Theater Midterm

  1. Every seen in every play has a .....
  2. ephmeral
    short lived
  3. agon
  4. theater is...
    fluid and changeable
  5. Two types of listening
    Active and Passive
  6. Acting
    is living truthfully in a given set of circumstances of the play
  7. Actors try to answer one question
    What do I want?
  8. Actors get what they want by using....
    1. objectives 2. tactics
  9. Improvisation
    acting without a script
  10. steppenwolf theater company
    put on a famous production of True West
  11. David Garrick
    Mimical Behavior (acting is an imitation of life)
  12. Konstantin Stanislavski
    • 1. Wrote "An Actor Prepares"
    • 2. Director
    • 3. Moscow Art Theater
    • 4. Method Acting
  13. Sanford Misner
    • The Neighborhood Playhouse
    • Group theater
    • Psychological Realism
  14. Huberius
  15. The magic "if"
    If i was in ___ position, what would I do?
  16. David Mamet
    Directed American Buffalo and Glen Gary and Glen Ross
  17. 2 types of plays
    new play and classic play
  18. 2 main concerns of directors
    • 1. direct the actors
    • 2. Visual composition
  19. 2 time periods to consider
    • 1. When the play was written
    • 2. The current time period
  20. Anton Chekhov
    • 1. Associated with Tragic Comedy (as the inventor of)
    • 2. wrote "The Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchid" and "The Seagull"
  21. Serf
    Indentured Servant
  22. Josh Logan
    American Director of "The Wisteria Tree's"
  23. Procenium
    an old fashioned circular stage
  24. Robert Wilson
    is an American avant-garde stage director and playwright who has been called "[America]'s — or even the world's — foremost vanguard 'theater artist'
  25. Aristotle
    • First drama critic
    • wrote the poetics
    • catharsis
  26. types of dramas
    • tragedy
    • comedy
    • melodrama
    • tragic comedy
    • farce
    • Epic theater
    • absurdist theater
  27. Tragedy
    • Oleanna
    • protagonist suffers a fall from grace due to personal choices made by the protagonist
    • Sophcles, Aeschylus, Euripides
    • focuses on the individual
  28. Anagnorisis
    tragic realization
  29. Comedy
    • focuses on society opposed to the individual
    • has recurring characters (young lovers, doctor, the servant, hypocrites, misers, etc...)
    • exaggerates human flaws and frailities
  30. Moliere
    wrote "Tartuffe" and "The Misanthrope"
  31. Tragic Comedy
    • Anton Chekhov
    • mixture of tragedy and comedy
    • samuel beckett
    • tony kushner
  32. Samuel Beckett
    • Irishman
    • wrote the modern tragic comdey "Waiting for Godot"
    • tragic comedy
  33. Tony Kushner
    • Modern American Playwright
    • wrote "Angels in America"
    • trgaic comedy
  34. Melodrama
    • mixed form of music and drama
    • exmaple: Uncle Tom's Cabin
    • has clear cut good guys and clear cut bad guys
  35. Farce
    • Society's safety valve
    • practical jokes
    • "Noises off" by Michael Frayn
    • Latin word meaning stuffing
  36. Epic Theater
    • Bertolt Brecht
    • The Alienation Effect
    • songs serve as comments
    • episodic and narrative
    • a sequence of events narrated
  37. Bertolt Brecht
    • German
    • wrote "Baal"
    • wanted plays to be a living newspaper
    • primarily political plays
    • learning plays
    • wrote "the three penny opera"
  38. Absurdist Theater
    • Eugene Ionesco
    • Anything without a goal
    • Situations showing life's absurdity
    • things happen randomly for no reason
    • "The Zoo Story"
  39. Where does the audience look?
    where the actor is looking
  40. Eugene Ionesco
    "The Bald Soprano"
  41. Lillian Hellman
    The Little Foxes
  42. Actor Manager
    • Prior to invention of the position of director
    • Caroline Neuber
  43. Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen
    • first "outside eye" directing play
    • early director
  44. Andre Antoine
    the founding producer-director of the Theater Libre
  45. Peter Brook
    • known for "the mahabharta"
    • founder of the Internation centre for theater research
    • director
  46. Director Choreographers
    Martha Clarke and Pina Bausch
  47. Directors Assistants
    Assistant Directors and Stage Managers
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Theater Midterm
midterm review