Function of Immune System
- 1. To protect body against invaders
- 2. Recognize things as SELF or Non-SELF 3. Attempts to destroy non-self things (protection)
Name some Antigens
- 1. bacteria
- 2. viruses
- 3. fungi
- 4. parasites
- 5. foreign matter
List 5 types Foreign Matter
- 1. Cell
- 2. Tissue
- 3. Protein
- 4. Food
- 5. Air Particles
List some Non-Self bodies
- 1. antigens
- 2. blood or tisue from transplant
- 3. foreign material
- 4. food we eat
- 5. particles in the air
- 6. allergens
Name 3 Immune system Lines of Defense
- 1. Anatomical
barriers - -skin / mucose membranes
- 2. Biological barriers
- -sweat / oil on skin
- 3. Mechanical barriers
- -dead skin sloughs off
- -vomiting
- -coughing
- When exterior barriers broken
- -injury or invasion
- Results in warm, red, swollen skin
- specific cells that attack antigen
Name 3 Immune Functions
- 1. Identify self non-self
- 2. Maintain Homeostasis
- 3. Continual surveillance
Name 3 types of cells in blood stream
- 1. Red blood cells (RBC) Erythrocytes - carry O2 to the cells
- 2. Platelets Thrombocytes - clot blood
- 3. White blood cells (WBC) Leucocytes - fight disease as part of the immune system
Name 2 types of White Blood Cells (WBC)
- Granulated
- -Eosinophils
- -Neutrophils
- -Basophils
- Non-Granulated (most common)
- -Lymphocytes
- -Monocytes
Monocytes (WBC) Non-granulated
Immature cells grow/develope into large cells
Macrophages - help fight infection through phagocytosis (engulf and destroy)
Lymphocytes (WBC) Non-granulated
Recognize specific antigen target
- 2 Types
- 1. T-Lymphocytes mature in Thymus gland (T for T)
- 2. B-Lymphocytes mature in bone marrow (B for B)
- Located in anterior portion of chest
- Dissapears over time by late ages
- Older people get sick easier without it.
List 8 Organs of Immune System
- 1. Bone marrow
- -fight invaders that reach circulatory system
- 2. Thymus Gland
- -where t-lymph mature
- 3. Lymph Nodes
- -filters antigens for destruction
- 4. Spleen
- -fight invaders that reach circulatory system
- -carries tons of red blood cells (RBC)
- -if gone, will get sick easier
- 5. Tonsils
- -fight invaders of the respiratory system
- 6. Adenoids
- -fight invaders of the respiratory system
- 7. Appendix
- -fight invaders of the digestive system (vestigal organ / not needed)
- 8. Peyer's Patches
- -in intestinal track (the ilium)
- -fight invaders of the digestive track
- -where they grow
Cell Markers
How immune cells determine if encountered cells if self non-self
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
This is the self marker for all cells
Foreign Cells
Any cell without the MHC marker
Will be destroyed by immune system
- Most abundant of all WBC.
- Acts directly on invading cells.
List 4 types of T-Lymphocytes
- 1. Helper T-cells
- - helps other cells perform functions
- - act as security and detecs invaders
- - have a CD4+ marker (checked during HIV infection)
- 2. Suppressor T-cells
- - keep virus at bay (no flare-ups)
- 3. Killer T-cells
- - directly kill non-self cells
- - aka Cytotoxic T-cells
- 4. Memory T-cells
- - injury (will remember what did last time and act faster)
- - muscle memory from repitition
- Produce antibodies
- - cell markers that fit specific antigen and make useless. (Virus)
- - known as
- - Humoral Response (B-Cell) or
- - Antibody-mediated (T-Cell) response
Extra Information
- 1. CBC most common blood draw
- 2. Elevated WBC count = internal infection
- 3. Sarc=flesh
- 4. Oma=tumor/mass
- 5. Hep C most deadly, no cure
- 6. Erytheme "means red"
- - cells release histamine
- - dialates blood vessels
- - slows blood flow, allows vessel walls to be more permiable
- - results in warm, redness, and swelling
- - deliberate introduction of specific antibody
- - allows cells in body to learn to kill that type of cell
- - may need boosters later on (tetnis)
Active Immunity
Makes own immunity with a vaccines
Passive Immunity
Another source injected to counter imediate attack (Tetanus)
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Fluid that AIDS survives in best.
