Subdivisions of the Diencephalon
- Epithalmus
- Hypothalamus
- Thalamus
- Subthalamus
Functions of the Thalamus
- Sensory path to the cerebral cortex
- Recieves output from cerebellum
- Ascending reticular formation system
- Limbic system
Anterior Nuclear Group
Anterior Nucleus (A)
Medial Nuclear Group
Dorsal Medial Nucleus (DM)
Dorsal Lateral Nuclear Group
- Lateral Dorsal Nucleus (LD)
- Lateral Posterior Nucleus (LP)
Ventral Lateral Nuclear Group
- Ventral Anterior Nucleus (VA)
- Ventral Lateral Nucleus (VL)
- Ventral Posterior Nucleus (VP) - VPM & VPL
Intralaminar Nuclear Group
- Parafascicular Nucleus (PF)
- Centromedian Nucleus (CM)
Posterior Nuclear Group
- Pulvinar (Pu)
- Lateral Geniculate Body (LGB)
- Medial Geniculate Body (MGB)
Which sensory pathway is not relayed to the cerebral cortex via the thalamus?
CN I --> olfactory bulb --> olfactory cortex & amygdala --> thalamus (DM)
Relay Nuclei
Relay ascending systems to and descending systems from cortical projections
ex. VP, MGB, LGB, LD, LP
Diffuse Connection Nuclei
Information from various ascending systems with many connections
ex. Intralaminar nuclei, VA
Subcortical nuclei
Reticular nucleus
Connected only with other thalamic nuclei
Karsakoff's Syndrome
- Vitamin B1 thiamine deficiency
- degeneration of Dorsal Medial Nucleus and Mammillary Bodies
- Difficulty in gaining new information
- Confabulation to fill memory gaps
- Apathy OR talkative/repetative
Anterior nuclear group function
Limbic system: emotions, autonomic relationship to behavior
Ventral Anterior Nucleus - function
- Motor functions w/ basal ganglia
- Arousal w/ ARAS
Dorsal Medial Nucleus - function
- Olfactory
- Emotion, memory pain, stress w/ amygdala input
- Motor functions w/ basal ganglia
Ventral Lateral Anterior Nucleus - function
Motor functions w/ basal ganglia
Ventral Lateral Posterior Nucleus - function
Motor functions w/ cerebellum