quiz #2- exercise in health & disease

  1. What is the difference between physical activity and exercise?
    • Physical activity: any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles.
    • Exercise: is a subclass of physical activity done to improve or maintian physical fitness
  2. What are some risk factors coorelated with a person's health (big picture)?
    • Inherited/biological: age, gender, race
    • Environmental: physical, socioeconomic, family
    • Behavioral: smoking, nutrition, alcohol, stress
  3. What are the top 7 causes of death?
    • 1. heart disease
    • 2. cancer
    • 3. stroke
    • 4. chronic lung disease
    • 5. accidents
    • 6. alzheimer's disease
    • 7. diabetes
  4. What are the main cardiovascular risk factors?
    • age: men older than 45, women older than 55
    • family history: heart attack or sudden death of dad over 55 or mom over 65
    • cigarette smoking: current or have smoked within 6 months
    • sedentary lifestyle: not doing 30 minutes, moderate intensity activity 3 days/wk for 3 months
    • obesity: BMI over 30 kgm, waist circumference over 40" for men, over 35" for women
    • hypertension: 140/90 or higher (on 2 separate occasions)
    • dyslipidema: LDL over 130, HDL under 40, told serum over 200
    • prediabetes and diabetes
  5. What are the ideal levels of LDL and HDL?
    • LDL: less than 100 (70-160)
    • HDL: greater than 40 (40-60)
    • Total cholesterol/HDL ratio: 3.5 = optimum
  6. What does bad cholesterol lead to and what are some factors that cause high cholesterol?
    • narrowing of coronary arteries
    • cigarrettes, increase in saturated fat, diabetes, genes
  7. What are the ages of men and women that make it a CV risk factor?
    • men: greater than 45
    • women: greater than 55
  8. What are some heart disease risk factors that can be modified?
    • body weight
    • smoking
    • diet
    • activity level
    • blood glucose
    • HTN
  9. What are some heart disease risk factors you don't have control over?
    • age
    • gender
    • family history
  10. What does smoking cause?
    • negative effects on heart
    • vasoconstrictor
    • decrease oxygen in blood
    • increase epinephrine
    • increase blood glucose
  11. What is the 2nd leading cuase of death and what are associated risk factors?
    • CANCER
    • tobacco use
    • high fat and low fiber diet
    • alcohol
    • occupational and environmental exposure
    • physical inactivity (colon and breast)
  12. What is the most deadly cancer in men and women?
    lung cancer
  13. What is the highest incidence of cancer in men and women?
    • men: prostate cancer
    • women: breast cancer
  14. What is the 3rd leading cause of death and associated risk factors?
    • high blood pressure
    • tobacco use
    • high cholesterol
    • physical inactivity
  15. What is the 4th leading cause of death and associated risk factors?
    • tobacco use
    • occupational and environmental exposure
  16. What is the 5th leading cause of death and associated risk factors?
    • not using seat belts or helmets
    • alochol and other substance abuse
    • reckless driving
    • occupational hazards
    • guns in the home
    • stress and fatigue
  17. What leading cause of death is moving up on the list?
    Alzheimer's disease
  18. What percentage of deaths from diabetees are from Type II and why?
    • 90-95% associated with overweight and obesity
    • causes impaired metabolism leading to accelerated athersclerosis
  19. What is the leading cause of death worldwide?
    infection and parasitic diseases
  20. What are some diseases associated with lack of exercise?
    • coronary heart disesase
    • hypertension
    • obesity
    • hyperlipidemias
    • type 2 diabetes
    • osteoporosis
    • breast and colon cancer
  21. What are some benefits of aerobic exercise?
    • ability to get oxygen out of trained muscles
    • increase stroke volume
    • decrease resting HR, submax HR, BP (if hypertensive)
    • improve body comp and psychological well being
    • decrease clotting
    • improve cholesterol levels
    • decrease triglycerides
    • increase glucose utilization
    • decrease risk for CAD
  22. Where are higher levels of sedentary individuals living?
    • rural south (include KY)
    • 31.6% vs. 27.4% nationally
  23. What is the fattest city in the US?
    Corpus Christi, TX
  24. What did the London bus conductor study show?
    conductors from double decker buses were more it and lower CHD than other conductors
  25. What did the study on San Francisco Longshoreman show?
    if you expended at least 8500 kcal/wk you had less risk of fatal CHD
  26. How many kcalories a day show a health benefit?
    • 200kcal/day (1500kcal/week)
    • 2 miles brisk walking
  27. What is the chance of death from exercising vigorously?
  28. What is typically the cause of death in individuals exercising over 30 years old and under 30 years old?
    • over 30: coronary artery disease
    • under 30: congenital heart or blood vessel problems
Card Set
quiz #2- exercise in health & disease
risk factors, exercise