High liability Vocab

  1. The relinquishing of a right or interest with the intention of never again claiming it is?
  2. What does ABC's stand for?
    Airway, Breathing, Circulation
  3. An open wound where organse protrude from the abdominal cavity is?
    Abdominal evisceration
  4. The capacity a subject has to carry out his or her intent is?
  5. An open wound caused by scraping, shearing away, or rubbing the outermost skin layer is?
  6. A computerized braking system that automatically slows and stops the vehicle when the driver applies a hard, steady pressure to the brake pedal is?
    ABS / Anti-lock braking system
  7. A subject's use of physically evasive movements directed toward the officer, examples include bracing, tensing, pushing, or pulling to prevent the officer from establishing control over the subject is?
    Active resistance
  8. Sharpness of vision is called?
  9. Documents a patient's request to withhold specific medical care is called an?
    Advanced directive
  10. AED is also known as?
    Automated External Defibulator
  11. Refers to how an officer approaches a subject or enters a scene is known as?
    Body movement
  12. The failure of an officer to act or failure to act appropriately is known as?
    Breach of duty
  13. An obvious that discoloration (black and blue) of the soft tissue at the entry site is known as?
  14. Controlling infection by separating patience from each other; includes two basic behaviors: the use of medical PPE and person behaviors that reduce risk it is known as?
    Body substance isolation/BSI
  15. The dark red blood oozing from a wound, indicating damaged capillaries is known as?
    Capillary bleeding
  16. The muscles in the heart that constantly work to expand and contract are known as?
    Cardiac muscles
  17. Any exercise that elevates the heart rate to the range between 60 and 85% of the maximum rate is known as?
    Cardiovascular training
  18. The tendency for a vehicle traveling forward to straighten from a turn when the driver releases the steering wheel is known as? Caster effect
  19. CDC is an acronym that stands for?
    Center for disease control and prevention
  20. Located in the brain and spinal cord; components are the bodies mainframe computer where all communication and control originate?
    Central nervous system
  21. The reaction to centripetal force; force that pushes a vehicle toward the outside of the turn is known as?
    Centrifugal force
  22. The force that pulls a vehicle toward the inside of a turn is known as?
    Centripetal force
  23. The neck of the uterus; contains a mucus plug
  24. This occurs when a burning chemical comes into contact with the skin?
    Chemical burn
  25. Pumps blood throughout the body; consist of the heart, blood vessels, and blood
    Circulatory system
  26. Results from blood, to the chest area; damages internal organs and/or causes internal bleeding?
    Closed chest injury
  27. A fracture in which the skin at the injury site remains intact is known as?
    Closed fracture
  28. A potentially poisonous byproduct of combustion is known as?
    Carbon monoxide/CO
  29. The part of the brain that logically thinks and plans is known as?
    Cognitive brain
  30. The ability to distinguish colors is known as?
    Color vision
  31. The way an officer carries him or herself is known as?
    Command presence
  32. And the exchanging of information through verbal and nonverbal method; provides valuable insight into the likelihood of cooperation in compliance with a subject is known as?
  33. To a combination of fine and gross motor skills using hand/eye coordination timed to a single event is known as the top?
    Complex motor skills
  34. The verbal and/or physical yielding to an officer’s authority without apparent threat of resistance or violence is known as?
  35. An object or group of objects that creates a visual barrier between an officer and a threat but may not stop a projectile is known as?
  36. A characteristic of a turn in which the length of the radius does not change is known as?
    Constant radius
  37. A closed injury that is discolored and painful at the underside is known as?
  38. Turning the vehicle’s front tires in the desired direction to regain traction is known as?
    Counter steering
  39. Anything that creates a bullet resistant barrier between an officer and a threat is known as?
  40. CPR is an acronym the stands for?
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  41. After a stressful situation, a temporary condition that causes difficulty in transferring information into long-term memory is known as?
    Critical incident amnesia
  42. A type of chemical agent commonly used by law enforcement usually in the form of handheld canisters and chemical projectiles is?
  43. A complete search of the subject use when a subject is taken into custody in an unsecured environment is known as?
    Custodial search technique
  44. Changes in circulation causing the lips, palm’s, and nail beds to turn blue is known as?
  45. The predetermined amount of time, usually 5 seconds, that a stun device will discharge automatically when activated is known as?
  46. The area within the reactionary gap is known as?
    Danger zone
  47. The subjects hostile, attacking movements, with or without a weapon, but create a reasonable perception by the officer that the subject intends to cause and has the capability of causing death or great bodily harm to the officer or others is known as?
