
  1. lens
    focuses light onto the retina
  2. iris
    controls amount of light that goes into the eye
  3. cornea
    protective outer lining
  4. fovea
    • where light is focused on
    • central focus
  5. rods
    react according to light
  6. cones
    • react according to color
    • phototopic system
  7. bipolar cells
    communicate between horizontal and ganglion cells
  8. ganglion cells
    create the optic nerve fibers
  9. inner ear
    • cochlea
    • semi-circular canals
  10. middle ear
    • hammer
    • anvil
    • stirrup
    • these are the three smallest bones in the body
    • push and pulls the oval window according to vibrations recieved from the ear drum
  11. outer ear
  12. tympanic membrane
    • also known as the ear drum
    • separates outer and middle ear
  13. cochlea
    holds the basilar membrane
  14. basilar membrane
    • tonotopically organized (base-high freq. tip-low freq.)
    • activated by vibrations coming from the ear drum
  15. papillae
    big bumps on the toungue
  16. taste buds
    • cover the papillae
    • 50 different types of tastebuds
    • respond to one of the five tastes
    • (bitter,sweet,salty, umami, sour)
  17. glomeri
    group of synapses that respond to specific smells
  18. vomeronasal organ
    responds to pheromones
  19. preoptic area
    controls body temperature and thirst
  20. lateral hypothalamus
    • hunger center
    • tells body when it is full
    • lesioning this causes aphagia(refusal to eat)
  21. ventromedial hypothalamus
    • satiety center
    • tells body when it is hungry
    • lesioning this causes obesity
  22. suprachiasmatic nucleus
    controls biological rhytms
  23. pyramidal motor system
    • corticospinal tract
    • spinal cord
  24. extrapyramidal motor system
    • primary motor cortex
    • basal ganglia
  25. basal ganglia
    • refines motor command
    • contains the caudate/putamen and the substantia nigra
  26. posterior pituitary gland
    • communicates with neurons
    • releases oxytocin (bonding hormone and lactacting hormone)
    • releases vasopressin( increases water retention aka the anti diuretic hormone)
  27. anterior pituitary gland
    communicates with portals(blood stream)
Card Set
anatomy for sensory stuff