History II

  1. Republican political activists who bolted from the United States Republican Party by supporting Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the United States presidential election of 1884.
  2. was an important United States
    railroad trust formed in 1902 by E. H. Harriman, James J. Hill, J.P. Morgan, J. D. Rockefeller, and their associates.
    Northern Security Company
  3. The company controlled the Northern Pacific Railway, GreatNorthern Railway, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, and other associated lines.
    Northern Security Company
  4. The companywas sued in 1902 under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 by President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the first anti-trust cases filed against corporateinterests instead of labor.
    Northern Security Company
  5. He is noted for his
    energetic personality, range of interests and achievements, leadership of the Progressive
    Movement, and his
    "cowboy" image and robust masculinity
    Theodore Roosevelt
  6. He was a leader of the Republican Party and founder of the short-lived Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party of 1912. Before becoming President (1901–09), he
    held offices at the municipal, state, and federal
    level of government.
    Theodore Roosevelt
  7. achievements as a naturalist, explorer, hunter,
    author,and soldier are as much a part of his fame as any office he held as a
    Theordore Roosevelt
  8. is a 1903 United States federal law that
    amended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.
    The Elkins Act of 1903
  9. authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates.
    The Elkins Act of 1903
  10. The law was sponsored by
    President Theodore Roosevelt as a part of his "Square Deal" domestic program, and greatly boosted his
    The Elkins Act of 1903
  11. attitude favoring or advocating changes or reform through governmental action
  12. is often viewed in opposition to conservative or reactionary ideologies.
  13. "a man with every gift except humor and silence."
    Upton Sinclair
  14. He achieved popularity in the first half of the 20th century, acquiring particular fame for his 1906 muckraking novel The Jungle.
    Upton Sinclair
  15. was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American author who wrote more than 90 books in many
    Upton Sinclair
  16. It exposed conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry, causing a public uproar that contributed in part to the passage a few months later of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act
    The Jungle
  17. is a private, non-profit organization in the United States that serves as a leading proponent for the national child labor reform movement. Its mission is to promote "the rights, awareness, dignity, well-being and education of children and youth as they relate to work and working
    National Child Labor Committee
  18. primarily, a reporter or writer who investigates and publishes truthful reports involving a host of social issues, broadly including crime and corruption and often involving elected officials, political leaders and influential members of business and
  19. The term is closely
    associated with a number of important writers who emerged in the 1890s through
    the 1930s, a period roughly concurrent with the Progressive Era in the United States
  20. These writers focused on a wide range of issues including the monopoly of Standard Oil; cattle processing and meat packing; patent medicines; child labor; and wages, labor, and working conditions in industry and
  21. requires the United States Department of Agriculture to inspect all cattle, sheep, goats, and horses when slaughtered and processed into products for human consumption
    The Meat Inspection Act
  22. this act made sure that meat was thoroughly inspected before reaching its consumers.
    The Meat Inspection Act
  23. The primary goals of the law are to prevent adulterated or misbranded livestock and
    products from being sold as food, and to ensure that meat and meat products (as
    well as poultry) are slaughtered and processed under sanitary condition
    The Meat Inspection Act
  24. was a 19th century American progressive political activist and a muckraking journalist
    Henry Demarest Lloyd
  25. He is best remembered for his exposés of the Standard Oil Company.
    Henry Demarest Lloyd
  26. a United States federal law
    that provided federal inspection of meat products and forbade the manufacture,
    sale, or transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous patent
    The Pure Food and Drug Act
  27. was an American journalist, lecturer, and political philosopher, and one of the most famous practitioners of the journalistic style called muckraking.
    Lincoln Steffens
  28. was the 27th President of the United States and later the tenth Chief Justice of the United States. He is the only person to have served in both
    William Howard Taft
  29. his domestic agenda emphasized trust-busting, civil service reform, strengthening the Interstate Commerce Commission, improving the performance of the postal service, and passage of the Sixteenth Amendment. Abroad, Taft sought to further the economic
    development of underdeveloped nations in Latin America and Asia through "Dollar Diplomacy"
    William Howard Taft
  30. a procedure by which a specified number of voters maypropose a statute, constitutional amendment, orordinance, and compel a popular vote on its adoption.
  31. the principle or practice of referring measures proposed orpassed by a legislative body to the vote of the electorate forapproval or rejection
  32. to the United States Constitution allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results. This amendment exempted income taxes from the constitutional requirements regarding direct taxes, after income taxes on rents, dividends, and interest were ruled to be direct taxes in Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co.
    The sixteenth Amendment
  33. was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. He is regarded as the
    father of scientific management and was one of the first management consultants
    Frederick W. Taylor
  34. one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and his ideas, broadly conceived, were highly influential in the Progressive
    Frederick W. Taylor
  35. to the United States Constitution established direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. The amendment supersedes Article I, § 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which Senators were elected by state legislatures
    Seventeenth Amendment
  36. was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York and resulted in the fourth highest loss of life from an industrial
    accident in U.S. history
    Triangle Shirtwaist Company