    Deadly force resistance
  48. A turn that becomes smaller as a driver progresses through it is known as?
    Decreasing radius
  49. Decreasing the use of force or resistance is known as?
  50. The ability to judge distance and space is known as?
    Depth perception
  51. A controlled, non emotional communication between an officer and a subject, aimed at problem-solving and communication is known as?
  52. Ingests and digests foods and nutrients; includes the stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and small and large intestines is known as?
    Digestive system
  53. The first stage of labor; begins with the initial contraction in continues until the fetus enters the birth canal is known as?
  54. The direction that a subject comes from is known as?
    Direct line of attack
  55. The discontinuing of commands or the physical use of force; breaking away from a subject is known as?
  56. Any injury occurring when the end of the bone comes out of its socket at the joint is known as?
  57. DOTS is an acronym the stands for? It includes injuries and symptoms to look for during a physical assessment of a potentially injured person
    Deformities, open injuries, tenderness, and swelling
  58. A form of psychosis which can result from drug use, typically causing hallucinations and/or delusions is known as?
    Drug induced psychosis
  59. The duty to take some action to rat on to another and for the failure of which an officer may be liable depending on the relationship of the parties and the circumstances is known as?
    Duty to act
  60. The device that uses a high voltage low power electrical charge to induce involuntary muscle contractions is known as?
    Electronic control device
  61. External electric impulses that interfere with the electric and also is accused by the human nervous system to communicate with the skeletal muscles, causing physical incapacitation is known as?
    EMD/electro muscular disruption
  62. A relocation reform when a patient is in immediate danger or when the patience location prevents providing care to him or her or another patient is known as?
    Emergency move
  63. Increasingly use of force or resistance is known as?
  64. Any impact technique using hands, arms, elbows, feet, legs, knees, or head to strike a subject in an offensive or defensive situation is known as?
    Empty hand striking techniques
  65. A network of trained professionals willing to provide advanced, out of hospital care for victims of sudden traumatic injury or illness is known as?
    EMS/emergency Medical Services System
  66. Emergency medical technicians who have advanced, specialized training that enables them to provide comprehensive care to patients is known as?
    EMT/emergency medical technician
  67. A technique used to move a subject from one point to another without using pain compliance; provides minimal control of the subject through leverage is known as?
  68. Shifting one’s body or sidestepping to avoid an attack is known as?
    Evasion/evasion technique
  69. An open wound where the organs protrude is known as?
  70. A state of extreme mental and physiological excitement due to extreme drug use; characterized by extreme agitation, hyperthermia, hostility, and exceptional strength and endurance without apparent fatigue; can lead to death is known as?
    Excited delirium
  71. Consent that is clearly an unmistakably stated is known as?
    Expressed consent
  72. The second stage of labor; the fetus moves through the birth canal and is delivered?
  73. Looking in the desired direction of travel to avoid an obstacle and steering in that direction is known as?
    Eye targeting
  74. Survival stress is also referred to as?
    Fear induced stress
  75. The thigh bone; the longest and strongest bone in the human body is also known as?
  76. The muscle control required to make small, precise movements is known as?
    Fine motor skills
  77. A closed chest injury that occurs when two or more adjacent ribs are fractured in two or more places and become free floating is known as?
    Flail chest
  78. The maintenance of sight alignment before, during, and after firing a round is known as?
    Follow through
  79. A framework for making decisions involving the reasonable use of force by criminal justice officers is known as?
    Forced guidelines
  80. A bone brake is known as?
  81. A localized injury from overexposure to cold is known as?
  82. A third degree burn that damages all skin layers and affects muscles and nerves; causes skin to look waxy, white, or charred is known as?
    Full thickness burn
  83. A measurement of shotgun bores derived from the number of bore sized balls of lead per pound is known as?
  84. Protects physicians who render emergency care from civilian suits; in Florida it also protects first aid providers?
    Good Samaritan act
  85. The use of a body mechanics to control a subject is known as?
  86. The movements of the large or major muscles of the body is known as?
    Gross motor skills
  87. Temporary restraining devices used frequently to control a subject?
  88. A revolver or semiautomatic pistol is known as?
  89. Caused by oxygen deprivation to part of the heart, typically from a blocked blood vessel is?
    Heart attack
  90. A closed injury that evidences as a discolored lump is known as?
  91. A highly infectious disease spread by person to person contact, generally through fecal contamination or oral ingestion is known as?
    Hepatitis A virus
  92. A highly infectious disease spread through sexual contact, sharing contaminated needles, through intravenous drug use, or through blood transfusion is known as?
    Hepatitis B virus
  93. The most common chronic blood borne infection; primarily transmitted through direct contact with human blood, from sharing needles or drug paraphernalia, or from an infected mother delivering her baby is known as?
