English Vocab 10-12

  1. intricate
    Having many parts arranged in a complicated way; complex

  2. Suffice
    To be good enough
  3. degenerate
    To worsen; deteriorate
  4. Sanctuary
    A place of safety, protection, or relief
  5. Intercede
    To make a request or plead on behalf of someone else
  6. vulnerable
    Open to damage or attack; susceptible
  7. implasible
    Difficult to believe
  8. sinister
    evil, wicked
  9. scrutiny
    close ispection; careful examination
  10. incoherent
    unable to speak in an orderly, logical way
  11. qualm
    An uneasy feeling about how right or proper a particular action is
  12. garble
    to mix up or confuse
  13. gloat
    to feel or express delight or self-satisfaction
  14. blight
    something that weakens, damges, or destroys
  15. plagiarism
    to copy someone else's work
  16. contrive
    to plan cleverly; think up
  17. retaliate
    to return an injury for an injury; pay back
  18. blatant
    very obcious, often offensively so
  19. immaculate
    Perfectly clean
  20. guant
    thin and bony
  21. -ate
    • cause to become
    • -motivate
    • -fascinate
  22. bio-
    • life
    • -biology
  23. claim, clam
    • cry out
    • -acclaimed
    • exclamation
  24. fin
    • end
    • finish
  25. flex, flect
    • bend
    • flexible
  26. forc, fort
    • strong
    • forcibly
    • fortify
  27. hum
    • having to do with people
    • humanly
    • humane
  28. pater, patri-
    • paternity
    • patriotism
  29. semi-
  30. -ward
    • in the direction of
    • forward
    • backward
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English Vocab 10-12