  37. led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, which fought for better working conditions for sweatshop workers.

    Traingle Shirtwaist Company
  38. was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that held a "liberty of contract" was implicit in the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
    Lochner v. New York
  39. The case involved a New York law that limited the number of hours that a baker could work each day to ten, and limited the number of hours that a baker could work each week to 60
    Lochner v. New York
  40. is the right of women to vote and to run for office.
    Women’s suffrage
  41. The expression is also used for the economic and political reform movement aimed at extending these rights to women and without any restrictions or qualifications such as property ownership, payment of tax, or marital status

    Women’s suffrage
  42. a leader of the women's suffrage movement in the
    United States. She was also a physician and the first
    ordained female Methodist minister in the United States
    Anna Howard Shaw
  43. was a women's suffrage leader who campaigned for
    the Nineteenth Amendment to the United
    States Constitution which gave U.S. women the
    right to vote in 1920
    Carrie Chapman Catt
  44. effort to make government more efficient
    Commission Plan
  45. Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive political philosophy during the 1912 election The central issue he argued was government protection of human welfare and property rights.
    “New Nationalism”
  46. Theodore insisted that only a powerful federal government could regulate the economy and guarantee social justice, and that a President can only succeed in making his economic agenda successful if he makes the protection of human welfare his highest priority.
    “New Nationalism”
  47. scheme of government that
    assigns responsibility for municipal administration to a nonpartisan manager chosen by the city
    council because of his or her administrative expertise.
    City-manager plan
  48. A leader of the Progressive Movement persuaded a Democratic Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and America's first-ever
    federal progressive income tax in the Revenue Act of 1913.
    Woodrow Wilson
  49. as an American Republican (and later a Progressive) politician. He served as a member of the U.S.
    House of Representatives, was the Governor of Wisconsin, and was also aU.S. Senator from Wisconsin
    Robert LaFollette
  50. is the political philosophy developed in the American state of Wisconsin that fosters public
    universities' contributions to the state: "to the government in the forms of serving in office, offering advice about public policy, providing information and exercising technical skill, and to the citizens in the forms of doing research directed at solving problems that are important to the state and conducting outreach activities."
    Wisconsin Idea
  51. the campaign speeches and promises of Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential
    campaign. They called for less government but in practice as president he added
    new controls such as the Federal Reserve System and the Clayton Antitrust Act.
    “New Freedom”
  52. three types of reform:
    tariff, business and banking
  53. The Progressive Party of 1912 was an American political party. It was formed after a split in the Republican Party between President William Howard Taft and former President Theodore Roosevelt
    The Bull Moose Party
  54. is an independent agency of the United
    States government,established in 1914 by the Federal Trade Commission Act. Its principal mission is the promotion of consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of what regulators perceive to be harmfully anti-competitive business practices, such as coercive monopoly.

