PH Exam 2 Violence

  1. Define Violence
    The intentional use of physical force against oneself that results in, or has a high likelihood of resulting in, injury or death
  2. List types of Violence
    • Bullying
    • Sexual Violence
  3. Define Bullying
    Exposure, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students
  4. Describe 2 Types of Bullying
    • Direct bullying: overt, physical act
    • Indirect bullying: covert, more psychological (ex. threats, isolation)
  5. List Populations at Risk for Bullying
    • Gang presence in school
    • Lack of school-related supervision (no hallway or lunchroom monitoring, no security officers)
  6. List Risk Factors for Bullying
    • White, non-hispanic
    • Younger students
    • No gender differences
    • No diff btwn public and private schools
  7. List Results of Bullying
    • Victimization
    • Fear, anxiety
    • Physical aggressiveness
    • Risk-taking behaviors (school shootings)
    • Low academic achievement
    • Low self-esteem
  8. Define Sexual Violence
    Sexual assault includes touching any part of a person's body in a sexual way, even through clothes without that person's consent
  9. List Most at Risk for Sexual Violence
    • Women (men too)
    • Younger age- <20 years old
    • American indian and Alaskan native
    • Persons who engage in high-risk behavior
    • Lower socioeconomic level
  10. List Physical Consequences of Sexual Violence
    • Inc rates of STDs
    • Inc rates of pregnancies
    • Long-term health problems including:
    • -chronic pelvic pain
    • -premenstrual syndrome
    • -GI d/o
    • -gynecological and pregnancy complications
    • -migranes and other frequent h/a
    • -disability preventing work
  11. List Pschological (Acute) Conseqences of Sexual Violence
    • Denial
    • Shock
    • Fear
    • Confusion
    • Anxiety
    • Withdrawal
    • Guilt
    • Nervousness
    • Distrust of others
    • PTSD
  12. List Psychological (Chronic) Consequences of Sexual Violence
    • Depression
    • Attempted suicide
    • Alienation
    • PTSD
    • Unhealthy diet-related behaviors
  13. List 5 Types of Family Violence
    • Physical
    • Sexual
    • Psychological
    • Economic
    • Medical
  14. Define Abuse- Acute and Chronic
    • Actual action by perpertrator
    • Acute: single, inpulsive act (ex. shaken baby syndrome)
    • Chronic: child who is chronically battered
  15. Define Neglect- Acute and Chronic
    • Failure to act, results in harm to person
    • Acute: failure to act, when child drowning
    • Chronic: forget about child (ex. feeding)
  16. Define Physical (Family) Abuse & Neglect
    • Abuse: refers to purposely perpetrated physical injury and can range from minor bruises to severe fractures or death (pinching)
    • Neglect: refers to failure to protect someone from purposely perpetrated physical injury or failure to provide necessary food, shelter, and supervision
  17. Define Sexual (Family) Abuse & Neglect
    • Abuse: fondling, exposure, rape, sodomy
    • Neglect: failure to protect from abuse
  18. Define Psychological (Family) Abuse & Neglect
    • Abuse: behavior that impairs emotional development or self-worth
    • Neglect: inattention to emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care
  19. Define Economic (Family) Abuse & Neglect
    • Abuse: coercion through monetary threat (controlling bank account)
    • Neglect: failure to economically provide food
  20. Define Medical (Family) Abuse & Neglect
    • Abuse: interfering with medical attention or access
    • Neglect: failure to secure medical needs or medications
  21. List General Consequences of Family Violence
    • Death
    • Physical problems
    • Mental and emotional problems
    • Unhealthy behaviors
    • Risk for continued cycle of violence
    • Economic cost to society
  22. List Examples of Family Violence
    • Intimate partner violence
    • Child abuse and neglect
    • Elder abuse and neglect
  23. Define Intimate Partner Violence (Family)
    A pattern of assaultive or coercive behavior that is perpetrated by someone who is, or was, in an intimate relationship with the victim for th purpose of achieving compliance or control
  24. Discuss Walker Cycle of Violence
    • Theory of violence
    • As the cycle continues overtime phase 3 is shorter as they feel they have control
    • Survivor sees themselves as the cause of the violence
    • Most significant sign: isolation
  25. Discuss Phase 1 of Walker Cycle
    • Tension Building
    • Perpetrator makes accusations
    • Survior is compliant
