Psychology Exam 2

  1. Zygote
    fertilized egg
  2. Developmental Psychology
    Study of how behavior changes over time
  3. Post Hoc Fallacy
    false assumption that because one event occurred before another event, it must have caused that event
  4. Bidirectional influences
    Children's experiences influence their development, but their development also influences their experiences.
  5. Cross-sectional design
    research design that examines people of different ages at a single point in time
  6. Cohort effects
    effects observed in a sample of participants that result from individuals in the sample growing up at the same time
  7. Longitudinal design
    research design that examines development in the same group of people on multiple occasions over time
  8. Myths of Development
    Infant determinism and childhood fragility
  9. Infant determinism
    the widespread assumption that extremely early experiences are almost always more influential than later experiences in shaping us as adults
  10. Childhood Fragility
    Children are delicate little creatures who are easily damaged
  11. Distinguish Nature from Nurture
    • Nature: our genetic endowment
    • Nurture: the environments we encounter
  12. Gene-environment interaction
    situation in which the effects of genes depend on the environment in which they are expressed
  13. Developmental Cycle
    • 1. Blastocyst
    • 2. Embryo
    • 3. Fetus
  14. blastocyst
    ball of identical cells early in pregnancy that haven't yet begun to take any specific function in a body part

    Happens in the first week and a half or so after fertilization
Card Set
Psychology Exam 2
Chapters 8 & 9