- 1. Blood (WBC)
- 2. Semen
- 3. Vaginal Secretions
HIV (Retrovirus)
- 1. Contains RNA vs DNA
- 2. RNA changes DNA to RNA (no changing back)
- 3. Once RNA outnumbers T-cells, body can no longer protect itself
- 1. No longer able to protect self with T-cells
- 2. Can get an "opportunistic infection"
Ways to get HIV (4)
- 1. Unprotected sex
- 2. Sharring needles
- 3. Mother to fetus / infant
- 4. Blood products
Early Signs of HIV
- Headache
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Enlarged Lymph Nodes
Signs and Symtoms (HIV)
- weight loss
- yeast infection
- memory loss
- rashes
Difficulty Swallowing (infection)
- Lymph nodes reacting to internal infection.
- If lasts too long, have checked out.
Opportunistic Infection
- Pneumocystis pneumonia (fungal in lungs)
- Kaposi's Sarcoma
HIV Tests
- 1. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)
- - most common / least expensive
- - can give false positive
- 2. Western Blot
- - used to confirm HIV diagnosis
1. Requires positive HIV test and one of the following:
- - CD4+ count less than 200
- - Opportunistic infection
- - AIDS related cancer, severe wasting, dementia
Secomdary response to normally harmless substance
Histamines (allergies)
Cause mucose membranes to secrete and capillaries to become permiable
A group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth or abnormal cells
Neoplasm (cancer)
New growth forming tumor
Metastasis (cancer)
Cells break away from tumor and spread
Benign (cancer)
Slow growing, doesn't invade other tissue
Fast growing, invades surrounding tissues
Cancer Classifications (3)
- 1. Carcinomas - from epithelial tissue
- 2. Sarcomas - from connective tisues
- 3. Lymphomas - from blood and blood forming organs
Cancer Staging (3)
- 1. T - size and extent of spread of primary tumor
- 2. N - presence of regional lymph node metastasis (local or moving)
- 3. M - presence or absence of distant metastasis (where local or distant)
List 6 Characteristics of Cancer
- 1. Altered cell structure
- 2. Lack normal growth controlling mechanics
- 3. Will grow and invade other tissues
- 4. Lack contact inhabitions - keep growing
- 5. Do not respond to growth factors
- 6. Are invasive, causing distruction of normal tissue
List 4 Catagories of Cancer
- 1. Chemical
- 2. Viral
- 3. Physical
- 4. Familial
Seven warning signals of Cancer
- 1. Change in bowel / bladder habits
- 2. A sore not healing
- 3. Unusual bleeding / discharge
- 4. Thickening / lump anywhere
- 5. Indigestion / difficulty swallowing
- 6. Obvious change in wart / mole
- 7. Nagging cough / hoarseness
Diagnostic Tests (Cancer)
- 1. Biopsy
- 2. Tumor Markers
- 3. Genetic Testing
- 4. Tumor Imaging
Biopsy (cancer)
Removal of sample, microscopic exam
Tumor Markers (cancer)
- Blood test to detect proteins
- CA125 - Ovarian Cancer (W)
- PSA - Prostate Cancer (M)
Genetic Testing (cancer)
Blood test sampling to detect genes of cancer from family history on both sides
Tumor Imaging (cancer)
- Radiological / imaging test to detect
- Pep Scan - Thermal image for hot spots that mean cancer, quite accurate
Cancer Therapy Goals
- 1. Cure
- 2. Control
- 3. Palliation - control symptoms (no cure)
Radioactive material placed at tumor
Cancer Treatment
- 1. Radiation
- 2. Chemotherapy
- 3. Surgery
Cancer Treatment (Radiation)
Use of radiation to damage DNA of the cancer cell
Brachytherapy use of local radiation therapy
Cancer Treatment (Chemotherapy)
Use of trong chemicals / medications to change cell division of cancer cells
Systemic treatment, kills all fast dividing cells (including hair, skin, nails)
Cancer Treatment (Surgery)
Surgical removal of malignant tissue
Cancer Vaccine
Effects depend on response of healthy immune system
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Group of symptoms thought to be caused by Epstien-Barr Virus
Lupus Erythematosus
- Cronic disease causing inflammation of body parts
- Body attacks itself
- Treat by rest when needed, limit activity and sun exposure
Signs of Lupus
- Extremeties are always purple at the tips during cold weather
- Butterfly rash on face
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ulnar deviation (toward ulnar side / pinky)
- Swan neck of fingers
