Mom's Cake Mix

  1. Setae
    Bristlelike structires on outside of an eathworm used to hold onto soil and to move
  2. Molting
    Shedding and replacing the exoskeleton
  3. Value of an Earthworm
    Aerate soil; speed up return of nutruents to the soiul; developing drugs based on chemicals from leech salivia(prevents blood clots)
  4. Method of cephalopod movement
    Jet propulsion; Newton's 3rd law of motion of action and recationb
  5. Describe how Echinderms obtain food and move
    through their tube feet
  6. Examples of Gastropods
    chambered nautilus, garden slugs, snails, and conch( one shell)
  7. Problems caused by Arthropods
    Destroy crops, clothing, food, and property
  8. Water Vascular System
    Network of water-filled canals with thousands of tube feet connected to it
  9. Appendage
    Jointed structures of arthropods, such as legs, wings, or antennae
  10. Charateristics to Classify Mollusks
    Kind of foot; presence of shell or not; if present what kind fof shell
  11. Exoskeleton
    Hard outer covering that protects and supports arthropod bodies
  12. Problems caused by mollusks
    Damage plants; damage boats and docks; can get sick from eating them
  13. Butterfly adapation for obtaining food
    Siphon-enable to drinbk nectar from flowers
  14. Value of Arthropods
    Source of food; agricilture happening
  15. Mosquito adapation for obtaining food
    Able to pierce skin and suck blood
  16. Reasons for insects success
    Tough, flexible, waterproff exoskeleton; ability to fly; rapid reproductive cycle; small sizes; camouflage
  17. Mantle
    Layer of tissuse tht covers a mollusk's organs; secretes the shell or protects the body of mollusks without a shell
  18. Radula
    toungelike organ with rows of teeth used by gastropods to obtain food( scrape and tear)
  19. Value of Mollusks
    food for other marine animals and humans; jewelry; shells provide information about ecosystem
  20. Polychates
    marine worms
  21. Metamorphosis
    Process in which many insect soecies change their body forms to become adults
  22. Number of legs an insects has
    3 pair- 6 legs
  23. Complete metamorphosis
  24. Body Regions of an insect
  25. Gizzard
    Muscluar structure that grinds the soil
  26. Open Circulatory System
    heart moves blood through vesseks into open spaces around the organs(most mollusks)
  27. Gill
    Organ where carbon dioxide from the mollusk is exchanged with oxygen from the water
  28. Most Specialized and complex mollusk
  29. Three most common grouos of mollosks
    Gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods
  30. Incomplete Metamorphosis
  31. Tube feet
    hollow thin-walled tubes that each end in a suction cup
  32. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place here
    The moist skin
  33. Examples of cephalopods
    octopus, squid, cuttlefish
  34. Castings
    Earthworm waste
  35. Charateristics of all Enchinoderms
    Spinky skin, endoskeleton; water- vascular system, tube feet, radial symmerty
  36. Number of pair of legs an Arachnid has
    4 pairs; 8 legs
  37. Methods of Defense
    Hard endoskeleton and spines; regenerate body parts rapidly; some have popison glands; and sea cucumbers can expel and regenerate their digestive system
  38. Types of Echinoderms
    Sea stars; brittle stars; sea urchins and sand dollars; sea cucmbers
  39. Spiracle
    Openings on the abdomen and thorax through which air enters and waste gases leave ther insect's body
  40. Value of echinoderms
    Control algae growth; eggs used as food by some people; researched for possible medicines
  41. Arthropods groups
    insects; arachinds; centipedes; centipedes and millipedes; crustaceans
  42. Examples of bivalves
    Oyster, clam, scallop, and mussels two shells
  43. Grasshopper adaptation for obtaining food
    mandible- chew through tough plants
  44. Sequence of an earthworm digestion
  45. Closed Circulatory System
    Blood containign food and oxygen move through body through a series of closed vessels
  46. Crop
    Sac used for strorage in the digestive system of an earthowrm
  47. Body regions of an arachind
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Mom's Cake Mix