    Hepatitis C virus
  94. This protects the rights of patients and restricts the release of patient information?
    HIPAA/Health Insurance portability and accountability act of 1996
  95. A blood borne virus that attacks the immune system and causes AIDS; transmission occurs primarily during sexual contact with an infected individual, when intravenous drug users share contaminated needles, from infected mother to unborn child, and from contact with blood, certain body fluids, and tissue from an infected individual is known as?
    HIV/human immunodeficiency virus
  96. Occurs when the body cannot recover from fluid loss?
  97. The excessive cooling of the body’s core temperature is known as?
  98. Any object used for striking is known as?
    Impact weapon
  99. The consent inferred from conduct rather than from direct expression is known as?
    Implied consent
  100. A skid that occurs just before tires lose traction during breaking; the tires locked and cause a skid is known as?
    Incipient skid/aka impending skid
  101. A skid that occurs just before the drive tires lose traction during acceleration is known as?
    Incipient spin
  102. A turn that becomes larger as a driver progresses through it is known as?
    Increasing radius
  103. A person’s agreement to allow something to happen, made with full knowledge of the risks involved and the alternatives is known as?
    Informed consent
  104. Occurs when a patient has a burn to any part of the airway?
    Inhalation burn
  105. The hormone needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed for daily life is known as?
  106. A reasonably perceived, imminent threat to an officer or another person is known as?
  107. A tool used when empty handed control is an effective, but the subject’s level of resistance does not merit deadly force; baton, OC spray, dark firing stun gun is known as?
    Intermediate weapon
  108. A low profile stance with the weapon held partially hidden behind the leg is known as?
    Interview stance with an impact weapon
  109. The smooth muscles that carry out many automatic body functions are known as?
    Involuntary muscles
  110. A method of gaining control over a subject by Bending or twisting a joint in a direction that will cause pain or discomfort to the joint is known as?
    Joint manipulation
  111. The final phase of pregnancy; begins the birthing process?
  112. An open wound in soft tissue is known as?
  113. Using a great force against a weaker resistance is known as?
  114. A patient’s mental status due to illness or injury is known as?
    LOC/level of consciousness
  115. A condition that prevents a weapon from operating normally is known as?
  116. An incident that involves more than one victim is known as?
    MCI/multiple casualty incident
  117. A method used to gain control over a subject by applying pressure or leverage on a joint by blocking it up so that no movement of the joint is possible, causing the subject to comply with verbal direction is known as?
    Mechanical compliance
  118. A bracelet, necklace, or card debt alerts medical personnel to a specific medical condition is known as?
    Medic alert
  119. A method of gaining control over a subject by using an incapacitation technique that causes temporary impairment of muscular control is known as?
    Motor dysfunction
  120. A type of bacteria that is highly contagious and resistant to certain antibiotics; causes a skin infection that is read, swallowing, painful, or one to the touch; may have purulent drainage or appear to be a spider bite, pimple, or boil?
    MRSA/methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
  121. This gives the body shape, protects internal organs, and provides body movement?
    Muscular system
  122. The failure to use due or reasonable care in a situation resulting in harm to another; failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonable prudent person would have exercise in a similar situation; conduct that falls below the legal standard established to protect others against a unreasonable risk of harm, except for conduct that is intentionally, wantonly, or willfully disregardful of others’ rights is?
  123. This controls voluntary and involuntary body activity, supports higher mental functions such as bought in the motion, allows the individual to be aware of and react to the environment, and keeps the rest of the body’s system working together?
    Nervous system
  124. The ability to see clearly in darkness is known as?
    Night vision
  125. Force that is not intended to cause death or great bodily harm; non deadly is known as?
  126. What is a weapon that is not fundamentally designed to cause death or great bodily harm?
    Nonlethal weapon
  127. A term the courts have used to describe the process for evaluating the appropriateness of an officer’s response to a subject’s resistance is known as?
    Objective reasonableness
  128. Meaning airtight?
  129. A high profile stance with the weapon held at shoulder position to enable a rapid strike is known as?
    Offensive and ready stance with an impact weapon
  130. An officer’s ability to convey to subjects in onlookers that he or she is ready and able to take control is known as?
    Officer presence
  131. A type of chemical agent commonly used by law enforcement, usually in the form of a handheld canister and chemical projectiles is known as?
    OC/oleo resin capsicum
  132. An injury that occurs when penetration opens the chest area is known as?
    Open chest injury
  133. A subject’s capacity for carrying out an intention to cause death or great bodily harm to others is known as?
  134. A fracture where the skin at the injury site is broken, and the bomb may protrude through the skin is known as?
    Open fracture
  135. The tendency of a vehicle to steer into a sharper turn than the driver intends is known as?
    Over steer
  136. A subjects response to a combination of pain and verbal commands to stop resisting is known as?
    Pain compliance
  137. A second degree burn that damages the first two skin layers, which Blitzer and filled very painful is known as?
    Partial thickness burn
  138. A subject and verbal and or physical refusal to comply with an officer’s lawful direction cause an officer to use physical techniques to establish control is known as?