- Swelling in tissues caused by acumulation of lymphatic fluid
- Treated with elevation, gentle pressure massage, and or wrapping with bandages
Diseases to Know
- 1. Anthrax - Bacillus Anthracis
- 2. Botulism - Clostridium Botulinum
- 3. Yetanus - Clostridium Tetani
- 4. Pneumonia - Streptococcus Pneumoniae
- 5. Whooping Cough - Bordetella Pertussis
- 6. Urinary Infection - Escherichia coli
- 7. Gonorrhea - Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
- 8. Food Poisoning - Salmonella
- 9. Typhoid Fever - Salmonella Typhi
- 10. Syphilis - Treponema Pallidum
- 11. Plague - Yersinia Pestis
- 12. Chickenpox - Vericella Zoster
Syphilis Test
- 1. Blood test cheap and easy
- 2. Not accurate in first 4-6 weeks of infection
- 3. 25% will be false negative
4. Completely accurate in second phase
Prevent Hep A
- Avoid direct contact
- Avoid fecal contaminated food / water
List info documented when accident in facility
- 1. Date
- 2. Time
- 3. What Happened
- 4. Staff members involved
- 5. Witnessed
- 6. Injuries
- 7. Action taken
Ideal medical office temp
72 degrees
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Can close lab
- Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
- Sets standards for lab testing
Center for Disease Control
Infection Control
- Method used to control spread of disease
- Protect patient and self
Standard blood / body fluid PRECAUTIONS
- 1. wash hands
- 2. use PPE
- 3. dispose sharps immediately
- 4. properly dispose medical waste
Medical Waste (red bag)
Any bodily fluid from any source
Medical Waste (sharps container)
Standard Universal Precautions
Assume all is contaminated
Disease Transmition
- 1. need a germ
- 2. need a host (carrier)
- 3. transmission (vector)
- 4. way into body (cut, mucosa, etc...)
Infection Cycle (break one)
- 1. infectious agent
- 2. reservoir
- 3. portal of exit
- 4. mode of transmission
- 5. portal of entry (feet, mouth, nose, etc)
- 6. susceptible host
Infection Cycle
Protective Mechanism
- 1. Skin
- 2. Mucos Membranes
- 3. Mechanical (cough, sneeze, tears)
- 4. pH (sweat, urine, stomach, secretions)
Disease causing agents (Pathogens)
Microorganisms (list 5)
- 1. Bacteria
- 2. Viruses
- 3. Protozoa
- 4. Fungi
- 5. Parasites
Growth requirements for microorganisms
- 1. Normal body temp
- 2. Darkness
- 3. Moisture
- 4. Low pH
Bacteria (microorganism)
- Aerobic - survives in O2
- Anaerobic - can't survive in O2
Viruses (microorganism)
Smallest of pathogens
Protazoa (microorganism)
Single-celled, attach to other organisms
Fungi (microorganism)
Simple plants, depend on other life forms for nutrition
Parasites (microorganism)
Type of organism that depends on other organism for nutrition
Bacteria (shape)
- Cocci - round
- Baccili - rod
- Spirochete - spiral
Bacteria (grouping)
- Diplo - pairs
- Strepto - chains
- Staphylo - groups
Bacteria (Gram Stain)
Stain to stick
- - Possitive - purple / violet
- - Negative - pink / red
Gram Stain Test Order
- 1. Crystal Violet
- 2. Gram's Iodine
- 3. Rinse with Acetone
- 4. Safranin
Bacteria (Spore Forming)
Capsule like covering to protect self
Most common used to clean skin for injection / surgery
Cleaning Methods
- 1. Sanitation
- 2. Disinfection
- 3. Sterilization
Sanitation (cleaning method)
- Process of washing and scrubbing to remove material
- - hand washing
Disinfection (cleaning method)
- Process to remove disease producing microorganisms (pathogens)
- Used on instruments with chemicals
Sterilization (cleaning method)
- Process of destroying all forms of living organisms (including spores)
- Steam autoclave (good for 30 days)
Before Gloves
- Wash hands with soap and water
- Inspect for holes, rips, tares
State of being free of all pathagenic microorganisms
Medical Asepsis (aseptic technique)
Method used to keep areas free of pathogens
Surgical Asepsis (aseptic technique)
Way to protect patient from infection (sterile)
- Uses steam and pressure
- 15 psi
- 250 degrees for 15-20 minutes
- Must sanitize first
- Good for 30 days
Starilization Indicator (autoclave)
- 1. Muslin wraps secured with indicator tape
- 2. Masking tape that changes color (stripes) when run through autoclave
- 3. Place paper indicator inside with instruments and outside first wrap.