    Federal Trade Commission
  55. was the leading organization lobbying for prohibition in the United States in the early 20th century.
    It was a key component of the Progressive Era It concentrated on legislation,
    and cared about how legislators voted, not whether they drank or not
    Anti-Saloon League
  56. is the Act of Congress that
    created the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States of America,
    and granted it the legal authority to issue legal tender

    The Federal Reserve Act
  57. was a strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the anthracite coal fields of easternPennsylvania. The strike threatened to shut down the winter fuel supply to all major cities (homes and apartments were heated with anthracite or "hard" coal because it had higher heat value and less smoke than "soft" or bituminous coal
    Coal Strike of 1902
  58. It was the first labor episode in which the federal government intervened as a neutral arbitrator.
    Coal Strike of 1902
  59. was enacted in the United Statesto add further substance to the U.S. antitrust law regime by seeking to
    prevent anticompetitive practices in their incipiency.
    Clayton Anti-trust Act
  60. specified particular prohibited conduct, the three-level enforcement
    scheme, the exemptions, and the remedial measures.
    Clayton Anti-trust Act
  61. was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program formed
    upon three basic ideas: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations,
    and consumer protection
    “Square Deal”
  62. it aimed at helping middle class citizens and involved attacking plutocracy and bad trusts while at the same time protecting business from the extreme demands of organized labor.
    "Square Deal"
  63. unique blend of an advocacy for Christianity, democracy and self determination ( approach nation states to practice these 3 things and give them a favored nation status -- an ally)

    Missionary Diplomacy
  64. was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the United States. The proposal was declined
    by Mexico, but angered Americans and led in part to a U.S. declaration of war in April. got us in the war, fresh insult to the US.
    Zimmermann Telegram
  65. lead Wilson to ask congress for declaration of war
    Zimmermann Telegram
  66. was a Mexican military officer and president of Mexico. Huerta's supporters were
    known as Huertistas during the Mexican
    Victoriano Huerta
  67. as a general officer in the United States Army. Pershing is the only person to
    be promoted in his own lifetime to the highest rank ever held in the United States Army—General of the Armies (a retroactive Congressional edict passed in 1976[1] promoted George Washington to the
    same rank but with higher seniority[2])

    John J. Pershing
  68. started off as a minor incident involving U.S. sailors and Mexican land forces loyal to General Victoriano Huerta during the guerra de las facciones phase of the Mexican Revolution.
    Tampico Incident
  69. The misunderstanding occurred
    on April 9, 1914, but would fully transpire into the breakdown of diplomatic
    relations between the two countries, and the occupation of the port city ofVeracruz for over
    six months.

    Tampico Incident
  70. was a professional mining engineer and
    author. As the United States Secretary of Commerce in the
    1920s under Presidents Warren G. Harding andCalvin Coolidge, he
    promoted partnerships between government and business under the rubric
    "economic modernization".

    Herbert Hoover
  71. which began with the Battle
    of Veracruz, lasted
    for six months in response to theTampico Affair of April 9, 1914. The incident came in the midst of poor diplomatic
    relations between Mexico and the United States,
    related to the ongoing Mexican Revolution.

