
  1. Flexion
    A bending action that decreases the angle between body parts
  2. Extenison
    A straightening action that increases the angle between body parts
  3. Abduction
    Moving away from the median plane, in a coronal plane
  4. Adduction
    Moving toward the median plane, in the coronal plane
  5. Circumduction
    • A circular motion that combines flexion, extenison, abduction, and adduction
    • The distal end of the part being moved describes a circle.
  6. Medial rotation
    Anterior surface of moving part is brought toward the median plane
  7. Lateral rotation
    Anterior surface of moving part is brought away from median plane
  8. Supination
    Rotating forearm and hand laterally so that palm faces anteriorly
  9. Pronation
    Rotating forearm and hand medially so that palm faces posteriorly
  10. Opposition
    The thumb or pinky finger is brought over to touch another digit
  11. Repostion
    The thumb or pinky finger is brought back to anatomical position
  12. Eversion
    Moving sole of foot away from median plane
  13. Inversion
    Moving sole of foot toward the median plane
  14. Protraction
    Moving anteriorly
  15. Retraction
    Moving posteriorly
  16. Elevation
    Raising a part superiorly
  17. Depression
    Lowering a part inferiorly
  18. Dorsiflexion
    A bending action that elevates the sole, such as when you stand on your heels
  19. Plantar flexion
    A bending action that elevates the heel, such as when you stand on your toes
Card Set
Anatomical Terms of Moverment