Instrument Guidelines
- Do not allow body fluids to dry on intruments
- Soak immediately in detergeant solution
- - use solution of neutral pH to prevent corrosion
- - should contain special protein to break down body fluids
- Scrub all surfaces with brush to remove material
Instrument Grouping Guidelines
- Separate delicate from heavy ones
- Sharp ones from others
Instrument Classifications (3)
- 1. Cutting
- 2. Clamping / Grasping
- 3. Dilating / Probing
Tissue Forceps
For grasping - for control during dissection / suturing
Dressing Forceps
Pick up dressing and delicate tissue
Cleaning Instruments
- 1. Soak in detergent with proteins to break down body fluids (zephrin chloride)
- 2. Scrub with brush
- 3. Dry
- 4. Hinges / handles open - sterilize in autoclave
Parts of Instruments (5)
- 1. Ring Handles - thumb and finger like scissors
- 2. Thumb Handles - like tweezers
- 3. Ratchets - back by handle, allows holding
- 4. Serrations - fissure engraved for grabbing / holding when clamping
- 5. Teeth - sharp, hold tissue
Also called grasping intrument
Dilating / Probing
- Hold cavities / wounds open
- Used to explore wounds
- Named by size
- CC = cubic centimeter
- ML = milliliter
1cc = 1ml
- Named by length and Lumen (gauge)
- Gauge - bigger the number, smaller the lumen
- 16g is larger than 28g
Needle Parts
- Hub - back
- Shaft
- Bevel
- Point
Common Scissors
- Bandage
- Utility
- Suture (hook for under suture)
Day before Minor Surgery
- Confirm appointment
- Get all necessary surgical intruments
Patient Prep
- Obtain consent form
- Answer any questions
- Vital signs
- Verify known allergies
- Empty bladder
Skin Prep
- 1. Wash and glove hands
- 2. Gauze squares in soap solution
- 3. One gauze at a time, soap area to be shaved
- 4. Use scissors to cut long hair first
- 5. Shave area with razor at 30 degrees
- 6. Shave in direction of hair
- 7. Apply antiseptic solution to site with transfer forceps
- 8. Begin in center and work out in circular pattern
- 9. Cover with sterile drape
Patients Record
- 1. Description of procedure
- 2. Date and time
- 3. Signed consent form
- 4. Vital signs
- 5. Any complications
- 6. Meds ordered
- 7. Findings
- 8. Instructions for home care
- 9. Number of sutures
- 10. Where sutures located
- 11. How long stay in
Mayo Stand Height
Waist level
- General - unconscious
- Local - localized to area, loss of feeling
Suture Material (Absorbable)
- Made from organic material
- Will be absorbed by body
- Used deep in body
Suture Material (Non-Absorbable)
- Made from man-made products
- Must be removed from skin
- Used superficially on body
Suture Sizes
- Larger sizes - number only
- - bigger the number - bigger the suture
- 3, 2, 1, 0
- Smaller size - number -0
- - bigger the number - smaller the suture
- 1-0, 2-0, 3-0
Minor Surgery Procedures
- 1. Laceration repair
- 2. Sebaceous cyst removal
- 3. Incision and drainage (I&D)
- 4. Biopsy
- 5. Needle biopsy
- 6. Cryosurgery
- 7. Electrosurgery and cautery
- 8. Chemical destruction
- 9. Laser surgery
Minor Surgery (MA Role)
- 1. Assemble equipment and supplies
- 2. Set up sterile tray and cover
- 3. Instruct patient as needed
- 4. Assist patient positioning
- 5. When ready, remove drape from tray
- 6. Wash hands, sterile gloves, assist
Initial Surgical Scrub
Six Minutes under hottest water you can handle
Suture Removal
- Grasp the knot
- Place scissors next to skin under suture and cut
- Pull suture toward incision to prevent re-opening
Minor Surgery (Clean-Up)
- 1. Remove gloves, wash hands
- 2. Assist patient sitting up and dressing
- 3. Review postop instructions
- 4. Give written instructions
- 5. Clean room / instruments - soak
- 6. Restock exam room
- 7. Dry instruments, package for autoclave