    Occupation of Veracruz
  72. was a United States government agency
    established on July 28, 1917, during World War I, to coordinate the
    purchase of war supplies
    War Industries Board
  73. The organization encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase
    efficiency and urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products. The
    board set production quotas and allocated raw materials. It also conducted
    psychological testing to help people find the right jobs.
    War Industries Board
  74. was one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. He ultimately became President of Mexico following the overthrow of
    the dictatorial Huerta regime in the summer of
    1914 and during his administration thecurrent
    constitution of Mexico was drafted.
    Venustiano Carranza
  75. an investigative
    journalist, a politician, and, most famously, the
    head of the United StatesCommittee on Public Information, a propaganda organization created by
    President Woodrow Wilson during World War I.
    George Creel
  76. It prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies
    during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere
    with military recruitment
    Espionage Act of 1917
  77. was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by
    President Woodrow Wilson on May 16, 1918.[1] It forbade the use of
    "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United
    States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view
    the American government or its institutions with contempt. The act also allowed
    the Postmaster General to refuse to deliver mail
    that met those same standards for punishable speech or opinion. It applied only
    to times "when the United States is in war."
    Sedition Act of 1918
  78. was one of the two sides that participated in World War I and was also known as theTriple
    Alliance, the other being the Triple Entente (Allied
    Central v. Allied Powers
  79. also called the Battle of the Argonne
    Forest, was a part of the final Allied offensive of World War I that stretched along the
    entire western front.
    Meuse-Argonne offensive
  80. was a speech delivered by United States President Woodrow Wilson to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918. The
    address was intended to assure the country that the Great War was being fought for a
    moral cause and for postwar peace in Europe.
    The Fourteen Points
  81. was an intergovernmental
    organization founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference, and the precursor to the United
    Nations. was the first permanent
    international security organization whose principle mission was to maintain
    world peace.
    League of Nations
  82. primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, included preventing war through collective security, disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration

    League of Nations
  83. was a nationalistic, militaristic, and eventually quasi-fascist nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that supported
    the naturalization and Americanization ofimmigrants, Americanism, a strong military, universal conscription, meritocracy and government regulation of the economy to enhance
    national preparedness.
    National Security League
  84. was the meeting of the Allied
    victors following the end of World War I to set the peace terms for Germany and
    other defeated nations, and to deal with the empires of the defeated powers
    following the Armistice of 1918.

    Paris Peace Conference
  85. met, discussed and came up with a series of
    treaties that reshaped the map of Europe and the world, and imposed guilt and
    stiff financial penalties on Germany
    Paris Peace Conference
  86. The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against
    external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political
    independence of all Members of the League.
    Article X
  87. In the case of any such
    aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council
    shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.
    Article X
  88. denotes two distinct
    periods of strong Anti-Communism in the United States 1) about worker (socialist) revolution and political
    radicalism. 2) focused on national and
    foreign communists influencing society or infiltrating the federal government, or both.

    The Red Scare
  89. wereanarchists who were convicted of
    murdering two men during a 1920 armed
    robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts. After a controversial
    trial and a series of appeals, the two Italian immigrants were executed on August 23,
    The Sacco and Vanzetti Case
  90. was an American legal case in 1925 in which a high school biology
    teacher John
    Scopes was accused of violating
    the state's Butler Act that made it unlawful to
    teach evolution.
    Scopes Monkey Trial
  91. was the movement of 2 million blacks out of the Southern
    United States to the Midwest, Northeast and West from 1910 to 1930.[1] African Americans migrated
    to escape racism and to seek jobs in industrial
    The Great migration
  92. was a Jamaican publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator who was a staunch proponent
    of the Black
    Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, to which end he
    founded the Universal
    Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League
    Marcus Garvey
  93. is the practice of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, import,
    export, sale, and consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.
  94. American civil rights organization in the United
    States, formed in 1909.[3] Its mission is "to
    ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of
    all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination".[4] Its name, retained in
    accordance with tradition, is one of the last surviving uses of the term colored people.
    The NAACP
  95. was an American suffragette and
    activist. Along with Lucy Burns and
    others, she led a successful campaign for women's suffrage that
    resulted in the passage of the Nineteenth
    Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920.

    Alice Paul
  96. was an American sex
    educator, birth control activist
    and the founder of the American
    Birth Control League.

    Margaret Sanger
  97. was Attorney General of the United
    States from 1919 to 1921. He was
    nicknamedThe Fighting Quaker and he directed the
    controversial Palmer Raids.
    A Mitchell Palmer
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History II
history midterm