Every seen in every play has a .....
theater is...
fluid and changeable
Two types of listening
Active and Passive
is living truthfully in a given set of circumstances of the play
Actors try to answer one question
What do I want?
Actors use.....to get what they want by using....
1. objectives 2. tactics
acting without a script
steppenwolf theater company
put on a famous production of True West
David Garrick
Mimical Behavior (acting is an imitation of life)
Konstantin Stanislavski
- 1. Wrote "An Actor Prepares"
- 2. Director
- 3. Moscow Art Theater
- 4. Method Acting
Sanford Misner
- The Neighborhood Playhouse
- Group theater
- Psychological Realism
The magic "if"
If i was in ___ position, what would I do?
David Mamet
Directed American Buffalo and Glen Gary and Glen Ross
2 types of plays
new play and classic play
2 main concerns of directors
- 1. direct the actors
- 2. Visual composition
2 time periods to consider
- 1. When the play was written
- 2. The current time period
Anton Chekhov
- 1. Associated with Tragic Comedy (as the inventor of)
- 2. wrote "The Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchid" and "The Seagull"
Josh Logan
American Director of "The Wisteria Tree's"
an old fashioned circular stage
Robert Wilson
is an American avant-garde stage director and playwright who has been called "[America]'s — or even the world's — foremost vanguard 'theater artist'
- First drama critic
- wrote the poetics
- catharsis
types of dramas
- tragedy
- comedy
- melodrama
- tragic comedy
- farce
- Epic theater
- absurdist theater
- Oleanna
- protagonist suffers a fall from grace due to personal choices made by the protagonist
- Sophcles, Aeschylus, Euripides
- focuses on the individual
tragic realization
- focuses on society opposed to the individual
- has recurring characters (young lovers, doctor, the servant, hypocrites, misers, etc...)
- exaggerates human flaws and frailities
wrote "Tartuffe" and "The Misanthrope"
Tragic Comedy
- Anton Chekhov
- mixture of tragedy and comedy
- samuel beckett
- tony kushner
Samuel Beckett
- Irishman
- wrote the modern tragic comdey "Waiting for Godot"
- tragic comedy
Tony Kushner
- Modern American Playwright
- wrote "Angels in America"
- trgaic comedy
- mixed form of music and drama
- exmaple: Uncle Tom's Cabin
- has clear cut good guys and clear cut bad guys
- Society's safety valve
- practical jokes
- "Noises off" by Michael Frayn
- Latin word meaning stuffing
Epic Theater
- Bertolt Brecht
- The Alienation Effect
- songs serve as comments
- episodic and narrative
- a sequence of events narrated
Bertolt Brecht
- German
- wrote "Baal"
- wanted plays to be a living newspaper
- primarily political plays
- learning plays
- wrote "the three penny opera"
Absurdist Theater
- Eugene Ionesco
- Anything without a goal
- Situations showing life's absurdity
- things happen randomly for no reason
- "The Zoo Story"
Where does the audience look?
where the actor is looking
Eugene Ionesco
"The Bald Soprano"
Lillian Hellman
The Little Foxes
Actor Manager
- Prior to invention of the position of director
- Caroline Neuber
Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen
- first "outside eye" directing play
- early director
Andre Antoine
the founding producer-director of the Theater Libre
Peter Brook
- known for "the mahabharta"
- founder of the Internation centre for theater research
- director
Director Choreographers
Martha Clarke and Pina Bausch
Directors Assistants
Assistant Directors and Stage Managers