    Passive resistance
  139. A fiscal frisk at a subject conducted in a predetermined pattern to locate weapons is known as?
    Pat down
  140. An inflammatory agent that causes tearing an involuntary closing of the eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing, disorientation, and perceived respiratory distress; also known as OC?
    Pepper spray
  141. This includes nerves that connect to the spinal cord and branch out to every other part of the body; serves as a two way communication system?
    Peripheral nervous system
  142. The ability to see above, below, and to the sides is known as?
    Peripheral vision
  143. Achieving compliance or custody through the use of NT hand or leverage enhanced techniques, such as pain compliance, transporters, the strain devices, takedowns, and striking techniques is known as?
    Physical control
  144. The transfer of a vehicle’s weight from front to rear or rear to front; occurs during acceleration or breaking?
  145. A pursuit termination technique in which an officer uses the patrol vehicle to make contact with a violators vehicle is known as?
    PIT/pursuit immobilization technique
  146. The disk shaped inner lining of the uterus; it provides nourishment and oxygen to a fetus?
  147. The third stage of labor during which the placenta separates from the uterine wall and moves through the birth canal for delivery is known as?
  148. This permits an officer to seize any object “whose contour or mass” he or she identifies as apparent contraband during a pat down is known as?
    The Plain Feel Doctrine
  149. When examining extremities for potential injuries, indicates what to check for, you should use the acronym PMS which stands for?
    Pulse, and motor and sensory function
  150. The technique use when a shooter cannot use the sites on the weapon or key or she has no time to align the site properly; the firearm is viewed as an extension of the arm and pointed at the target is known as?
    Point shooting
  151. Death as result of a body position that interferes with one’s ability to breathe is known as?
    Positional asphyxia
  152. Supporting the balance of the body using a limb is known as?
  153. The behavior in which a subject acts verbally and physically as if he or she may resist is known as?
  154. Items that protect individuals from harmful substances, infections, or other people; includes eye protection, gloves, shields, and biohazard bags?
    PPE/personal protective equipment
  155. Techniques used to control resistant behavior by utilizing pain compliance are known as?
    Pressure points
  156. Lying on the stomach face down is known as?
    Prone position
  157. Measurement used to measure of tire pressure is known as?
    PSI/pounds per square inch
  158. The result of driving a sharp or blunt, pointed object into the soft tissue is known as?
    Puncture wound
  159. An active attempt by an officer in an authorized emergency vehicle to stop a vehicle that is being operated to elude apprehension or otherwise fails to stop after the driver realizes that the vehicle is being lawfully directed to stop is known as?
  160. Dividing the body into four sections horizontally and vertically during a search is known as?
    Quadrant search approach
  161. The distance from the center to the outside of a circle is known as?
  162. The amount of time it takes for the brain to process a physical threat and for the body to respond is known as?
    Reaction time principle
  163. What an officer must keep between him-or herself and the subject in order to react effectively against a sudden threat is known as?
    Reactionary gap
  164. The facts or circumstances that reasonably indicate that a person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a violation of the law is known as?
    Reasonable suspicion
  165. A position where the patient is rolled over (preferably on to the left side) with knees slightly bent; helps maintain an open airway if the patient violence and may prevent positional asphyxia is known as?
    Recovery position
  166. Using one’s hands to move the subject away is known as?
  167. An officer’s position in relation to the subject is known as?
    Relative positioning
  168. Delivers oxygen and two are removes carbon dioxide from the blood?
    Respiratory system
  169. The tools such as handcuffs designed to temporarily restraining a subject movements are known as?
    Restraining devices
  170. A single, follow lead the bullet is known as?
    Rifled slug
  171. Use of vehicles, barricades, Cones, or other objects to partially or completely block traffic flow?
  172. The transfer of a vehicle’s weight from side to side is known as?
  173. Traction created when a vehicle’s tires constantly rotate against the road surface without losing contact is known as?
    Rolling friction
  174. A pistol in which the trigger is the only operative control on the gun is known as?
    Safe action
  175. In first aid the acronym SAMPLE stands for?
    Signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, past history, last oral intake, events
  176. A method to help an officer acquire information useful in determining causes of injury or illness is known as?
  177. The government intrusion into a place in which a person has reasonable expectation of privacy is known as?
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High liability Vocab
High liability Vocab 2010 curriculum