to avoid getting close to others.
  17. Commitment
    The degree to which one is willing to work for the continuation of a relationship
  18. Comparison Level (CL)
    The unique values and expectations individuals bring to their relationships. These are the standards against which the relationship is judged.
  19. Costs
    The drawbacks or expenses associated with a particular relationship. They can involve negative aspects of the relationship or rewards sacrificed as a result of engaging in the relationship.
  20. Dependence
    The degree to which one comes to rely on a partner for relationship outcomes
  21. Interdependence
    The notion that one's own satisfaction in a relationship depends on the extent to which one's partner is satisfied as wel. Acting in the best interest of the partner becomes a way to obtain benefits for the self
  22. Love
    The overarching term used to label the emotions that arise out of rewarding and intimate interactions with another
  23. Negotiations
    Interactions with one's partner that have as their goal reaching a consensus regarding common conerns or interests
  24. Outcomes
    The balance of rewards and costs available from the relationship
  25. Power
    The control of another's behavior through the ability to elicit compliance or resist the other's influence
  26. Rewards
    The benefits exchanged in social relationships. The pleasures, satisfactions, and gratifications a person derives from participating in a relationship
  27. Secure Attachment Style
    Individuals who are characterized by a secure attachment style have reported positive early family relationships and trusting attitudes toward others. Within their adult partnerhships, these individuals are comfortable getting close to and depending on others. They describe their relationships as being characterized by happiness and trust, and they view themselves as friendly and likable.
  28. Trust
    The belief that one's partner will not exploit or take unfair advantage of the relationship
  29. Turing Points
    Cirtical periods in the development of an intimate relationship during which it either evolves to a deeper level of intimacy and involvement or dissolves
  30. Conflict
    Disagreements over values, behaviors, family strategies, powers, or resources during which one partner seeks to achieve his or her goals at the expense of the other
  31. Conjugal identity
    The unique attributes, traits, and characteristics associated with each individual as a spouse within the marriage
  32. Conjugal role
    The prescriptions for behavior associated with the social position of a spouse
  33. Counter role
    The complementary expectations for behavior that are superimposed upon the partner as a result of the way an individual performs his or her own role
  34. Couple Identity
    • The framework of meaning couples establish to define themselves in relation to one another as well as to the outside world. This includes:
    • 1. each person's conjugal identity
    • 2. the marital themes that organize the couples basic values and beliefs and provide guidelines for beahvior
    • 3. each partners' conjugal role, which defines the specific behaviors associated with the social position of a husband or wife
  35. Marriage
    A specific family subsystem comprised of adults from two families of origins who have bonded together to form what they intend to be a stable and long-term cohabiting relationship
  36. Role
    The shared prescriptions for behaivor associated with a social position
  37. Role Conflict
    Disagreements between partners about marital roles and responsibilites
  38. Sexual Script
    A blueprint for sexual activity; the full rage of motives and behaviors that guide who we act in sexual situations
  39. Communication
    A symbolic, transactional process that involves creating and sharing meanings through consistent patterns of interaction.
  40. Confirmation
    A type of communication feedback that conveys the message to a partner that he or she is valued. Confirmation also involves conveying an enthusiasm for the relationship, an interest in its welfare, and a deep ongoing commitment to making it work.
  41. Congruent
    A message is congruent when all of its different components(verbal/nonverbal, content/ relationship) convey the same meaning
  42. Content level of communication
    The literal content of a message or what is communicated
  43. Framing
    The meaning attributed to the metamessages that accompany a literal message. The assignment of meaning to someone's messages is not an objective event but a personal, subjective process. As such, each person assigns meaning to a behavior that may differ from the meaning another would assign
  44. Message
    The information that is exchanged when we communicate. Messages carry information at two levels: a content level and a relationship level
  45. Metacommunication
    Communication about the communication process- a process of talking about the communication process that can lead to greater clarity and the experience of intimacy
  46. Metamessages
    The information conveyed in how a message is expressed: The "message" about the message. Metamessages are convyed in the behavior that nonverbal cues that accompany literal messages
  47. Nonverbal Symbols
    Gestures and behaviors that accompany interaction that have sysmbolic value attributed to them
  48. Private message system
    A system of rules for communication within an intimate relationship. The private message system gives the couple's relationship its distinctive quality, helps to organize the strategies that will be needed to face the many tasks and issues that will arise, and influence how couples feel about the relationship
  49. Relationship level of communication
    The way in which the information contained in how the content of a message is expressed is used to determine how to interpret the literal content of the message
  50. Rule of reciprocity
    The tendency for individuals to match the disclosures of others with disclosures of their own that are equally revealing
  51. Self- disclosure
    The process of revealing personal information about the self
  52. Situational adaptability
    The ability of individuals to adapt their manner of communication to various social situations
  53. Transaction management
    A part of the communication process that fosters intimacy and manages conflict; the ability to establish realistic communication strategies and rules for interaction, and to exercise the self- control needed to keep the communcation flowing toward desired goals
  54. Complementary relationships
    A pattern of interaction characterized by the willingness of one partner to defer to the other. One partner asserts a position and the other agrees.
  55. Conflict
    The tension between family members that results from competing goals or strategies; like stress, conflict is neither good nor bad, but, rather, signals the need for a readjustment of patterns of interation
  56. Conflict-management goals
    The goals that individuals bring to a conflict situation that influence their choice of conflict- managment strategies
  57. Conflict-minimizing couples
    Couples who live with the pain of unresolved problems due to minimization or avoidance of conflict and yet are able to remain close and intimate
  58. Emotional Bids
    When a member of a couple initiates contact with the partner through ordinary conversation. The partner can respond to these emotional bids by "turning toward" the partner, "turning away" from the partner, or "turning against" the partner
  59. Fairness
    When the rewards derived from a relationship are proportional to the costs. That is, what partners get out of the relationship is comparable with what they put into it
  60. Flooding
    An "emergency state" resulting from an individual being emotionally and physically overwhelmed by conflict. At the point of flooding, it is impossible for individuals to take in information or respond to others
  61. Four Horseman of the Apocalypse
    Patterns of interaction characterized by criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and withdrawal that result in increasing negativity and possibly the end of the relationship
  62. Positive sentiment override (PSO)
    The emotional climate created by successful and happy couples that enables them to override the negative effects that conflict creates in the relationship. PSO can be throught of as a filter that colors how couples remember past events and view new issues
  63. Power
    Distinguished by a degree of legitimacy, power refers to an individual's efforts to control the behavior of another or the relationship. Power is legitimized when the authority of one parter is negotiated within the relationship.
  64. Pseudomutuality
    A pattern of interaction that maintains a facade of mutuality and harmony that is often devoid of intimacy because the fear of conflict makes the experience of getting close to another too risky to undertake
  65. Role expectations
    The expectations that people bring to relationships regarding how role tasks should be either allocated or executed
  66. Symmetrical relationships
    Patterns of interaction characterized by an unwillingness of either partner to give into the other
  67. Validating couples
    Couples who maintain closeness and intimacy by listening respectfully to one another and confirming each other's feelings
  68. Volatile couples
    Couples who can maintain a sense of connection and intimacy despite bitter arguments characterized by attacks, counterattacks, and fits of rage
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CHFD 3920 Exam 2
Family Interaction