    • Trying to ease tension
    • Walking on egg shells
  26. Discuss Phase 2 of Walker Cycle
    • Acute Battering
    • Actual psychological violence
    • Physical pinching, slapping, murder, sexual violence
    • Best time for HCP to intervene, post phase 2
  27. Discuss Phase 3 of Walker Cycle
    • Honeymoon Phase
    • Perpetuator is apologetic
    • Survivor is guilty for not helping/ throwing overboard
  28. List Characteristics of Persons who remain in abusive relationships
    • Do not have resources- isolates from family and friends
    • Do not have power
    • Have children
    • Were abused as children or witnessed violence in the family
    • Violence may be infrequent or of lesser severity
    • Religious/ cultural reasons
    • Fear
  29. Define "Child Abuse and Neglect" (Family)
    An act (abuse) or failure to act (neglect) on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation or imminent risk of serious harm
  30. List Signs/ Sx of Child Physical Abuse
    • Unexplained bruises in various stages of healing
    • Unexplained cigarette burns, immersion burns, or rope burns
    • Lacerations or abrasions
    • Fractures
    • Injuries to mouth, lips, gums, eyes or external genitalia
  31. List Psychosocial Effects of Child Physical Abuse
    • Wariness of adults
    • Apprehension when other children cry
    • Constant alertness for danger
    • Showing fear of parents
    • Fear of going home
  32. List Signs/ Sx of Child Physical Neglect
    • Hunger
    • Poor Hygiene
    • Inappropriate dress
  33. List Psychosocial Effects of Child Physical Neglect
    • Lack of supervision
    • Lack of medical/dental care
    • Fatigue
    • Begging or stealing food
    • Early arrival/ late departure from school
  34. List Physical Signs/ Sx of Child Sexual Abuse
    • Difficulty walking or sitting
    • Torn, stained, or bloody underwear
    • Genital pain or itching
    • Bruises or bleeding from the genitalia, vagina, or anal area
    • STDs
  35. List Psychosocial Signs/ Sx of Child Sexual Abuse
    • Drug and alcohol abuse
    • Developmental delays
    • Teen pregnancy
    • Bizarre, sophisticated or unusual sexual behavior
    • SI
    • Runaway
  36. List Physical Signs/ Sx of Child Emotional Abuse and Neglect
    • Failure to thrive
    • Delayed physical development
    • Speech d/o
    • Developmental delays
  37. List Psychosocial Signs/ Sx of Child Emotional Abuse and Neglect
    • Behavior extremes from passivity to aggression
    • Conduct d/o
    • Attempted suicide
  38. Define Family Violence: ELDER Abuse
    Any act or omission by a caregiver, guardian or custodian of an elderly person, that results in harm or threatened harm to that person's health or welfare
  39. List Physical Signs/ Sx of Elder Abuse
    • Unattended injuries
    • Dehydration
    • Wt loss
    • Lack of medication
    • Poor skin hygiene
    • Soiled clothes
    • Burns
    • Signs of confinement
  40. List Psychosocial Signs/ Sx of Elder Abuse
    • Fear, w/d, depression
    • Agitation
    • Missing personal belongings
    • Conflicting accounts of events
    • Usually economic & medical abuse
  41. List 3 Things for HCPs to look for in Consequences of Violence
    • Be aware of at risk populations
    • Be able to recognize common S&S as described throughout the presentation
    • Realize that effects on health may be due to: direct experience of violence, witnessing violence, living in violent environment
  42. List General Principles (Nsg Interventions)
    • Saftety
    • Empowering response
    • Allow survivor to control situation
  43. Discuss Violence Perpetuated by HCPs
    • Blaming the survivor
    • Normalizing victimization
    • Violating confidentiality
    • Minimizing abuse
    • Ignoring safety needs
    • Lack of respect
  44. Discuss Empowering Response by HCPs
    • Supporting the survivor
    • Believing/ validating the abuse
    • Respecting confidentiality
    • Acknowledging the injustice
    • Respecting autonomy
    • Ensuring safety
  45. List Primary Nsg Interventions
    • Eliminate/ dec risk of violence
    • Dec risk of violence
  46. List Secondary Nsg Interventions
    • Id those affected and at-risk
    • Intervene: Priority is to remove the person from the source of the violence
    • Tx immediate post-violence sequelae per the specific need
  47. List Tertiary Nsg Interventions
    Provide on-going support for survivors
  48. What do KY Laws say about Reporting Abuse?
    You must report abuse and suspected abuse
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PH Exam 2 Violence