
  1. Basalt
    Type of Rock that makes up the ocean floor
  2. Seismograph
    an instrument used to decect and record seismic waves produced by earthquakes
  3. crust
    thin, outermost layer of the earth
  4. Moho
    boundary between the earths outermost layer (crust) and the mantle
  5. seismic waves
    shock waves produced by earthquakes that travel through the earth
  6. inner core
    solid most inner center of the earth
  7. outer core
    layers of the earth surrounding the inner core
  8. granite
    type of rock that makes up the continental crust
  9. plasticity
    ability of a solid to flow, or change shape
  10. lithosphere
    topsmost solid part of the earth, which is composed of the crust (7 major plates) and some of the mantle
  11. mantle
    layer of the earth that extends from the bottom of the crust to the outer core
  12. asthenosphere
    layer of the earth directly beneath the lithosphere and the 7 majot plates float on it
  13. hanging wall
    block of rock above the fault
  14. stress
    forces that pull and push upon the crust
  15. shearing
    stress that pushes rock in two opposite directions
  16. compression
    stress that squeezes or rocks until it folds or breaks
  17. plateau
    area of flat land elevated high above sea level
  18. strike slip boundary
    fault where rocks on either side move past each other in OPPOSITE directions
  19. tension
    stress that pulls or stretches rocks so that it becomes thinner
  20. footwall
    block of rock below the fault
  21. syncline
    downward fold in rocks formed by compression
  22. normal fault
    type of fault where hanging wall slides down (tension)
  23. reverse fault
    type of fault where hanging wall slides upwards (compresion)
  24. anticline
    upwards folds in rocks formed by compression
  25. which type of crust is 5 miles thick?
  26. Is the inner core as hot as the surface of the sun?
  27. T or F - contenential and ocean crust are different because they are located in different places
  28. How do we know the composition of the earths interior?
    seismic waves
  29. Granite is associated with which type of crust?
  30. Which part of the mantle is broken into 7 major plates?
  31. The mantle has how many layers?
  32. Which layer is a liquid layer made of iron and nickle?
    outer core
  33. What happens to temperature and pressure as you move from the crust towards the core of the earth?
    it increases in both temperature and pressure
  34. Th amount of space an object occupys is?
  35. A force that acts on a rock to change its shape or volume is called?
  36. The 3 types of stress are?
    tension, compression and shearing
  37. T or F The force that raises a mountain can also uplift a plateau.
  38. A rubber band being streched to the point of breaking is what kind of stress?
  39. Is the hanging wall above or below the fault line?
  40. Which fault results in horozontal movement?
    strike slip
  41. The rocky mountains were formed by which fault?
  42. Tension causes the hanging wall to slip in what direction?
  43. The San Andreas Fault is the most famous____________.
    strike slip fault
  44. Which type of fault results in mountain building?
    normal and reverse
  45. What is the stress that causes the hanging wall to slip upwards?
  46. In a normal fault the hanging wall moves_________.
Card Set
Interior Earth, Forces and Faults