quiz #2- pre participation health screen

  1. True or False
    There are guidelines for exercise testing and participation that cover ALL situation.
    • FALSE
    • ACSM: level of recommended exercise
    • AHA or AACVPR: guidelines for people with cardio or pulmonary disease
  2. What does the PAR-Q cover?
    adults 15-69 yo that want to exercise at a higher level that they were previously (if at all)
  3. What is the specificity and sensitivity of PAR-Q?
    • sensitivity: 100%
    • specificity: 80% (20% of people who don't have contraindications answer yes to a question)
  4. In order to participate in exercise how must you answer all the questions of PAR-Q?
    with the answer 'no'
  5. What are the 7 questions of the Par-Q?
    • ever been told you have a heart condition?
    • pain in chest with activity?
    • chest pain while doing activity within the last month?
    • lose your balance because of dizziness or lose consciousness?
    • bone or jt problem that could worsen or change with activity
    • prescribed drugs for BP or heart condition?
    • any other reason you shouldn't do activity?
  6. What are two drawbacks to the PAR-Q?
    • if you are over 69 it's an automatic referall to the doc
    • it doesn't screen for CV risk factors
  7. What is the content (basic) of the AHA/ACSM fitness facility pre-participation screening questionnaire?
    • medical history
    • symptoms
    • other health issues
    • CV risk factors
  8. What is the purpose of risk stratification?
    • presence of CV, pulmonary or metabolic disease
    • signs or symptoms of above disease
    • presence of CVD risk factors
  9. What does low risk stratification mean?
    • men are younger than 45
    • women are younger than 55
    • asymptomatic
    • meet no more than one risk factor
  10. What does moderate risk stratification mean?
    • men are greater than 45
    • women are greater than 55
    • OR have 2 or more risk factors
  11. What does high risk stratification mean?
    have one or more sign/symptom listed on CV, pulmonary, or metabolic disease
  12. What are different Cardiovascular diseases?
    • heart
    • peripheral vascular disease
    • cerebrovascular
  13. What are different Pulmonary diseases?
    • COPD
    • asthma
    • interstitial lung disease
    • cystic fibrosis
  14. What are different Metabolic diseases?
    • Type 1 or 2 Diabetes
    • thyroid disorders
    • renal or liver disease
  15. What are different signs or symptoms of CV, pulmonary, or metabolic diseases?
    • pain in chest, neck, arms
    • SOB at rest or mild exertion
    • dizziness or synocope
    • orthopnea or paroxysmal noctural dyspnea
    • ankle edema
    • palpitations or tachycardia
    • intermittent claudication
    • known heart murmur
    • unusual fatigue or SOA
  16. What is pain in the chest, neck, arms, jaw or other areas associated with?
    • cardiac insufficiency
    • heart attack
  17. What is SOB at rest or with mild exertion is associated with?
    • COPD
    • asthma
    • lung disease
    • arythmia
  18. What is dizziness or syncope associated with?
    • HBP
    • decrease blood glucose
    • vertigo
  19. What is orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspna (PND) associated with?
    congestive heart failure
  20. What is ankle edema associated with?
    • peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
    • lymphedema
    • heart failure
    • renal failure
  21. What is palpitations or tachycardia associated with?
  22. What is intermittent claudication associated with?
    peripheral artery disease
  23. What is a unusual fatigue or SOA with usual activities associated with?
    • lung disease
    • anemia
    • mono
    • cancer
  24. What type of medical supervision is required for moderate exercise, vigorous exercise, submaximum test, and maximal test for LOW risk?
    • moderate exercise: not necessary
    • vigorous exercise: not necessary
    • submax test: not necessary
    • maximal test: not necessary
  25. What type of medical supervision is required for moderate exercise, vigorous exercise, submaximum test, and maximal test for MODERATE risk?
    • moderate exercise: not necessary
    • vigorous exercise: recommended
    • submax test: not necessary
    • maximal test: recommended
  26. What type of medical supervision is required for moderate exercise, vigorous exercise, submaximum test, and maximal test for HIGH risk?
    • moderate exercise: recommended
    • vigorous exercise: recommended
    • submax test: recommended
    • maximal test: recommended
Card Set
quiz #2- pre participation health screen
health screen, risk stratification