
  1. Anaphylaxis (bee sting, food/drug allergies)
    Type I
  2. Allergic and atopic disorders (rhinitis, hay fever, eczema, hives, asthma)
    Type I
  3. Hemolytic anemia
    Type II
  4. Pernicious anemia
    Type II
  5. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
    Type II
  6. Erythroblastosis fetalis
    Type II
  7. Acute hemolytic transfusion reactions
    Type II
  8. Rheumatic fever
    Type II
  9. Goodpasture's syndrome
    Type II
  10. Bullous pemphigoid
    Type II
  11. Pemphigus vulgaris
    Type II
  12. Graves disease
    Type II
  13. Myasthenia Gravis
    Type II
  14. SLE
    Type III
  15. RA
    Type III
  16. Polyarteritis nodosa
    Type III
  17. PIGN
    Type III
  18. Serum sickness
    Type III
  19. Arthus reaction
    Type III
  20. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
    Type III
  21. Type I DM
    Type IV
  22. MS
    Type IV
  23. Guillain-Barre
    Type IV
  24. Hashimoto's
    Type IV
  25. GVHD
    Type IV
  26. PPD
    Type IV
  27. Contact dermatitis
    Type IV
  28. Recurrent bacterial infections due to opsonization defect
    Low B cells and immunoglobulins
    • Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
    • BTK defect blocks B cell differentiation
  29. Severe pyogenic infections
    Defective CD40 ligand on helper T cells
    • Hyper-IgM syndrome
    • Inability to class switch
  30. Chronic giardiasis
    Sinus and lung infections
    Anaphylaxis on exposure to blood products
    • IgA deficiency (most common Ig deficiency)
    • Defect in isotype switching
  31. Defect in B cell maturation
    Low plasma cells and immunoglobulin (normal number of B cells)
    increased risk of autoimmune disease, lymphoma, sinopulmonary infections
    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)
  32. Tetany, recurrent viral/fungal infections, congenital heart and great vessel defects
    • DiGeorge syndrome
    • 22q11 deletion - failure of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches to develop (thymus and parathyroids)
    • Low ears, HTN, shortened philtrum
  33. Disseminated mycobacterial infections
    • IL-12 receptor deficiency
    • Decreased Th1 response, decreased IFN gamma
  34. Coarse facies, cold staph abscesses, retained primary teeth, increased IgE, eczema
    • Hype-IgE/Job's syndrome
    • Lack of IFN gamma - neutrophils don't respond to chemotactic stimuli
  35. Candida infections of skin and mucous membranes
    • Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
    • T cell dysfunction
  36. Recurrent viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoal infections
    • Severe combine immunodeficiency
    • Defective IL-2 receptor, adenosine deaminase deficiency, failure to synthesize MHC II antigens
    • B and T cell deficiency; treat with BMT
  37. Thrombocytopenic purpura, infections, eczema
    • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
    • X-linked deletion of B and T cells
    • Low IgM, high IgE and IgA
  38. Recurrent bacterial infections without pus formation, delayed separation of umbilicus
    • Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
    • Defect in LFA-1
    • Neutrophilia
  39. Pyogenic infections by staph and strep, partial albinism, peripheral neuropathy
    • Chediak-Higashi syndrome
    • AR defect in microtubular function with decreased phagocytosis
  40. Lack of NADPH oxidase
    • Crhonic granulomatous disease
    • Increased susceptibility to catalase positive organisms (S. aureus, Aspergillus)
    • Negative Nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test
  41. Ab-mediated rejection due to presence of preformed antidonor Abs in recipient
    Within minutes after transplant
    Hyperacute rejection
  42. Cell mediated rejection due to cytotoxic T cells reacting against foreign MHC
    Occurs weeks after transplant
    Acute rejection
  43. CT cell and Ab-mediated vascular damage (fibrosis) monts to years after transplant
    Chronic rejection
  44. Severe organ dysfunction, maculopapular rash, jaundice, HSM, diarrhea
Card Set
Immuno: what type of hypersensitivity? and immuno diseases